
Liquid Flow v1.2

Version Info

  • Completely change the way that tabular data is handled internally.
  • Make logging level for the app sticky over app restarts.

Group 'Contract'

Configure contract settings for the flow computer.

This is a configuration group that has 4 parameters.

ParameterTag NameIDValue TypeTag Value TypeIO TypeDefault ValueLimitsDefault UnitsAllowed UnitsDescriptionSync EnabledSync DefaultExport EnabledPublish MQTT EnabledSubscribe MQTT EnabledShow in Manager Enabled
Contract HourcontractHour1507328i16i8min:0;max:23;The hour of the day at which the daily accumulations will be reset. This is in local time where local time is determined from the value of 'Contract Hour UTC Offset'.
Contract Hour UTC OffsetcontractHourOffset1507329i16i0min:-12;max:12;The different between local time and universal coordinated time (UTC).
Base TemperaturebaseTemp1507330doublei20min:-200.0;max:400.0;384:celsius;384:celsius; 385:fahrenheit; The reference temperature to which flow values are corrected.
Base PressurebasePressure1507331doublei101.3min:0.1;max:200.0;256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 260:Pa; 261:psi; The reference pressure to which flow values are corrected.

Group 'Inputs'

Configure the inputs to the flow computer.

This is a configuration group that has 23 parameters.

ParameterTag NameIDValue TypeTag Value TypeIO TypeDefault ValueLimitsDefault UnitsAllowed UnitsDescriptionSync EnabledSync DefaultExport EnabledPublish MQTT EnabledSubscribe MQTT EnabledShow in Manager Enabled
Input TypeinputType1114113i32i0:Mass Flow0:Mass Flow; 1:Mass Pulse; 2:Volume Flow; 3:Volume Pulse; The type of sensor. Select 'Mass Flow' when using a sensor that provides a mass flow rate directly. Select 'Mass Pulse' when the sensor provides some number of pulses per some unit of mass. Selected 'Volume Flow' when the sensor provides a volumetric flow rate directly. Select 'Volume Pulse' when the sensor provides some number of pulses per unit of volume. Configure the appropriate settings in this group based on this selection.
Mass Flow TagmassFlTag1114114stringdoubleimassFlowminChars:2;maxChars:32; spaces:False; lettersNumbersOnly:True;896:kg_s;896:kg_s; 897:kg_hr; 898:lbm_day; 899:lbm_hr; The name of the tag that contains the value of the mass flow rate. This is required when the 'Input Type' is 'Mass Flow'.
Volume Flow TagvolFlTag1114115stringdoubleivolumeFlowminChars:2;maxChars:32; spaces:False; lettersNumbersOnly:True;1664:lqf_m3_day;1664:lqf_m3_day; 1665:lqf_m3_hr; 1666:lqf_e3m3_day; 1667:lqf_m3_s; 1668:lqf_ft3_hr; 1669:lqf_bbl_hr; 1670:lqf_gal_hr; 1671:lqf_bbl_day; 1672:lqf_gal_day; The name of the tag that contains the value of the volume flow rate. This is required when the 'Input Type' is 'Volume Flow'.
Mass Pulse TagmassPlTag1114116stringui32imassPulseminChars:2;maxChars:32; spaces:False; lettersNumbersOnly:True;The name of the tag that contains the value of the mass pulse input. This is required when the 'Input Type' is 'Mass Pulse'.
Volume Pulse TagvolPlTag1114117stringui32ivolumePulseminChars:2;maxChars:32; spaces:False; lettersNumbersOnly:True;The name of the tag that contains the value of the volume pulse input. This is required when the 'Input Type' is 'Volume Pulse'.
Mass Pulse RollovermassPlRollover1114140ui32i4294967295min:1000;max:4294967295;The value at which the mass pulse counter rolls over. This value is used by the app to determine the number of counts that occurred in an interval when the counts decrease from one interval to the next.
Volume Pulse RollovervolPlRollover1114139ui32i4294967295min:1000;max:4294967295;The value at which the volume pulse counter rolls over. This value is used by the app to determine the number of counts that occurred in an interval when the counts decrease from one interval to the next.
Mass Pulse K FactormassKFactor1114118doublei100min:0.0;max:1000000.0;1152:kg;1152:kg; 1153:lbm; 1154:metricTon; 1155:shortTon; 1156:impTon; The number of pulses per unit of mass for the meter. This is required when the 'Input Type' is 'Mass Pulse'.
Volume Pulse K FactorvolKFactor1114119doublei100min:0.0;max:1000000.0;1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The number of pulses per unit of volume for the meter. This is required when the 'Input Type' is 'Volume Pulse'.
Meter FactormeterFactor1114123doublei1min:0.0;max:1000.0;The adjustment to mass or volume flow rate. The value is multiplied by this number. A value of 1 has no effect.
Temperature Input TypetempType1114120i32i0:Live0:Live; 1:Fixed; 2:Coriolis Meter; The type of input to use for the temperature input. Select 'Live' when the temperature is available in the PLC. Select 'Fixed' to use a fixed value for the temperature. Select 'Coriolis Meter' to read the temperature directly from a Coriolis Meter. Direct polling of the meter must be enabled when the 'Coriolis Meter' option is selected.
Fixed TemperaturefixedTemp1114121doublei100min:-200.0;max:400.0;384:celsius;384:celsius; 385:fahrenheit; The value of the fixed temperature. This is required when the 'Temperature Input Type' is 'Fixed' and can be ignored otherwise.
Live Temperature TagliveTempTag1114122stringdoubleiplcTempminChars:2;maxChars:32; spaces:False; lettersNumbersOnly:True;384:celsius;384:celsius; 385:fahrenheit; The name of the tag that contains the live temperature. This is required when the 'Temperature Input Type' is 'Live' and can be ignored otherwise.
Static Pressure TagspTag1114130stringdoubleistaticPressureminChars:2;maxChars:32; spaces:False; lettersNumbersOnly:True;256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 261:psi; The name of the tag that contains the static pressure.
Static Pressure TypeprType1114131i32i0:Absolute0:Absolute; 1:Gauge; The type of measurement for the static pressure.
Atmospheric PressureatmPr1114132doublei101.3min:5.0;max:200.0;256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 261:psi; The pressure of the atmosphere.
Density TypedensityType1114133i32i0:Live0:Live; 1:Fixed; 2:Coriolis Meter; The type of input to use for the density input. Select 'Live' when the density is available in the PLC. Select 'Fixed' to use a fixed value for the density. Select 'Coriolis Meter' to read the density directly from a Coriolis Meter. Direct polling of the meter must be enabled when this option is selected.
Fixed DensityfixedDensity1114134doublei1000min:0.1;max:2000.0;1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The value of the fixed density. This is required when the 'Density Input Type' is 'Fixed' and can be ignored otherwise.
Live Density TagliveDensityTag1114135stringdoubleiplcDensityminChars:2;maxChars:32; spaces:False; lettersNumbersOnly:True;1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The name of the tag that contains the live density. This is required when the 'Density Input Type' is 'Live' and can be ignored otherwise.
Water Cut TypewaterCutType1114136i32i0:Fixed0:Fixed; 1:Live; 2:Calculated; The type of water cut. Choose the 'Fixed' option to use a fixed water cut. Choose the 'Live' option when a water cut meter is available. Use the 'Calculated' option when the water cut should be calculated. When 'Calculated' is selected, the 'Base Density Water' and 'Base Density Liquid' settings must be configured correctly.
Fixed Water CutfixedWaterCut1114137doublei10min:0.0;max:100.0;1:percent;1:percent; The value of the fixed water cut. This is required when the 'Water Cut Type' is 'Fixed' and can be ignored otherwise.
Live Water Cut TagliveWaterCutTag1114138stringdoubleiliveWaterCutminChars:2;maxChars:32; spaces:False; lettersNumbersOnly:True;1:percent;1:percent; The name of the tag that contains the live water cut. This is required when the 'Water Cut Input Type' is 'Live' and can be ignored otherwise.
Coriolis Meter Drive Gain IndriveGainIn1114129stringdoubleidriveGainminChars:2;maxChars:32; spaces:False; lettersNumbersOnly:True;1:percent;1:percent; The name of the tag that contains the drive gain from the Coriolis meter.

Group 'Flow Calculation'

Configure the flow calculation.

This is a configuration group that has 16 parameters.

ParameterTag NameIDValue TypeTag Value TypeIO TypeDefault ValueLimitsDefault UnitsAllowed UnitsDescriptionSync EnabledSync DefaultExport EnabledPublish MQTT EnabledSubscribe MQTT EnabledShow in Manager Enabled
Operation ModeopMode1179669i32i0:Continuous0:Continuous; 1:Batch; The operation mode for this flow run. When 'Batch' is selected use the 'Batch Control Mode' parameter to start and stop measurement.
Measurement TypemeasType1179670i32i0:Liquid0:Liquid; 1:Water; The type of product being measured by this application.
Product TypeliqProdType1179648i32i0:Crude Oil0:Crude Oil; 1:Fuel Oil; 2:Jet Fuel; 3:Transition Zone; 4:Gasoline; 5:Lubrication Oil; 6:Natural Gas Products; The specific type of product being measured. A density alarm will be active when the density is out of range for the selected product.
Low Mass CutofflowMassCutoff1179671doublei1min:0.0;max:1000000.0;896:kg_s;896:kg_s; 897:kg_hr; 898:lbm_day; 899:lbm_hr; The minimum acceptable value for the mass flow rate. When the mass flow rate is less than this value, the calculated flow will be 0.
Mass Pulse CutofflowMassPlCutoff1179674i32i10min:0;max:1000;5:countsPerSecond;5:countsPerSecond; When using a mass pulse meter, flow will be set to zero when the measured counts in one second are less than this this value. If the value is 0, flow will be set to zero after no counts in one minute.
Low Volume CutofflowVolCutoff1179672doublei1min:0.0;max:1000000.0;1664:lqf_m3_day;1664:lqf_m3_day; 1665:lqf_m3_hr; 1666:lqf_e3m3_day; 1667:lqf_m3_s; 1668:lqf_ft3_hr; 1669:lqf_bbl_hr; 1670:lqf_gal_hr; 1671:lqf_bbl_day; 1672:lqf_gal_day; The minimum acceptable value for the volume flow rate. When the volume flow rate is less than this value, the calculated flow will be 0.
Volume Pulse CutofflowVolPlCutoff1179675i32i10min:0;max:1000;5:countsPerSecond;5:countsPerSecond; When using a volume pulse meter, flow will be set to zero when the measured counts in one second are less than this this value. If the value is 0, flow will be set to zero after no counts in one minute.
Base Density OilbaseDensityOil1179655doublei600min:0.1;max:2000.0;1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The base density of oil in the mixture. This is used to calculate the water cut and must be configured when the 'Water Cut Type' is 'Calculated'.
Base Density WaterbaseDensityWater1179656doublei1000min:0.1;max:2000.0;1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The base density of water in the mixture. This is used to calculate the water cut and must be configured when the 'Water Cut Type' is 'Calculated'.
Correction Factor OilcorrFactOil1179660doublei1min:0.1;max:10.0;A correction factor for the oil measurement. The calculated value will be multiplied by this value.
Correction Factor WatercorrFactWater1179661doublei1min:0.1;max:10.0;A correction factor for the water measurement. The calculated value will be multiplied by this value.
Water Volume Correction TypewtrCorrType1179662i32i0:None0:None; 1:API 11.4.1 (Water); 2:API 20.1 (Produced Water); The type of correction to apply to the water calculation.
Produced Water DensityprodWtrDensity1179663doublei1000min:0.1;max:2000.0;1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The density of produced water at the base temperature. This value is required when the 'Water Volume Correction Type' is 'API 20.1 (Produced Water)'.
Enable Two Phase DetectionenTwoPhase1179668booliFalsemin:False;max:True;Whether to allow the flow computer to detect two phase flow.
Two Phase ThresholdtwoPhaseThreshold1179666doublei1000min:0.1;max:2000.0;1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The value of density at which two phase flow is determined. When the density is less than this value, two phase flow occurs.
Two Phase DelaytwoPhaseDelay1179667i16i60min:0;max:600;640:seconds;640:seconds; The delay between two phase flow being detected and becoming active or inactive.

