{attribute 'qualified_only'}
// PLC Shift app configs, DUTs exported from PLC Shift Manager
GF01 : GF01_GasFlow_v1_8;
LF01: LF01_LiquidFlow_v1_3;
WT01: WT01_LiquidFlow_v1_3;
// hold static well configurations in an array. When the user selects a
// well to test, pick the desired config out of this array using the
// selected well on test as an index.
// demo configs are hard coded in this app and are used for
// demo purposes only
DemoWellConfigurations : ARRAY [0..4] OF WellCompleteConfig;
// Real well configurations. Use these for an actual system
// Well configurations must be loaded before well testing
// is possible
{attribute 'ac_persist' := 'PersistenceChannel'}
RealWellConfigurations : ARRAY [0..31] OF WellCompleteConfig;
// Track the status of real configurations
{attribute 'ac_persist' := 'PersistenceChannel'}
RealWellTestConfigStatus : ARRAY [0..31] OF WellTestConfigStatus;
// whether the use demo or real configurations
UseDemoConfigs : BOOL := TRUE;
// Expose a well config externally. Use this config
// to display internal configs from memory
// and to load external configs into our internal
// array
ExternalWellCompleteConfig : WellCompleteConfig;
// Use this to select the internal config to use
// This should be in the range of the RealWellConfigurations
// array. If the array is from 0 to 31, this should be
// from 1 to 32.
ExternalConfigNumber : INT;
// set this value to move an internal config to
// the external config
LoadConfigInternalToExternal : BOOL;
// set this value to move an external config
// to an internal config
LoadConfigExternalToInternal : BOOL;
// internal well on test
WellOnTestIn : DINT := 1;
// external well on test. Used in auto mode
WellOnTestOut : DINT := 0;
// state variable for main control loop
TestState : TestStates;
// manual control varaibles. HMI radio button values are
// mapped to these in code.
StartTest : BOOL;
StopTest : BOOL;
StartStopTest : INT := 0; // map HMI radio buttons to an integer
ManualAutoMode : INT :=0; // map HMI radio buttons to an integer