Group 'Input Alarms'

Configure alarms for input values.

This is a configuration group that has 54 parameters.

ParameterTag NameIDValue TypeTag Value TypeIO TypeDefault ValueLimitsDefault UnitsAllowed UnitsDescriptionSync EnabledSync DefaultExport EnabledPublish MQTT EnabledSubscribe MQTT EnabledShow in Manager Enabled
Enable Mass Flow AlarmsenableMsAlarms1376256booliFalsemin:False;max:True;Whether to enable alarms for the mass flow rate input
Mass Flow Alarm DelaymsAlarmDelay1376291i32i10min:0;max:60;640:seconds;640:seconds; The delay between the value of the mass flow rate crossing an alarm limit and the alarm going active or inactive.
Mass Flow Low Low Alarm ValuemsLoLoAlarmVal1376257doublei5min:-5.0;max:100000.0;896:kg_s;896:kg_s; 897:kg_hr; 898:lbm_day; 899:lbm_hr; A low low alarm will be generated when the mass flow rate input is less than this value.
Mass Flow Low Alarm ValuemsLoAlarmVal1376258doublei20min:-5.0;max:100000.0;896:kg_s;896:kg_s; 897:kg_hr; 898:lbm_day; 899:lbm_hr; A low alarm will be generated when the mass flow rate input is less than this value.
Mass Flow High Alarm ValuemsHiAlarmVal1376259doublei80min:-5.0;max:100000.0;896:kg_s;896:kg_s; 897:kg_hr; 898:lbm_day; 899:lbm_hr; A high alarm will be generated when the mass flow rate input is greater than this value.
Mass Flow High High Alarm ValuemsHiHiAlarmVal1376260doublei95min:-5.0;max:100000.0;896:kg_s;896:kg_s; 897:kg_hr; 898:lbm_day; 899:lbm_hr; A high high alarm will be generated when the mass flow rate input is greater than this value.
Enable Volume Flow AlarmsenableVlAlarms1376261booliFalsemin:False;max:True;Whether to enable alarms for the volume flow rate input.
Volume Flow Alarm DelayvlAlarmDelay1376292i32i10min:0;max:60;640:seconds;640:seconds; The delay between the value of the volume flow rate crossing an alarm limit and the alarm going active or inactive.
Volume Flow Low Low Alarm ValuevlLoLoAlarmVal1376262doublei5min:-5.0;max:100000.0;1664:lqf_m3_day;1664:lqf_m3_day; 1665:lqf_m3_hr; 1666:lqf_e3m3_day; 1667:lqf_m3_s; 1668:lqf_ft3_hr; 1669:lqf_bbl_hr; 1670:lqf_gal_hr; 1671:lqf_bbl_day; 1672:lqf_gal_day; A low low alarm will be generated when the volume flow rate input is less than this value.
Volume Flow Low Alarm ValuevlLoAlarmVal1376263doublei20min:-5.0;max:100000.0;1664:lqf_m3_day;1664:lqf_m3_day; 1665:lqf_m3_hr; 1666:lqf_e3m3_day; 1667:lqf_m3_s; 1668:lqf_ft3_hr; 1669:lqf_bbl_hr; 1670:lqf_gal_hr; 1671:lqf_bbl_day; 1672:lqf_gal_day; A low alarm will be generated when the volume flow rate input is less than this value.
Volume Flow High Alarm ValuevlHiAlarmVal1376264doublei80min:-5.0;max:100000.0;1664:lqf_m3_day;1664:lqf_m3_day; 1665:lqf_m3_hr; 1666:lqf_e3m3_day; 1667:lqf_m3_s; 1668:lqf_ft3_hr; 1669:lqf_bbl_hr; 1670:lqf_gal_hr; 1671:lqf_bbl_day; 1672:lqf_gal_day; A high alarm will be generated when the volume flow rate input is greater than this value.
Volume Flow High High Alarm ValuevlHiHiAlarmVal1376265doublei95min:-5.0;max:100000.0;1664:lqf_m3_day;1664:lqf_m3_day; 1665:lqf_m3_hr; 1666:lqf_e3m3_day; 1667:lqf_m3_s; 1668:lqf_ft3_hr; 1669:lqf_bbl_hr; 1670:lqf_gal_hr; 1671:lqf_bbl_day; 1672:lqf_gal_day; A high high alarm will be generated when the volume flow rate input is greater than this value.
Enable Density AlarmsenableDnAlarms1376266booliFalsemin:False;max:True;Whether to enable alarms for the density input.
Density Alarm DelaydnAlarmDelay1376293i32i10min:0;max:60;640:seconds;640:seconds; The delay between the value of the density crossing an alarm limit and the alarm going active or inactive.
Density Low Low Alarm ValuednLoLoAlarmVal1376267doublei5min:-5.0;max:100000.0;1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; A low low alarm will be generated when the density input is less than this value.
Density Low Alarm ValuednLoAlarmVal1376268doublei20min:-5.0;max:100000.0;1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; A low alarm will be generated when the density input is less than this value
Density High Alarm ValuednHiAlarmVal1376269doublei80min:-5.0;max:100000.0;1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; A high alarm will be generated when the density input is greater than this value.
Density High High Alarm ValuednHiHiAlarmVal1376270doublei95min:-5.0;max:100000.0;1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; A high high alarm will be generated when the density input is greater than this value.
Enable Water Cut AlarmsenableWcAlarms1376271booliFalsemin:False;max:True;Whether to enable alarms for the water cut input.
Water Cut Alarm DelaywcAlarmDelay1376294i32i10min:0;max:60;640:seconds;640:seconds; The delay between the value of the water cut crossing an alarm limit and the alarm going active or inactive.
Water Cut Low Low Alarm ValuewcLoLoAlarmVal1376272doublei5min:-5.0;max:105.0;1:percent;1:percent; A low low alarm will be generated when the water cut input is less than this value.
Water Cut Low Alarm ValuewcLoAlarmVal1376273doublei20min:-5.0;max:105.0;1:percent;1:percent; A low alarm will be generated when the water cut input is less than this value.
Water Cut High Alarm ValuewcHiAlarmVal1376274doublei80min:-5.0;max:105.0;1:percent;1:percent; A high alarm will be generated when the water cut input is greater than this value.
Water Cut High High Alarm ValuewcHiHiAlarmVal1376275doublei95min:-5.0;max:105.0;1:percent;1:percent; A high high alarm will be generated when the water cut input is greater than this value.
Enable Temperature AlarmsenableTmAlarms1376276booliFalsemin:False;max:True;Whether to enable alarms for the temperature input.
Temperature Alarm DelaytmAlarmDelay1376295i32i10min:0;max:60;640:seconds;640:seconds; The delay between the value of the temperature crossing an alarm limit and the alarm going active or inactive.
Temperature Low Low Alarm ValuetmLoLoAlarmVal1376277doublei-20min:-60.0;max:1000.0;384:celsius;384:celsius; 385:fahrenheit; A low low alarm will be generated when the temperature input is less than this value.
Temperature Low Alarm ValuetmLoAlarmVal1376278doubleimin:-60.0;max:1000.0;384:celsius;384:celsius; 385:fahrenheit; A low alarm will be generated when the temperature input is less than this value.
Temperature High Alarm ValuetmHiAlarmVal1376279doublei100min:-60.0;max:1000.0;384:celsius;384:celsius; 385:fahrenheit; A high alarm will be generated when the temperature input is greater than this value.
Temperature High High Alarm ValuetmHiHiAlarmVal1376280doublei150min:-60.0;max:1000.0;384:celsius;384:celsius; 385:fahrenheit; A high high alarm will be generated when the temperature input is greater than this value.
Enable Static Pressure AlarmsenableSpAlarms1376281booliFalsemin:False;max:True;Whether to enable alarms for the static pressure input.
Static Pressure Alarm DelayspAlarmDelay1376296i32i10min:0;max:60;640:seconds;640:seconds; The delay between the value of the static pressure crossing an alarm limit and the alarm going active or inactive.
Static Pressure Low Low Alarm ValuespLoLoAlarmVal1376282doublei5min:-5.0;max:100000.0;256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 261:psi; A low low alarm will be generated when the static pressure input is less than this value.
Static Pressure Low Alarm ValuespLoAlarmVal1376283doublei20min:-5.0;max:100000.0;256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 261:psi; A low alarm will be generated when the static pressure input is less than this value.
Static Pressure High Alarm ValuespHiAlarmVal1376284doublei80min:-5.0;max:100000.0;256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 261:psi; A high alarm will be generated when the static pressure input is greater than this value.
Static Pressure High High Alarm ValuespHiHiAlarmVal1376285doublei95min:-5.0;max:100000.0;256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 261:psi; A high high alarm will be generated when the static pressure input is greater than this value.
Enable Drive Gain AlarmsenableDgAlarms1376286booliFalsemin:False;max:True;Whether to enable alarms for the Coriolis meter drive gain.
Drive Gain Pressure Alarm DelaydgAlarmDelay1376297i32i10min:0;max:60;640:seconds;640:seconds; The delay between the value of the drive gain crossing an alarm limit and the alarm going active or inactive.
Drive Gain Low Low Alarm ValuedgLoLoAlarmVal1376287doublei5min:-5.0;max:100000.0;256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 261:psi; A low low alarm will be generated when the drive gain input is less than this value.
Drive Gain Low Alarm ValuedgLoAlarmVal1376288doublei20min:-5.0;max:100000.0;256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 261:psi; A low alarm will be generated when the drive gain input is less than this value.
Drive Gain High Alarm ValuedgHiAlarmVal1376289doublei80min:-5.0;max:100000.0;256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 261:psi; A high alarm will be generated when the drive gain input is greater than this value.
Drive Gain High High Alarm ValuedgHiHiAlarmVal1376290doublei95min:-5.0;max:100000.0;256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 261:psi; A high high alarm will be generated when the drive gain input is greater than this value.
Enable Mass Pulse AlarmsenableMsPlAlarms1376298booliFalsemin:False;max:True;Whether to enable alarms on the mass pulse input.
Mass Pulse Alarm DelaymsPlAlarmDelay1376299i32i10min:0;max:60;640:seconds;640:seconds; The delay between the value of the mass pulse input crossing an alarm limit and the alarm going active or inactive.
Mass Pulse Low Low Alarm ValuemsPlLoLoAlarmVal1376300i32i100min:0;max:100000;A low low alarm will be generated when the mass pulse counts are less than this value.
Mass Pulse Low Alarm ValuemsPlLoAlarmVal1376301i32i1000min:0;max:100000;A low alarm will be generated when the mass pulse counts are less than this value.
Mass Pulse High Alarm ValuemsPlHiAlarmVal1376302i32i50000min:0;max:100000;A high alarm will be generated when the mass pulse counts are greater than this value.
Mass Pulse High High Alarm ValuemsPlHiHiAlarmVal1376303i32i75000min:0;max:100000;A high high alarm will be generated when the mass pulse counts are greater than this value.
Enable Volume Pulse AlarmsenableVlPlAlarms1376304booliFalsemin:False;max:True;Whether to enable alarms on the volume pulse input.
Volume Pulse Alarm DelayvlPlAlarmDelay1376305i32i10min:0;max:60;640:seconds;640:seconds; The delay between the value of the volume pulse input crossing an alarm limit and the alarm going active or inactive.
Volume Pulse Low Low Alarm ValuevlPlLoLoAlarmVal1376306i32i100min:0;max:100000;A low low alarm will be generated when the volume pulse counts are less than this value.
Volume Pulse Low Alarm ValuevlPlLoAlarmVal1376307i32i1000min:0;max:100000;A low alarm will be generated when the volume pulse counts are less than this value.
Volume Pulse High Alarm ValuevlPlHiAlarmVal1376308i32i50000min:0;max:100000;A high alarm will be generated when the volume pulse counts are greater than this value.
Volume Pulse High High Alarm ValuevlPlHiHiAlarmVal1376309i32i75000min:0;max:100000;A high high alarm will be generated when the volume pulse counts are greater than this value.

Group 'Direct Polling'

Configure direct polling of meters using settings in this group.

This is a configuration group that has 12 parameters.

ParameterTag NameIDValue TypeTag Value TypeIO TypeDefault ValueLimitsDefault UnitsAllowed UnitsDescriptionSync EnabledSync DefaultExport EnabledPublish MQTT EnabledSubscribe MQTT EnabledShow in Manager Enabled
Poll Coriolis Meter DirectlyenPollCoriolis1441792booliFalsemin:False;max:True;Select this option to poll a Coriolis meter directly from the application instead of reading tags from the PLC. When this option is selected the units on the input tags must match the configured units in the meter.
Coriolis Meter TypecorMeterType1441793i32i0:Micro Motion0:Micro Motion; 1:Endress + Hauser; 2:Krohne MFC 400; The type of Coriolis meter. Select 'Micro Motion' for Micro Motion 1000, 2000, 3000 and 5000 series meters. Select 'Endress + Hauser' for Promass 83, 100, 3000 or 500 series meters.
Coriolis Meter ProtocolcorProtocol1441794i32i0:Modbus RTU0:Modbus RTU; 1:Modbus TCP; 2:Modbus RTU in TCP; The protocol used to communicate with the Coriolis meter.
Coriolis Meter Station AddresscorStAddr1441795i16i1min:1;max:254;The Modbus station address of the Coriolis meter.
Coriolis Meter TCP Host NamecorTcpHost1441796stringi192.168.0.17minChars:2;maxChars:64; spaces:False; lettersNumbersOnly:True;The IP address or host name of the Coriolis meter.
Coriolis Meter TCP PortcorTcpPort1441797ui16i502min:1;max:65535;The port on the Coriolis meter to connect to.
Coriolis Meter Serial Port NamecorSerialPort1441798stringi/dev/ttyS0minChars:2;maxChars:32; spaces:False; lettersNumbersOnly:False;The name of the serial port to use to communicate with the Coriolis meter. When multiple liquid flow applications share the same serial port the meters will be polled sequentially. Having many meters on a single serial port will affect the update rate of all meters on that port.
Coriolis Meter Baud RatecorBaudRate1441799i32i2:Baud 96000:Baud 2400; 1:Baud 4800; 2:Baud 9600; 3:Baud 19200; 4:Baud 38400; 5:Baud 57600; 6:Baud 115200; The baud rate for the serial port used to communicate with the Coriolis meter. When multiple liquid flow applications share the same serial port the baud rate must be set to the same value in all applications.
Coriolis Meter Serial Port ParitycorParity1441800i32i0:No Parity0:No Parity; 1:Even Parity; 2:Odd Parity; The parity setting for the serial port used to communicate with the Coriolis meter. When multiple liquid flow applications share the same serial port the parity setting must be set to the same value in all applications.
Coriolis Meter Serial Port Stop BitscorStopBits1441801i32i0:One Stop Bit0:One Stop Bit; 1:Two Stop Bits; The number of stop bits for the serial port used to communicate with the Coriolis meter. When multiple liquid flow applications share the same serial port the stop bits setting must be set to the same value in all applications.
Coriolis Meter Float Register OrderingcorFltRegOrd1441802i32i0:High Bytes Low Register0:High Bytes Low Register; 1:High Bytes High Register; Modbus does not specify a register ordering for 32 bit values. Select the register ordering for 32 bit floating point values. Choose 'High Bytes Low Register' when the higher order 16 bits are in the first register. Choose 'High Bytes High Register' when the higher order 16 bits are in the second register.
Coriolis Meter Int32 Register OrderingcorI32tRegOrd1441803i32i0:High Bytes Low Register0:High Bytes Low Register; 1:High Bytes High Register; Modbus does not specify a register ordering for 32 bit values. Select the register ordering for 32 bit signed and unsigned integer values. Choose 'High Bytes Low Register' when the higher order 16 bits are in the first register. Choose 'High Bytes High Register' when the higher order 16 bits are in the second register

Group 'Control'

Control the application

This is a control group that has 9 parameters.

ParameterTag NameIDValue TypeTag Value TypeIO TypeDefault ValueLimitsDefault UnitsAllowed UnitsDescriptionSync EnabledSync DefaultExport EnabledPublish MQTT EnabledSubscribe MQTT EnabledShow in Manager Enabled
Freeze InputsfreezeInputs8388608boolioFalsemin:False;max:True;Whether to freeze the inputs to the flow calculation. When enabled, the inputs to the flow calculation will not be live values but will be fixed at the last known value before the command the issued. For turbine meters, the pulse rate will be frozen at the actual rate for the last minute.
Batch ControlbatchControl8388609i32io0:Stop Batch0:Stop Batch; 1:Purge; 2:Start Batch; Control the flow calculation when the 'Operation Mode' is 'Batch'. Select 'Stop Batch' to stop the flow calculation. Select "Purge" to calculate flow and accumulate volume, but to not generate history. Select 'Start Batch' to calculate flow, accumulate volume and generate history.
End Contract DayendContractDy8388610boolioFalsemin:False;max:True;End the current contract day and start a new contract day. Has no effect when the 'Operation Mode' is not 'Continuous'.
Day User ID PresetdayUserIdPreset8388611i32io0min:0;max:2147483647;Set the value of the 'Day User Id' field in flow history records. The value of the user ID set to this value when 'Set Day User ID' is set and is then incremented automatically for each contract day.
Set Day User IDsetDayUserId8388612boolioFalsemin:False;max:True;Set this to push the value from the 'Day User ID Preset' into the flow computer. This parameter will be cleared automatically by the flow computer once processed.
Batch User ID PresetbatchUserIdPreset8388613i32io0min:0;max:2147483647;Set the value of the 'Batch User Id' field in flow history records. The value of the user ID set to this value when 'Set Batch User ID' is set and is then incremented automatically for each batch.
Set Batch User IDsetBatchUserId8388614boolioFalsemin:False;max:True;Set this to push the value from the 'Batch User ID Preset' into the flow computer. This parameter will be cleared automatically by the flow computer once processed.
Asset ID PresetassetIdPreset8388615i32io0min:0;max:2147483647;Set the value of the 'Asset Id' field in flow history records. The value of the asset ID set to this value when 'Set Asset ID' is set. Unlike day and batch IDs, which are meant to be unique to each contract day and batch, the asset ID is used to tie flow history records together for a specific asset. For example, the asset ID can be used to refer to a specific well or tank.
Set Asset IDsetAssetId8388616boolioFalsemin:False;max:True;Set this to push the value from the 'Asset ID Preset' into the flow computer. This parameter will be cleared automatically by the flow computer once processed.

Group 'Configuration Group Status'

Parameters in this group indicate the status of the associated configuration group

This is a status group that has 5 parameters.

ParameterTag NameIDValue TypeTag Value TypeIO TypeDefault ValueLimitsDefault UnitsAllowed UnitsDescriptionSync EnabledSync DefaultExport EnabledPublish MQTT EnabledSubscribe MQTT EnabledShow in Manager Enabled
Contract Group Configuration InvalidcontractGrpInVld5373959booloIndicates whether the pending configuration of the 'Contract' group is valid or invalid. A low value indicates a valid configuration. A high value indicates an invalid configuration.
Inputs Group Configuration ValidinputGrpVld5373952booloIndicates whether the configuration of the 'Inputs' group is valid or invalid. A low value indicates a valid configuration. A high value indicates an invalid configuration.
Flow Calculation Group Configuration ValidflwCalcGrpVld5373953booloIndicates whether the configuration of the 'Flow Calculation' group is valid or invalid. A low value indicates a valid configuration. A high value indicates an invalid configuration.
Input Alarms Configuration ValidinAlarmGrpVld5373957booloIndicates whether the configuration of the 'Input Alarms' group is valid or invalid. A low value indicates a valid configuration. A high value indicates an invalid configuration
Direct Polling Group Configuration InvaliddrtPllGrpVld5373958booloIndicates whether the pending configuration of the 'Direct Polling' group is valid or invalid. A low value indicates a valid configuration. A high value indicates an invalid configuration.

Group 'Flow Status'

Outputs from the flow computer.

This is a status group that has 22 parameters.

ParameterTag NameIDValue TypeTag Value TypeIO TypeDefault ValueLimitsDefault UnitsAllowed UnitsDescriptionSync EnabledSync DefaultExport EnabledPublish MQTT EnabledSubscribe MQTT EnabledShow in Manager Enabled
Inputs FrozeninputsFrozen5570582booloWhether the inputs are frozen. When frozen, the inputs will not change and hold whatever value they had when the 'Freeze Inputs' command was issued.
Inputs InvalidinputsInvalid5570583booloThe input values to the flow computer are not valid. See the app's diagnostic log for more details.
Zero FlowzeroFlow5570584booloSet when there is zero flow. This can happen because an input is below the cutoff value or the input values are invalid.
Flow Calculation FailedflowCalcFailed5570604booloWhether or not the flow calculation has failed. The flow calc can fail for many reasons, including invalid inputs, inputs out of range, the algorithm did not converge, as well as others. See the app's diagnostic log for more details on why the calculation failed.
Mass Flow RatemassFlRate5570586doubleo896:kg_s;896:kg_s; 897:kg_hr; 898:lbm_day; 899:lbm_hr; The mass flow rate.
Raw Volume Flow RatevolFlRate5570587doubleo1664:lqf_m3_day;1664:lqf_m3_day; 1665:lqf_m3_hr; 1666:lqf_e3m3_day; 1667:lqf_m3_s; 1668:lqf_ft3_hr; 1669:lqf_bbl_hr; 1670:lqf_gal_hr; 1671:lqf_bbl_day; 1672:lqf_gal_day; The uncorrected volumetric flow rate.
Gross Standard Volume Flow RategrStdVolFlRate5570588doubleo1664:lqf_m3_day;1664:lqf_m3_day; 1665:lqf_m3_hr; 1666:lqf_e3m3_day; 1667:lqf_m3_s; 1668:lqf_ft3_hr; 1669:lqf_bbl_hr; 1670:lqf_gal_hr; 1671:lqf_bbl_day; 1672:lqf_gal_day; The corrected total volumetric flow rate.
Net Standard Volume Oil Flow RatentStdVolOilFlRate5570589doubleo1664:lqf_m3_day;1664:lqf_m3_day; 1665:lqf_m3_hr; 1666:lqf_e3m3_day; 1667:lqf_m3_s; 1668:lqf_ft3_hr; 1669:lqf_bbl_hr; 1670:lqf_gal_hr; 1671:lqf_bbl_day; 1672:lqf_gal_day; The corrected oil flow rate.
Net Standard Volume Water Flow RatentStdVolWtrFlRate5570590doubleo1664:lqf_m3_day;1664:lqf_m3_day; 1665:lqf_m3_hr; 1666:lqf_e3m3_day; 1667:lqf_m3_s; 1668:lqf_ft3_hr; 1669:lqf_bbl_hr; 1670:lqf_gal_hr; 1671:lqf_bbl_day; 1672:lqf_gal_day; The corrected water flow rate.
Water CutinstWtrCut5570591doubleo1:percent;1:percent; The actual water cut.
Input DensitydensityIn5570592doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The actual input density to the flow calculation. This value can be live or fixed, and when live, it can be read directly from a Coriolis meter.
Corrected DensitydensityCorr5570593doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The calculated corrected density.
Input TemperaturetempIn5570595doubleo384:celsius;384:celsius; 385:fahrenheit; The actual input temperature to the flow calculation. This value can be live or fixed, and when live, it can be read directly from a Coriolis meter.
Input PressurepressureIn5570596doubleo256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 261:psi; The actual input pressure to the flow calculation.
CTL OilctlOil5570597doubleoThe temperature correction factor for oil.
CPL OilcplOil5570600doubleoThe pressure correction factor for oil.
CTL WaterctlWtr5570598doubleoThe temperature correction factor for water.
Two Phase FlowtwoPhase5570599booloWhether two phase flow is active
Coriolis Meter Drive GaindriveGainOut5570585doubleo1:percent;1:percent; The actual drive gain of the Coriolis meter.
Day User IDdayUserId5570601i32oThe value of the user ID for the current contract day. This value is incremented automatically for each new contract day.
Asset IDassetId5570602i32oThe current value of the asset ID that will be inserted into flow history records. Use the 'Asset ID Preset' and 'Set Asset ID' control parameters to set this value.
Next Batch User IDnextBatchUserId5570603i32oThis will be the value of the 'Batch User ID' parameter when the next batch is started.

Group 'Direct Polling Status'

Status information for when sensors are polled directly from the app instead of through the PLC.

This is a status group that has 19 parameters.

ParameterTag NameIDValue TypeTag Value TypeIO TypeDefault ValueLimitsDefault UnitsAllowed UnitsDescriptionSync EnabledSync DefaultExport EnabledPublish MQTT EnabledSubscribe MQTT EnabledShow in Manager Enabled
Coriolis Meter ConnectedcorConnected5767168booloWhether the Coriolis meter is connected. When a serial connection is used, whether the serial port can be opened and whether the meter can successfully be polled. When a TCP connection is used, whether a connection can be made and whether the meter can successfully be polled.
Coriolis Meter Mass Flow Rate StatuscorMassStatus5767169i32o0:None0:None; 1:Good; 2:Bad; The status of the mass flow rate value from the Coriolis meter.
Coriolis Meter Mass Flow RatecorMassValue5767170doubleo896:kg_s;896:kg_s; 897:kg_hr; 898:lbm_day; 899:lbm_hr; The raw value of the mass flow rate as read directly from the Coriolis meter.
Coriolis Meter Volume Flow Rate StatuscorVolStatus5767171i32o0:None0:None; 1:Good; 2:Bad; The status of the volume flow rate value from the Coriolis meter.
Coriolis Meter Volume Flow RatecorVolValue5767172doubleo1664:lqf_m3_day;1664:lqf_m3_day; 1665:lqf_m3_hr; 1666:lqf_e3m3_day; 1667:lqf_m3_s; 1668:lqf_ft3_hr; 1669:lqf_bbl_hr; 1670:lqf_gal_hr; 1671:lqf_bbl_day; 1672:lqf_gal_day; The raw value of the volume flow rate as read directly from the Coriolis meter.
Coriolis Meter Temperature StatuscorTempStatus5767173i32o0:None0:None; 1:Good; 2:Bad; The status of the temperature value from the Coriolis meter.
Coriolis Meter TemperaturecorTempValue5767174doubleo384:celsius;384:celsius; 385:fahrenheit; The raw value of the temperature as read directly from the Coriolis meter.
Coriolis Meter Density StatuscorDenStatus5767175i32o0:None0:None; 1:Good; 2:Bad; The status of the density value from the Coriolis meter.
Coriolis Meter DensitycorDensValue5767176doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The raw value of the density as read directly from the Coriolis meter.
Coriolis Meter Poll Time MinimumcorPollTimeMin5767177doubleo641:milliseconds;641:milliseconds; The minimum Coriolis meter polling time for just this application. This value is reset every hour.
Coriolis Meter Poll Time MaximumcorPollTimeMax5767178doubleo641:milliseconds;641:milliseconds; The maximum Coriolis meter polling time for just this application. This value is reset every hour.
Coriolis Meter Poll Time AveragecorPollTimeAvg5767179doubleo641:milliseconds;641:milliseconds; The average Coriolis meter polling time for just this application. This value is reset every hour.
Coriolis Meter Poll Time Minimum All AppscorPollTmeAllAppsMin5767180doubleo641:milliseconds;641:milliseconds; The minimum Coriolis meter polling time for all applications that share a serial port. This value is reset every hour.
Coriolis Meter Poll Time Maximum All AppscorPollTmeAllAppsMax5767181doubleo641:milliseconds;641:milliseconds; The maximum Coriolis meter polling time for all applications that share a serial port. This value is reset every hour.
Coriolis Meter Poll Time Average All AppscorPollTmeAllAppsAvg5767182doubleo641:milliseconds;641:milliseconds; The average Coriolis meter polling time for all applications that share a serial port. This value is reset every hour.
Total Coriolis Meter Polls TodaycorTotalPollsTdy5767183i32oThe total number of Coriolis Meter polls attempted today. This value is reset at midnight local time.
Good Coriolis Meter Polls TodaycorGoodPollsTdy5767184i32oThe total number of successful Coriolis meter polls today. This value is reset at midnight local time.
Failed Coriolis Meter Polls TodaycorFailPollsTdy5767185i32oThe total number of failed Coriolis meter polls today. This value is reset at midnight local time.
Coriolis Meter Polling SuspendedcorPollingSuspended5767186booloWhether polling of the Coriolis meter has been suspended. Polling is suspended when inputs are frozen.

Group 'Flow Status - Minute'

Flow status for the current minute.

This is a status group that has 18 parameters.

ParameterTag NameIDValue TypeTag Value TypeIO TypeDefault ValueLimitsDefault UnitsAllowed UnitsDescriptionSync EnabledSync DefaultExport EnabledPublish MQTT EnabledSubscribe MQTT EnabledShow in Manager Enabled
Flow Time Current MinutemnFlowTime5898240doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; The flow time in the current minute.
Minute Start TimemnStartTs5898241ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the start of the current minute.
Current Minute Mass Pulse CountmnMassCounts5898242ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the mass pulse input in the current minute using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Current Minute Volume Pulse CountmnVolCounts5898258ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the volume pulse input in the current minute using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Current Minute MassmnMass5898243doubleo1152:kg;1152:kg; 1153:lbm; 1154:metricTon; 1155:shortTon; 1156:impTon; The accumulated mass in the current minute.
Current Minute Raw VolumemnVol5898244doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated raw (uncorrected) volume in the current minute.
Current Minute Gross Standard VolumemnGrStdVol5898245doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume in the current minute.
Current Minute Net Standard Volume OilmnNtStdVolOil5898246doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of oil in the current minute.
Current Minute Net Standard Volume WatermnNtStdVolWtr5898247doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of water in the current minute.
Current Minute Avg Water CutmnAvgWtrCut5898248doubleo1:percent;1:percent; The average water cut for the current minute using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Current Minute Avg Density InputmnAvgDensityIn5898249doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average input density for the current minute using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Current Minute Avg Density CorrectedmnAvgDensityCorr5898250doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average corrected density for the current minute using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Current Minute Avg TemperaturemnTempAvg5898252doubleo384:celsius;384:celsius; 385:fahrenheit; The average temperature for the current minute using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Current Minute Avg PressuremnSpAvg5898253doubleo256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 260:Pa; 261:psi; The average pressure for the current minute using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Current Minute Avg CTL OilmnAvgCtlOil5898254doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for oil for the current minute using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Current Minute Avg CPL OilmnAvgCplOil5898255doubleoThe average pressure correction factor for oil for the current minute using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Current Minute Avg CTL WatermnAvgCtlWtr5898256doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for water for the current minute using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Current Minute Two Phase TimemnTwoPhaseTime5898257doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; 643:hours; The time spent in two phase flow for the current minute.

Group 'Flow Status - Hour'

Flow status for the current hour.

This is a status group that has 18 parameters.

ParameterTag NameIDValue TypeTag Value TypeIO TypeDefault ValueLimitsDefault UnitsAllowed UnitsDescriptionSync EnabledSync DefaultExport EnabledPublish MQTT EnabledSubscribe MQTT EnabledShow in Manager Enabled
Flow Time Current HourhrFlowTime5963776doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; The flow time in the current hour.
Hour Start TimehrStartTs5963777ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the start of the current hour.
Current Hour Mass Pulse CounthrMassCounts5963778ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the mass pulse input in the current hour using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Current Hour Volume Pulse CounthrVolCounts5963794ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the volume pulse input in the current hour using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Current Hour MasshrMass5963779doubleo1152:kg;1152:kg; 1153:lbm; 1154:metricTon; 1155:shortTon; 1156:impTon; The accumulated mass in the current hour.
Current Hour Raw VolumehrVol5963780doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated raw (uncorrected) volume in the current hour.
Current Hour Gross Standard VolumehrGrStdVol5963781doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume in the current hour.
Current Hour Net Standard Volume OilhrNtStdVolOil5963782doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of oil in the current hour.
Current Hour Net Standard Volume WaterhrNtStdVolWtr5963783doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of water in the current hour.
Current Hour Avg Water CuthrAvgWtrCut5963784doubleo1:percent;1:percent; The average water cut for the current hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Current Hour Avg Density InputhrAvgDensityIn5963785doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average input density for the current hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Current Hour Avg Density CorrectedhrAvgDensityCorr5963786doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average corrected density for the current hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Current Hour Avg TemperaturehrTempAvg5963788doubleo384:celsius;384:celsius; 385:fahrenheit; The average temperature for the current hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Current Hour Avg PressurehrSpAvg5963789doubleo256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 260:Pa; 261:psi; The average pressure for the current hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Current Hour Avg CTL OilhrAvgCtlOil5963790doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for oil for the current hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Current Hour Avg CPL OilhrAvgCplOil5963791doubleoThe average pressure correction factor for oil for the current hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Current Hour Avg CTL WaterhrAvgCtlWtr5963792doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for water for the current hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Current Hour Two Phase TimehrTwoPhaseTime5963793doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; 643:hours; The time spent in two phase flow for the current hour.

Group 'Flow Status - Day'

Flow status for the current contract day.

This is a status group that has 18 parameters.

ParameterTag NameIDValue TypeTag Value TypeIO TypeDefault ValueLimitsDefault UnitsAllowed UnitsDescriptionSync EnabledSync DefaultExport EnabledPublish MQTT EnabledSubscribe MQTT EnabledShow in Manager Enabled
Flow Time Current DaydyFlowTime6029312doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; The flow time in the current contract day.
Day Start TimedyStartTs6029313ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the start of the current contract day.
Current Day Mass Pulse CountdyMassCounts6029314ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the mass pulse input in the current contract day using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Current Day Volume Pulse CountdyVolCounts6029330ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the volume pulse input in the current day using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Current Day MassdyMass6029315doubleo1152:kg;1152:kg; 1153:lbm; 1154:metricTon; 1155:shortTon; 1156:impTon; The accumulated mass in the current contract day.
Current Day Raw VolumedyVol6029316doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated raw (uncorrected) volume in the current contract day.
Current Day Gross Standard VolumedyGrStdVol6029317doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume in the current contract day.
Current Day Net Standard Volume OildyNtStdVolOil6029318doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of oil in the current contract day.
Current Day Net Standard Volume WaterdyNtStdVolWtr6029319doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of water in the current contract day.
Current Day Avg Water CutdyAvgWtrCut6029320doubleo1:percent;1:percent; The average water cut for the current contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Current Day Avg Density InputdyAvgDensityIn6029321doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average input density for the current contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Current Day Avg Density CorrecteddyAvgDensityCorr6029322doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average corrected density for the current contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Current Day Avg TemperaturedyTempAvg6029324doubleo384:celsius;384:celsius; 385:fahrenheit; The average temperature for the current contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Current Day Avg PressuredySpAvg6029325doubleo256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 260:Pa; 261:psi; The average pressure for the current contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Current Day Avg CTL OildyAvgCtlOil6029326doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for oil for the current contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Current Day Avg CPL OildyAvgCplOil6029327doubleoThe average pressure correction factor for oil for the current contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Current Day Avg CTL WaterdyAvgCtlWtr6029328doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for water for the current contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Current Day Two Phase TimedyTwoPhaseTime6029329doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; 643:hours; The time spent in two phase flow for the current contract day.

Group 'Input Alarm Status'

The status of alarms on the flow computer inputs.

This is a status group that has 10 parameters.

ParameterTag NameIDValue TypeTag Value TypeIO TypeDefault ValueLimitsDefault UnitsAllowed UnitsDescriptionSync EnabledSync DefaultExport EnabledPublish MQTT EnabledSubscribe MQTT EnabledShow in Manager Enabled
Alarm ActivealarmActive5505030booloAn active high value that indicates whether any alarm is active.
Mass Flow Rate Input Alarm StatusmsAlarmStatus5505024i32o0:Disabled0:Disabled; 1:Normal; 2:Low Low; 3:Low; 4:High; 5:High High; The status of the alarm on the mass flow rate input.
Volume Flow Rate Input Alarm StatusvlAlarmStatus5505025i32o0:Disabled0:Disabled; 1:Normal; 2:Low Low; 3:Low; 4:High; 5:High High; The status of the alarm on the volume flow rate input.
Mass Pulse Alarm StatusmsPlAlarmStatus5505032i32o0:Disabled0:Disabled; 1:Normal; 2:Low Low; 3:Low; 4:High; 5:High High; The status of the alarm on the mass pulse input.
Volume Pulse Alarm StatusvlPlAlarmStatus5505033i32o0:Disabled0:Disabled; 1:Normal; 2:Low Low; 3:Low; 4:High; 5:High High; The status of the alarm on the volume pulse input.
Density Input Alarm StatusdnAlarmStatus5505026i32o0:Disabled0:Disabled; 1:Normal; 2:Low Low; 3:Low; 4:High; 5:High High; The status of the alarm on the density input.
Water Cut Input Alarm StatuswcAlarmStatus5505027i32o0:Disabled0:Disabled; 1:Normal; 2:Low Low; 3:Low; 4:High; 5:High High; The status of the alarm on the water cut input.
Temperature Input Alarm StatustmAlarmStatus5505028i32o0:Disabled0:Disabled; 1:Normal; 2:Low Low; 3:Low; 4:High; 5:High High; The status of the alarm on the temperature input.
Static Pressure Input Alarm StatusspAlarmStatus5505029i32o0:Disabled0:Disabled; 1:Normal; 2:Low Low; 3:Low; 4:High; 5:High High; The status of the alarm on the static pressure input.
Drive Gain Alarm StatusdgAlarmStatus5505031i32o0:Disabled0:Disabled; 1:Normal; 2:Low Low; 3:Low; 4:High; 5:High High; The status of the alarm on the drive gain input.

Group 'Hourly History'

Hourly history records. The numeric value after the group or tag name describes which hour the record is for. For example, _03 is the current hour -3, while _01 is the previous hour, which is the same as the current hour -1.

This is a status group that has 550 parameters.

ParameterTag NameIDValue TypeTag Value TypeIO TypeDefault ValueLimitsDefault UnitsAllowed UnitsDescriptionSync EnabledSync DefaultExport EnabledPublish MQTT EnabledSubscribe MQTT EnabledShow in Manager Enabled
Hour Start Timestamp 01hrHisStartTs_0015638244ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the start of the hour.
Hour End Time 01hrHisEndTs_0015638245ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the end of the hour
Hour Flow Time 01hrHisFlowTime_0015638247doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; 643:hours; The time that flow was non-zero for the hour.
Hour Mass Pulse Count 01hrHisMassPlCnt_0015638248ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the mass pulse input in the hour using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Hour Volume Pulse Count 01hrHisVolPlCnt_0015638263ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the volume pulse input in the hour using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Hour Raw Volume 01hrHisVol_0015638249doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated raw (uncorrected) volume in the hour.
Hour Gross Standard Volume 01hrHisGrStdVol_0015638250doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume in the hour.
Hour Net Standard Volume Oil 01hrHisNtStdVolOil_0015638251doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of oil in the hour.
Hour Net Standard Volume Water 01hrHisNtStdVolWtr_0015638252doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of water in the hour.
Hour Avg Water Cut 01hrHisAvgWtrCut_0015638253doubleo1:percent;1:percent; The average water cut for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Avg Density Input 01hrHisAvgDensityIn_0015638254doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average input density for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Avg Density Corrected 01hrHisAvgDensityCorr_0015638265doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average corrected density for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Avg Temperature 01hrHisTempAvg_0015638255doubleo384:celsius;384:celsius; 385:fahrenheit; The average temperature for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Start Timestamp 02hrHisStartTs_0025638344ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the start of the hour.
Hour Avg Pressure 01hrHisSpAvg_0015638256doubleo256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 260:Pa; 261:psi; The average pressure for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour End Time 02hrHisEndTs_0025638345ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the end of the hour
Hour Avg CTL Oil 01hrHisAvgCtlOil_0015638257doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for oil for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Flow Time 02hrHisFlowTime_0025638347doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; 643:hours; The time that flow was non-zero for the hour.
Hour Avg CPL Oil 01hrHisAvgCplOil_0015638258doubleoThe average pressure correction factor for oil for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Mass Pulse Count 02hrHisMassPlCnt_0025638348ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the mass pulse input in the hour using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Hour Volume Pulse Count 02hrHisVolPlCnt_0025638363ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the volume pulse input in the hour using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Hour Avg CTL Water 01hrHisAvgCtlWtr_0015638259doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for water for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Raw Volume 02hrHisVol_0025638349doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated raw (uncorrected) volume in the hour.
Hour Two Phase Time 01hrHisTwoPhseTm_0015638260doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; The time spent in two phase flow for the hour.
Hour Gross Standard Volume 02hrHisGrStdVol_0025638350doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume in the hour.
Hour Event Count 01hrHisEventCount_0015638261i32oThe number of events in the hour.
Hour Net Standard Volume Oil 02hrHisNtStdVolOil_0025638351doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of oil in the hour.
Hour Alarm Count 01hrHisAlarmCount_0015638262i32oThe number of alarms in the hour.
Hour Net Standard Volume Water 02hrHisNtStdVolWtr_0025638352doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of water in the hour.
Hour Day User ID 01hrHisDayUserId_0015638264i32oThe value of the user ID for the contract day.
Hour Avg Water Cut 02hrHisAvgWtrCut_0025638353doubleo1:percent;1:percent; The average water cut for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Asset ID 01hrHisAssetId_0015638266i32oThe asset ID for this hour.
Hour Avg Density Input 02hrHisAvgDensityIn_0025638354doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average input density for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Avg Density Corrected 02hrHisAvgDensityCorr_0025638365doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average corrected density for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Avg Temperature 02hrHisTempAvg_0025638355doubleo384:celsius;384:celsius; 385:fahrenheit; The average temperature for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Start Timestamp 03hrHisStartTs_0035638444ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the start of the hour.
Hour Avg Pressure 02hrHisSpAvg_0025638356doubleo256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 260:Pa; 261:psi; The average pressure for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour End Time 03hrHisEndTs_0035638445ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the end of the hour
Hour Avg CTL Oil 02hrHisAvgCtlOil_0025638357doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for oil for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Flow Time 03hrHisFlowTime_0035638447doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; 643:hours; The time that flow was non-zero for the hour.
Hour Avg CPL Oil 02hrHisAvgCplOil_0025638358doubleoThe average pressure correction factor for oil for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Mass Pulse Count 03hrHisMassPlCnt_0035638448ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the mass pulse input in the hour using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Hour Volume Pulse Count 03hrHisVolPlCnt_0035638463ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the volume pulse input in the hour using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Hour Avg CTL Water 02hrHisAvgCtlWtr_0025638359doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for water for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Raw Volume 03hrHisVol_0035638449doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated raw (uncorrected) volume in the hour.
Hour Two Phase Time 02hrHisTwoPhseTm_0025638360doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; The time spent in two phase flow for the hour.
Hour Gross Standard Volume 03hrHisGrStdVol_0035638450doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume in the hour.
Hour Event Count 02hrHisEventCount_0025638361i32oThe number of events in the hour.
Hour Net Standard Volume Oil 03hrHisNtStdVolOil_0035638451doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of oil in the hour.
Hour Alarm Count 02hrHisAlarmCount_0025638362i32oThe number of alarms in the hour.
Hour Net Standard Volume Water 03hrHisNtStdVolWtr_0035638452doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of water in the hour.
Hour Day User ID 02hrHisDayUserId_0025638364i32oThe value of the user ID for the contract day.
Hour Avg Water Cut 03hrHisAvgWtrCut_0035638453doubleo1:percent;1:percent; The average water cut for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Asset ID 02hrHisAssetId_0025638366i32oThe asset ID for this hour.
Hour Avg Density Input 03hrHisAvgDensityIn_0035638454doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average input density for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Avg Density Corrected 03hrHisAvgDensityCorr_0035638465doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average corrected density for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Avg Temperature 03hrHisTempAvg_0035638455doubleo384:celsius;384:celsius; 385:fahrenheit; The average temperature for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Start Timestamp 04hrHisStartTs_0045638544ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the start of the hour.
Hour Avg Pressure 03hrHisSpAvg_0035638456doubleo256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 260:Pa; 261:psi; The average pressure for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour End Time 04hrHisEndTs_0045638545ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the end of the hour
Hour Avg CTL Oil 03hrHisAvgCtlOil_0035638457doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for oil for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Flow Time 04hrHisFlowTime_0045638547doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; 643:hours; The time that flow was non-zero for the hour.
Hour Avg CPL Oil 03hrHisAvgCplOil_0035638458doubleoThe average pressure correction factor for oil for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Mass Pulse Count 04hrHisMassPlCnt_0045638548ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the mass pulse input in the hour using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Hour Volume Pulse Count 04hrHisVolPlCnt_0045638563ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the volume pulse input in the hour using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Hour Avg CTL Water 03hrHisAvgCtlWtr_0035638459doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for water for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Raw Volume 04hrHisVol_0045638549doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated raw (uncorrected) volume in the hour.
Hour Two Phase Time 03hrHisTwoPhseTm_0035638460doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; The time spent in two phase flow for the hour.
Hour Gross Standard Volume 04hrHisGrStdVol_0045638550doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume in the hour.
Hour Event Count 03hrHisEventCount_0035638461i32oThe number of events in the hour.
Hour Net Standard Volume Oil 04hrHisNtStdVolOil_0045638551doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of oil in the hour.
Hour Alarm Count 03hrHisAlarmCount_0035638462i32oThe number of alarms in the hour.
Hour Net Standard Volume Water 04hrHisNtStdVolWtr_0045638552doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of water in the hour.
Hour Day User ID 03hrHisDayUserId_0035638464i32oThe value of the user ID for the contract day.
Hour Avg Water Cut 04hrHisAvgWtrCut_0045638553doubleo1:percent;1:percent; The average water cut for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Asset ID 03hrHisAssetId_0035638466i32oThe asset ID for this hour.
Hour Avg Density Input 04hrHisAvgDensityIn_0045638554doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average input density for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Avg Density Corrected 04hrHisAvgDensityCorr_0045638565doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average corrected density for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Avg Temperature 04hrHisTempAvg_0045638555doubleo384:celsius;384:celsius; 385:fahrenheit; The average temperature for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Start Timestamp 05hrHisStartTs_0055638644ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the start of the hour.
Hour Avg Pressure 04hrHisSpAvg_0045638556doubleo256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 260:Pa; 261:psi; The average pressure for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour End Time 05hrHisEndTs_0055638645ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the end of the hour
Hour Avg CTL Oil 04hrHisAvgCtlOil_0045638557doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for oil for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Flow Time 05hrHisFlowTime_0055638647doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; 643:hours; The time that flow was non-zero for the hour.
Hour Avg CPL Oil 04hrHisAvgCplOil_0045638558doubleoThe average pressure correction factor for oil for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Mass Pulse Count 05hrHisMassPlCnt_0055638648ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the mass pulse input in the hour using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Hour Volume Pulse Count 05hrHisVolPlCnt_0055638663ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the volume pulse input in the hour using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Hour Avg CTL Water 04hrHisAvgCtlWtr_0045638559doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for water for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Raw Volume 05hrHisVol_0055638649doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated raw (uncorrected) volume in the hour.
Hour Two Phase Time 04hrHisTwoPhseTm_0045638560doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; The time spent in two phase flow for the hour.
Hour Gross Standard Volume 05hrHisGrStdVol_0055638650doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume in the hour.
Hour Event Count 04hrHisEventCount_0045638561i32oThe number of events in the hour.
Hour Net Standard Volume Oil 05hrHisNtStdVolOil_0055638651doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of oil in the hour.
Hour Alarm Count 04hrHisAlarmCount_0045638562i32oThe number of alarms in the hour.
Hour Net Standard Volume Water 05hrHisNtStdVolWtr_0055638652doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of water in the hour.
Hour Day User ID 04hrHisDayUserId_0045638564i32oThe value of the user ID for the contract day.
Hour Avg Water Cut 05hrHisAvgWtrCut_0055638653doubleo1:percent;1:percent; The average water cut for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Asset ID 04hrHisAssetId_0045638566i32oThe asset ID for this hour.
Hour Avg Density Input 05hrHisAvgDensityIn_0055638654doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average input density for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Avg Density Corrected 05hrHisAvgDensityCorr_0055638665doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average corrected density for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Avg Temperature 05hrHisTempAvg_0055638655doubleo384:celsius;384:celsius; 385:fahrenheit; The average temperature for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Start Timestamp 06hrHisStartTs_0065638744ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the start of the hour.
Hour Avg Pressure 05hrHisSpAvg_0055638656doubleo256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 260:Pa; 261:psi; The average pressure for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour End Time 06hrHisEndTs_0065638745ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the end of the hour
Hour Avg CTL Oil 05hrHisAvgCtlOil_0055638657doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for oil for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Flow Time 06hrHisFlowTime_0065638747doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; 643:hours; The time that flow was non-zero for the hour.
Hour Avg CPL Oil 05hrHisAvgCplOil_0055638658doubleoThe average pressure correction factor for oil for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Mass Pulse Count 06hrHisMassPlCnt_0065638748ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the mass pulse input in the hour using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Hour Volume Pulse Count 06hrHisVolPlCnt_0065638763ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the volume pulse input in the hour using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Hour Avg CTL Water 05hrHisAvgCtlWtr_0055638659doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for water for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Raw Volume 06hrHisVol_0065638749doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated raw (uncorrected) volume in the hour.
Hour Two Phase Time 05hrHisTwoPhseTm_0055638660doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; The time spent in two phase flow for the hour.
Hour Gross Standard Volume 06hrHisGrStdVol_0065638750doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume in the hour.
Hour Event Count 05hrHisEventCount_0055638661i32oThe number of events in the hour.
Hour Net Standard Volume Oil 06hrHisNtStdVolOil_0065638751doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of oil in the hour.
Hour Alarm Count 05hrHisAlarmCount_0055638662i32oThe number of alarms in the hour.
Hour Net Standard Volume Water 06hrHisNtStdVolWtr_0065638752doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of water in the hour.
Hour Day User ID 05hrHisDayUserId_0055638664i32oThe value of the user ID for the contract day.
Hour Avg Water Cut 06hrHisAvgWtrCut_0065638753doubleo1:percent;1:percent; The average water cut for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Asset ID 05hrHisAssetId_0055638666i32oThe asset ID for this hour.
Hour Avg Density Input 06hrHisAvgDensityIn_0065638754doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average input density for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Avg Density Corrected 06hrHisAvgDensityCorr_0065638765doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average corrected density for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Avg Temperature 06hrHisTempAvg_0065638755doubleo384:celsius;384:celsius; 385:fahrenheit; The average temperature for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Start Timestamp 07hrHisStartTs_0075638844ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the start of the hour.
Hour Avg Pressure 06hrHisSpAvg_0065638756doubleo256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 260:Pa; 261:psi; The average pressure for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour End Time 07hrHisEndTs_0075638845ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the end of the hour
Hour Avg CTL Oil 06hrHisAvgCtlOil_0065638757doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for oil for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Flow Time 07hrHisFlowTime_0075638847doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; 643:hours; The time that flow was non-zero for the hour.
Hour Avg CPL Oil 06hrHisAvgCplOil_0065638758doubleoThe average pressure correction factor for oil for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Mass Pulse Count 07hrHisMassPlCnt_0075638848ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the mass pulse input in the hour using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Hour Volume Pulse Count 07hrHisVolPlCnt_0075638863ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the volume pulse input in the hour using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Hour Avg CTL Water 06hrHisAvgCtlWtr_0065638759doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for water for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Raw Volume 07hrHisVol_0075638849doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated raw (uncorrected) volume in the hour.
Hour Two Phase Time 06hrHisTwoPhseTm_0065638760doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; The time spent in two phase flow for the hour.
Hour Gross Standard Volume 07hrHisGrStdVol_0075638850doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume in the hour.
Hour Event Count 06hrHisEventCount_0065638761i32oThe number of events in the hour.
Hour Net Standard Volume Oil 07hrHisNtStdVolOil_0075638851doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of oil in the hour.
Hour Alarm Count 06hrHisAlarmCount_0065638762i32oThe number of alarms in the hour.
Hour Net Standard Volume Water 07hrHisNtStdVolWtr_0075638852doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of water in the hour.
Hour Day User ID 06hrHisDayUserId_0065638764i32oThe value of the user ID for the contract day.
Hour Avg Water Cut 07hrHisAvgWtrCut_0075638853doubleo1:percent;1:percent; The average water cut for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Asset ID 06hrHisAssetId_0065638766i32oThe asset ID for this hour.
Hour Avg Density Input 07hrHisAvgDensityIn_0075638854doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average input density for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Avg Density Corrected 07hrHisAvgDensityCorr_0075638865doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average corrected density for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Avg Temperature 07hrHisTempAvg_0075638855doubleo384:celsius;384:celsius; 385:fahrenheit; The average temperature for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Start Timestamp 08hrHisStartTs_0085638944ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the start of the hour.
Hour Avg Pressure 07hrHisSpAvg_0075638856doubleo256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 260:Pa; 261:psi; The average pressure for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour End Time 08hrHisEndTs_0085638945ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the end of the hour
Hour Avg CTL Oil 07hrHisAvgCtlOil_0075638857doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for oil for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Flow Time 08hrHisFlowTime_0085638947doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; 643:hours; The time that flow was non-zero for the hour.
Hour Avg CPL Oil 07hrHisAvgCplOil_0075638858doubleoThe average pressure correction factor for oil for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Mass Pulse Count 08hrHisMassPlCnt_0085638948ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the mass pulse input in the hour using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Hour Volume Pulse Count 08hrHisVolPlCnt_0085638963ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the volume pulse input in the hour using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Hour Avg CTL Water 07hrHisAvgCtlWtr_0075638859doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for water for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Raw Volume 08hrHisVol_0085638949doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated raw (uncorrected) volume in the hour.
Hour Two Phase Time 07hrHisTwoPhseTm_0075638860doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; The time spent in two phase flow for the hour.
Hour Gross Standard Volume 08hrHisGrStdVol_0085638950doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume in the hour.
Hour Event Count 07hrHisEventCount_0075638861i32oThe number of events in the hour.
Hour Net Standard Volume Oil 08hrHisNtStdVolOil_0085638951doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of oil in the hour.
Hour Alarm Count 07hrHisAlarmCount_0075638862i32oThe number of alarms in the hour.
Hour Net Standard Volume Water 08hrHisNtStdVolWtr_0085638952doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of water in the hour.
Hour Day User ID 07hrHisDayUserId_0075638864i32oThe value of the user ID for the contract day.
Hour Avg Water Cut 08hrHisAvgWtrCut_0085638953doubleo1:percent;1:percent; The average water cut for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Asset ID 07hrHisAssetId_0075638866i32oThe asset ID for this hour.
Hour Avg Density Input 08hrHisAvgDensityIn_0085638954doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average input density for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Avg Density Corrected 08hrHisAvgDensityCorr_0085638965doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average corrected density for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Avg Temperature 08hrHisTempAvg_0085638955doubleo384:celsius;384:celsius; 385:fahrenheit; The average temperature for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Start Timestamp 09hrHisStartTs_0095639044ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the start of the hour.
Hour Avg Pressure 08hrHisSpAvg_0085638956doubleo256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 260:Pa; 261:psi; The average pressure for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour End Time 09hrHisEndTs_0095639045ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the end of the hour
Hour Avg CTL Oil 08hrHisAvgCtlOil_0085638957doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for oil for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Flow Time 09hrHisFlowTime_0095639047doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; 643:hours; The time that flow was non-zero for the hour.
Hour Avg CPL Oil 08hrHisAvgCplOil_0085638958doubleoThe average pressure correction factor for oil for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Mass Pulse Count 09hrHisMassPlCnt_0095639048ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the mass pulse input in the hour using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Hour Volume Pulse Count 09hrHisVolPlCnt_0095639063ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the volume pulse input in the hour using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Hour Avg CTL Water 08hrHisAvgCtlWtr_0085638959doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for water for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Raw Volume 09hrHisVol_0095639049doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated raw (uncorrected) volume in the hour.
Hour Two Phase Time 08hrHisTwoPhseTm_0085638960doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; The time spent in two phase flow for the hour.
Hour Gross Standard Volume 09hrHisGrStdVol_0095639050doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume in the hour.
Hour Event Count 08hrHisEventCount_0085638961i32oThe number of events in the hour.
Hour Net Standard Volume Oil 09hrHisNtStdVolOil_0095639051doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of oil in the hour.
Hour Alarm Count 08hrHisAlarmCount_0085638962i32oThe number of alarms in the hour.
Hour Net Standard Volume Water 09hrHisNtStdVolWtr_0095639052doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of water in the hour.
Hour Day User ID 08hrHisDayUserId_0085638964i32oThe value of the user ID for the contract day.
Hour Avg Water Cut 09hrHisAvgWtrCut_0095639053doubleo1:percent;1:percent; The average water cut for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Asset ID 08hrHisAssetId_0085638966i32oThe asset ID for this hour.
Hour Avg Density Input 09hrHisAvgDensityIn_0095639054doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average input density for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Avg Density Corrected 09hrHisAvgDensityCorr_0095639065doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average corrected density for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Avg Temperature 09hrHisTempAvg_0095639055doubleo384:celsius;384:celsius; 385:fahrenheit; The average temperature for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Start Timestamp 10hrHisStartTs_0105639144ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the start of the hour.
Hour Avg Pressure 09hrHisSpAvg_0095639056doubleo256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 260:Pa; 261:psi; The average pressure for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour End Time 10hrHisEndTs_0105639145ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the end of the hour
Hour Avg CTL Oil 09hrHisAvgCtlOil_0095639057doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for oil for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Flow Time 10hrHisFlowTime_0105639147doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; 643:hours; The time that flow was non-zero for the hour.
Hour Avg CPL Oil 09hrHisAvgCplOil_0095639058doubleoThe average pressure correction factor for oil for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Mass Pulse Count 10hrHisMassPlCnt_0105639148ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the mass pulse input in the hour using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Hour Volume Pulse Count 10hrHisVolPlCnt_0105639163ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the volume pulse input in the hour using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Hour Avg CTL Water 09hrHisAvgCtlWtr_0095639059doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for water for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Raw Volume 10hrHisVol_0105639149doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated raw (uncorrected) volume in the hour.
Hour Two Phase Time 09hrHisTwoPhseTm_0095639060doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; The time spent in two phase flow for the hour.
Hour Gross Standard Volume 10hrHisGrStdVol_0105639150doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume in the hour.
Hour Event Count 09hrHisEventCount_0095639061i32oThe number of events in the hour.
Hour Net Standard Volume Oil 10hrHisNtStdVolOil_0105639151doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of oil in the hour.
Hour Alarm Count 09hrHisAlarmCount_0095639062i32oThe number of alarms in the hour.
Hour Net Standard Volume Water 10hrHisNtStdVolWtr_0105639152doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of water in the hour.
Hour Day User ID 09hrHisDayUserId_0095639064i32oThe value of the user ID for the contract day.
Hour Avg Water Cut 10hrHisAvgWtrCut_0105639153doubleo1:percent;1:percent; The average water cut for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Asset ID 09hrHisAssetId_0095639066i32oThe asset ID for this hour.
Hour Avg Density Input 10hrHisAvgDensityIn_0105639154doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average input density for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Avg Density Corrected 10hrHisAvgDensityCorr_0105639165doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average corrected density for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Avg Temperature 10hrHisTempAvg_0105639155doubleo384:celsius;384:celsius; 385:fahrenheit; The average temperature for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Start Timestamp 11hrHisStartTs_0115639244ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the start of the hour.
Hour Avg Pressure 10hrHisSpAvg_0105639156doubleo256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 260:Pa; 261:psi; The average pressure for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour End Time 11hrHisEndTs_0115639245ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the end of the hour
Hour Avg CTL Oil 10hrHisAvgCtlOil_0105639157doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for oil for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Flow Time 11hrHisFlowTime_0115639247doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; 643:hours; The time that flow was non-zero for the hour.
Hour Avg CPL Oil 10hrHisAvgCplOil_0105639158doubleoThe average pressure correction factor for oil for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Mass Pulse Count 11hrHisMassPlCnt_0115639248ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the mass pulse input in the hour using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Hour Volume Pulse Count 11hrHisVolPlCnt_0115639263ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the volume pulse input in the hour using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Hour Avg CTL Water 10hrHisAvgCtlWtr_0105639159doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for water for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Raw Volume 11hrHisVol_0115639249doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated raw (uncorrected) volume in the hour.
Hour Two Phase Time 10hrHisTwoPhseTm_0105639160doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; The time spent in two phase flow for the hour.
Hour Gross Standard Volume 11hrHisGrStdVol_0115639250doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume in the hour.
Hour Event Count 10hrHisEventCount_0105639161i32oThe number of events in the hour.
Hour Net Standard Volume Oil 11hrHisNtStdVolOil_0115639251doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of oil in the hour.
Hour Alarm Count 10hrHisAlarmCount_0105639162i32oThe number of alarms in the hour.
Hour Net Standard Volume Water 11hrHisNtStdVolWtr_0115639252doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of water in the hour.
Hour Day User ID 10hrHisDayUserId_0105639164i32oThe value of the user ID for the contract day.
Hour Avg Water Cut 11hrHisAvgWtrCut_0115639253doubleo1:percent;1:percent; The average water cut for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Asset ID 10hrHisAssetId_0105639166i32oThe asset ID for this hour.
Hour Avg Density Input 11hrHisAvgDensityIn_0115639254doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average input density for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Avg Density Corrected 11hrHisAvgDensityCorr_0115639265doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average corrected density for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Avg Temperature 11hrHisTempAvg_0115639255doubleo384:celsius;384:celsius; 385:fahrenheit; The average temperature for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Start Timestamp 12hrHisStartTs_0125639344ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the start of the hour.
Hour Avg Pressure 11hrHisSpAvg_0115639256doubleo256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 260:Pa; 261:psi; The average pressure for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour End Time 12hrHisEndTs_0125639345ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the end of the hour
Hour Avg CTL Oil 11hrHisAvgCtlOil_0115639257doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for oil for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Flow Time 12hrHisFlowTime_0125639347doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; 643:hours; The time that flow was non-zero for the hour.
Hour Avg CPL Oil 11hrHisAvgCplOil_0115639258doubleoThe average pressure correction factor for oil for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Mass Pulse Count 12hrHisMassPlCnt_0125639348ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the mass pulse input in the hour using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Hour Volume Pulse Count 12hrHisVolPlCnt_0125639363ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the volume pulse input in the hour using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Hour Avg CTL Water 11hrHisAvgCtlWtr_0115639259doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for water for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Raw Volume 12hrHisVol_0125639349doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated raw (uncorrected) volume in the hour.
Hour Two Phase Time 11hrHisTwoPhseTm_0115639260doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; The time spent in two phase flow for the hour.
Hour Gross Standard Volume 12hrHisGrStdVol_0125639350doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume in the hour.
Hour Event Count 11hrHisEventCount_0115639261i32oThe number of events in the hour.
Hour Net Standard Volume Oil 12hrHisNtStdVolOil_0125639351doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of oil in the hour.
Hour Alarm Count 11hrHisAlarmCount_0115639262i32oThe number of alarms in the hour.
Hour Net Standard Volume Water 12hrHisNtStdVolWtr_0125639352doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of water in the hour.
Hour Day User ID 11hrHisDayUserId_0115639264i32oThe value of the user ID for the contract day.
Hour Avg Water Cut 12hrHisAvgWtrCut_0125639353doubleo1:percent;1:percent; The average water cut for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Asset ID 11hrHisAssetId_0115639266i32oThe asset ID for this hour.
Hour Avg Density Input 12hrHisAvgDensityIn_0125639354doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average input density for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Avg Density Corrected 12hrHisAvgDensityCorr_0125639365doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average corrected density for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Avg Temperature 12hrHisTempAvg_0125639355doubleo384:celsius;384:celsius; 385:fahrenheit; The average temperature for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Start Timestamp 13hrHisStartTs_0135639444ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the start of the hour.
Hour Avg Pressure 12hrHisSpAvg_0125639356doubleo256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 260:Pa; 261:psi; The average pressure for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour End Time 13hrHisEndTs_0135639445ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the end of the hour
Hour Avg CTL Oil 12hrHisAvgCtlOil_0125639357doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for oil for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Flow Time 13hrHisFlowTime_0135639447doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; 643:hours; The time that flow was non-zero for the hour.
Hour Avg CPL Oil 12hrHisAvgCplOil_0125639358doubleoThe average pressure correction factor for oil for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Mass Pulse Count 13hrHisMassPlCnt_0135639448ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the mass pulse input in the hour using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Hour Volume Pulse Count 13hrHisVolPlCnt_0135639463ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the volume pulse input in the hour using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Hour Avg CTL Water 12hrHisAvgCtlWtr_0125639359doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for water for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Raw Volume 13hrHisVol_0135639449doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated raw (uncorrected) volume in the hour.
Hour Two Phase Time 12hrHisTwoPhseTm_0125639360doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; The time spent in two phase flow for the hour.
Hour Gross Standard Volume 13hrHisGrStdVol_0135639450doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume in the hour.
Hour Event Count 12hrHisEventCount_0125639361i32oThe number of events in the hour.
Hour Net Standard Volume Oil 13hrHisNtStdVolOil_0135639451doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of oil in the hour.
Hour Alarm Count 12hrHisAlarmCount_0125639362i32oThe number of alarms in the hour.
Hour Net Standard Volume Water 13hrHisNtStdVolWtr_0135639452doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of water in the hour.
Hour Day User ID 12hrHisDayUserId_0125639364i32oThe value of the user ID for the contract day.
Hour Avg Water Cut 13hrHisAvgWtrCut_0135639453doubleo1:percent;1:percent; The average water cut for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Asset ID 12hrHisAssetId_0125639366i32oThe asset ID for this hour.
Hour Avg Density Input 13hrHisAvgDensityIn_0135639454doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average input density for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Avg Density Corrected 13hrHisAvgDensityCorr_0135639465doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average corrected density for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Avg Temperature 13hrHisTempAvg_0135639455doubleo384:celsius;384:celsius; 385:fahrenheit; The average temperature for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Start Timestamp 14hrHisStartTs_0145639544ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the start of the hour.
Hour Avg Pressure 13hrHisSpAvg_0135639456doubleo256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 260:Pa; 261:psi; The average pressure for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour End Time 14hrHisEndTs_0145639545ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the end of the hour
Hour Avg CTL Oil 13hrHisAvgCtlOil_0135639457doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for oil for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Flow Time 14hrHisFlowTime_0145639547doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; 643:hours; The time that flow was non-zero for the hour.
Hour Avg CPL Oil 13hrHisAvgCplOil_0135639458doubleoThe average pressure correction factor for oil for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Mass Pulse Count 14hrHisMassPlCnt_0145639548ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the mass pulse input in the hour using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Hour Volume Pulse Count 14hrHisVolPlCnt_0145639563ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the volume pulse input in the hour using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Hour Avg CTL Water 13hrHisAvgCtlWtr_0135639459doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for water for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Raw Volume 14hrHisVol_0145639549doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated raw (uncorrected) volume in the hour.
Hour Two Phase Time 13hrHisTwoPhseTm_0135639460doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; The time spent in two phase flow for the hour.
Hour Gross Standard Volume 14hrHisGrStdVol_0145639550doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume in the hour.
Hour Event Count 13hrHisEventCount_0135639461i32oThe number of events in the hour.
Hour Net Standard Volume Oil 14hrHisNtStdVolOil_0145639551doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of oil in the hour.
Hour Alarm Count 13hrHisAlarmCount_0135639462i32oThe number of alarms in the hour.
Hour Net Standard Volume Water 14hrHisNtStdVolWtr_0145639552doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of water in the hour.
Hour Day User ID 13hrHisDayUserId_0135639464i32oThe value of the user ID for the contract day.
Hour Avg Water Cut 14hrHisAvgWtrCut_0145639553doubleo1:percent;1:percent; The average water cut for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Asset ID 13hrHisAssetId_0135639466i32oThe asset ID for this hour.
Hour Avg Density Input 14hrHisAvgDensityIn_0145639554doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average input density for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Avg Density Corrected 14hrHisAvgDensityCorr_0145639565doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average corrected density for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Avg Temperature 14hrHisTempAvg_0145639555doubleo384:celsius;384:celsius; 385:fahrenheit; The average temperature for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Start Timestamp 15hrHisStartTs_0155639644ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the start of the hour.
Hour Avg Pressure 14hrHisSpAvg_0145639556doubleo256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 260:Pa; 261:psi; The average pressure for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour End Time 15hrHisEndTs_0155639645ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the end of the hour
Hour Avg CTL Oil 14hrHisAvgCtlOil_0145639557doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for oil for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Flow Time 15hrHisFlowTime_0155639647doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; 643:hours; The time that flow was non-zero for the hour.
Hour Avg CPL Oil 14hrHisAvgCplOil_0145639558doubleoThe average pressure correction factor for oil for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Mass Pulse Count 15hrHisMassPlCnt_0155639648ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the mass pulse input in the hour using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Hour Volume Pulse Count 15hrHisVolPlCnt_0155639663ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the volume pulse input in the hour using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Hour Avg CTL Water 14hrHisAvgCtlWtr_0145639559doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for water for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Raw Volume 15hrHisVol_0155639649doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated raw (uncorrected) volume in the hour.
Hour Two Phase Time 14hrHisTwoPhseTm_0145639560doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; The time spent in two phase flow for the hour.
Hour Gross Standard Volume 15hrHisGrStdVol_0155639650doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume in the hour.
Hour Event Count 14hrHisEventCount_0145639561i32oThe number of events in the hour.
Hour Net Standard Volume Oil 15hrHisNtStdVolOil_0155639651doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of oil in the hour.
Hour Alarm Count 14hrHisAlarmCount_0145639562i32oThe number of alarms in the hour.
Hour Net Standard Volume Water 15hrHisNtStdVolWtr_0155639652doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of water in the hour.
Hour Day User ID 14hrHisDayUserId_0145639564i32oThe value of the user ID for the contract day.
Hour Avg Water Cut 15hrHisAvgWtrCut_0155639653doubleo1:percent;1:percent; The average water cut for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Asset ID 14hrHisAssetId_0145639566i32oThe asset ID for this hour.
Hour Avg Density Input 15hrHisAvgDensityIn_0155639654doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average input density for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Avg Density Corrected 15hrHisAvgDensityCorr_0155639665doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average corrected density for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Avg Temperature 15hrHisTempAvg_0155639655doubleo384:celsius;384:celsius; 385:fahrenheit; The average temperature for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Start Timestamp 16hrHisStartTs_0165639744ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the start of the hour.
Hour Avg Pressure 15hrHisSpAvg_0155639656doubleo256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 260:Pa; 261:psi; The average pressure for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour End Time 16hrHisEndTs_0165639745ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the end of the hour
Hour Avg CTL Oil 15hrHisAvgCtlOil_0155639657doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for oil for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Flow Time 16hrHisFlowTime_0165639747doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; 643:hours; The time that flow was non-zero for the hour.
Hour Avg CPL Oil 15hrHisAvgCplOil_0155639658doubleoThe average pressure correction factor for oil for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Mass Pulse Count 16hrHisMassPlCnt_0165639748ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the mass pulse input in the hour using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Hour Volume Pulse Count 16hrHisVolPlCnt_0165639763ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the volume pulse input in the hour using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Hour Avg CTL Water 15hrHisAvgCtlWtr_0155639659doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for water for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Raw Volume 16hrHisVol_0165639749doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated raw (uncorrected) volume in the hour.
Hour Two Phase Time 15hrHisTwoPhseTm_0155639660doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; The time spent in two phase flow for the hour.
Hour Gross Standard Volume 16hrHisGrStdVol_0165639750doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume in the hour.
Hour Event Count 15hrHisEventCount_0155639661i32oThe number of events in the hour.
Hour Net Standard Volume Oil 16hrHisNtStdVolOil_0165639751doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of oil in the hour.
Hour Alarm Count 15hrHisAlarmCount_0155639662i32oThe number of alarms in the hour.
Hour Net Standard Volume Water 16hrHisNtStdVolWtr_0165639752doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of water in the hour.
Hour Day User ID 15hrHisDayUserId_0155639664i32oThe value of the user ID for the contract day.
Hour Avg Water Cut 16hrHisAvgWtrCut_0165639753doubleo1:percent;1:percent; The average water cut for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Asset ID 15hrHisAssetId_0155639666i32oThe asset ID for this hour.
Hour Avg Density Input 16hrHisAvgDensityIn_0165639754doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average input density for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Avg Density Corrected 16hrHisAvgDensityCorr_0165639765doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average corrected density for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Avg Temperature 16hrHisTempAvg_0165639755doubleo384:celsius;384:celsius; 385:fahrenheit; The average temperature for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Start Timestamp 17hrHisStartTs_0175639844ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the start of the hour.
Hour Avg Pressure 16hrHisSpAvg_0165639756doubleo256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 260:Pa; 261:psi; The average pressure for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour End Time 17hrHisEndTs_0175639845ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the end of the hour
Hour Avg CTL Oil 16hrHisAvgCtlOil_0165639757doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for oil for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Flow Time 17hrHisFlowTime_0175639847doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; 643:hours; The time that flow was non-zero for the hour.
Hour Avg CPL Oil 16hrHisAvgCplOil_0165639758doubleoThe average pressure correction factor for oil for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Mass Pulse Count 17hrHisMassPlCnt_0175639848ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the mass pulse input in the hour using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Hour Volume Pulse Count 17hrHisVolPlCnt_0175639863ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the volume pulse input in the hour using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Hour Avg CTL Water 16hrHisAvgCtlWtr_0165639759doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for water for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Raw Volume 17hrHisVol_0175639849doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated raw (uncorrected) volume in the hour.
Hour Two Phase Time 16hrHisTwoPhseTm_0165639760doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; The time spent in two phase flow for the hour.
Hour Gross Standard Volume 17hrHisGrStdVol_0175639850doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume in the hour.
Hour Event Count 16hrHisEventCount_0165639761i32oThe number of events in the hour.
Hour Net Standard Volume Oil 17hrHisNtStdVolOil_0175639851doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of oil in the hour.
Hour Alarm Count 16hrHisAlarmCount_0165639762i32oThe number of alarms in the hour.
Hour Net Standard Volume Water 17hrHisNtStdVolWtr_0175639852doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of water in the hour.
Hour Day User ID 16hrHisDayUserId_0165639764i32oThe value of the user ID for the contract day.
Hour Avg Water Cut 17hrHisAvgWtrCut_0175639853doubleo1:percent;1:percent; The average water cut for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Asset ID 16hrHisAssetId_0165639766i32oThe asset ID for this hour.
Hour Avg Density Input 17hrHisAvgDensityIn_0175639854doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average input density for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Avg Density Corrected 17hrHisAvgDensityCorr_0175639865doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average corrected density for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Avg Temperature 17hrHisTempAvg_0175639855doubleo384:celsius;384:celsius; 385:fahrenheit; The average temperature for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Start Timestamp 18hrHisStartTs_0185639944ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the start of the hour.
Hour Avg Pressure 17hrHisSpAvg_0175639856doubleo256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 260:Pa; 261:psi; The average pressure for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour End Time 18hrHisEndTs_0185639945ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the end of the hour
Hour Avg CTL Oil 17hrHisAvgCtlOil_0175639857doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for oil for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Flow Time 18hrHisFlowTime_0185639947doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; 643:hours; The time that flow was non-zero for the hour.
Hour Avg CPL Oil 17hrHisAvgCplOil_0175639858doubleoThe average pressure correction factor for oil for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Mass Pulse Count 18hrHisMassPlCnt_0185639948ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the mass pulse input in the hour using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Hour Volume Pulse Count 18hrHisVolPlCnt_0185639963ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the volume pulse input in the hour using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Hour Avg CTL Water 17hrHisAvgCtlWtr_0175639859doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for water for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Raw Volume 18hrHisVol_0185639949doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated raw (uncorrected) volume in the hour.
Hour Two Phase Time 17hrHisTwoPhseTm_0175639860doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; The time spent in two phase flow for the hour.
Hour Gross Standard Volume 18hrHisGrStdVol_0185639950doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume in the hour.
Hour Event Count 17hrHisEventCount_0175639861i32oThe number of events in the hour.
Hour Net Standard Volume Oil 18hrHisNtStdVolOil_0185639951doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of oil in the hour.
Hour Alarm Count 17hrHisAlarmCount_0175639862i32oThe number of alarms in the hour.
Hour Net Standard Volume Water 18hrHisNtStdVolWtr_0185639952doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of water in the hour.
Hour Day User ID 17hrHisDayUserId_0175639864i32oThe value of the user ID for the contract day.
Hour Avg Water Cut 18hrHisAvgWtrCut_0185639953doubleo1:percent;1:percent; The average water cut for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Asset ID 17hrHisAssetId_0175639866i32oThe asset ID for this hour.
Hour Avg Density Input 18hrHisAvgDensityIn_0185639954doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average input density for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Avg Density Corrected 18hrHisAvgDensityCorr_0185639965doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average corrected density for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Avg Temperature 18hrHisTempAvg_0185639955doubleo384:celsius;384:celsius; 385:fahrenheit; The average temperature for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Start Timestamp 19hrHisStartTs_0195640044ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the start of the hour.
Hour Avg Pressure 18hrHisSpAvg_0185639956doubleo256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 260:Pa; 261:psi; The average pressure for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour End Time 19hrHisEndTs_0195640045ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the end of the hour
Hour Avg CTL Oil 18hrHisAvgCtlOil_0185639957doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for oil for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Flow Time 19hrHisFlowTime_0195640047doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; 643:hours; The time that flow was non-zero for the hour.
Hour Avg CPL Oil 18hrHisAvgCplOil_0185639958doubleoThe average pressure correction factor for oil for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Mass Pulse Count 19hrHisMassPlCnt_0195640048ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the mass pulse input in the hour using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Hour Volume Pulse Count 19hrHisVolPlCnt_0195640063ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the volume pulse input in the hour using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Hour Avg CTL Water 18hrHisAvgCtlWtr_0185639959doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for water for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Raw Volume 19hrHisVol_0195640049doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated raw (uncorrected) volume in the hour.
Hour Two Phase Time 18hrHisTwoPhseTm_0185639960doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; The time spent in two phase flow for the hour.
Hour Gross Standard Volume 19hrHisGrStdVol_0195640050doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume in the hour.
Hour Event Count 18hrHisEventCount_0185639961i32oThe number of events in the hour.
Hour Net Standard Volume Oil 19hrHisNtStdVolOil_0195640051doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of oil in the hour.
Hour Alarm Count 18hrHisAlarmCount_0185639962i32oThe number of alarms in the hour.
Hour Net Standard Volume Water 19hrHisNtStdVolWtr_0195640052doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of water in the hour.
Hour Day User ID 18hrHisDayUserId_0185639964i32oThe value of the user ID for the contract day.
Hour Avg Water Cut 19hrHisAvgWtrCut_0195640053doubleo1:percent;1:percent; The average water cut for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Asset ID 18hrHisAssetId_0185639966i32oThe asset ID for this hour.
Hour Avg Density Input 19hrHisAvgDensityIn_0195640054doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average input density for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Avg Density Corrected 19hrHisAvgDensityCorr_0195640065doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average corrected density for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Avg Temperature 19hrHisTempAvg_0195640055doubleo384:celsius;384:celsius; 385:fahrenheit; The average temperature for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Start Timestamp 20hrHisStartTs_0205640144ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the start of the hour.
Hour Avg Pressure 19hrHisSpAvg_0195640056doubleo256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 260:Pa; 261:psi; The average pressure for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour End Time 20hrHisEndTs_0205640145ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the end of the hour
Hour Avg CTL Oil 19hrHisAvgCtlOil_0195640057doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for oil for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Flow Time 20hrHisFlowTime_0205640147doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; 643:hours; The time that flow was non-zero for the hour.
Hour Avg CPL Oil 19hrHisAvgCplOil_0195640058doubleoThe average pressure correction factor for oil for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Mass Pulse Count 20hrHisMassPlCnt_0205640148ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the mass pulse input in the hour using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Hour Volume Pulse Count 20hrHisVolPlCnt_0205640163ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the volume pulse input in the hour using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Hour Avg CTL Water 19hrHisAvgCtlWtr_0195640059doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for water for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Raw Volume 20hrHisVol_0205640149doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated raw (uncorrected) volume in the hour.
Hour Two Phase Time 19hrHisTwoPhseTm_0195640060doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; The time spent in two phase flow for the hour.
Hour Gross Standard Volume 20hrHisGrStdVol_0205640150doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume in the hour.
Hour Event Count 19hrHisEventCount_0195640061i32oThe number of events in the hour.
Hour Net Standard Volume Oil 20hrHisNtStdVolOil_0205640151doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of oil in the hour.
Hour Alarm Count 19hrHisAlarmCount_0195640062i32oThe number of alarms in the hour.
Hour Net Standard Volume Water 20hrHisNtStdVolWtr_0205640152doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of water in the hour.
Hour Day User ID 19hrHisDayUserId_0195640064i32oThe value of the user ID for the contract day.
Hour Avg Water Cut 20hrHisAvgWtrCut_0205640153doubleo1:percent;1:percent; The average water cut for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Asset ID 19hrHisAssetId_0195640066i32oThe asset ID for this hour.
Hour Avg Density Input 20hrHisAvgDensityIn_0205640154doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average input density for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Avg Density Corrected 20hrHisAvgDensityCorr_0205640165doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average corrected density for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Avg Temperature 20hrHisTempAvg_0205640155doubleo384:celsius;384:celsius; 385:fahrenheit; The average temperature for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Start Timestamp 21hrHisStartTs_0215640244ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the start of the hour.
Hour Avg Pressure 20hrHisSpAvg_0205640156doubleo256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 260:Pa; 261:psi; The average pressure for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour End Time 21hrHisEndTs_0215640245ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the end of the hour
Hour Avg CTL Oil 20hrHisAvgCtlOil_0205640157doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for oil for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Flow Time 21hrHisFlowTime_0215640247doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; 643:hours; The time that flow was non-zero for the hour.
Hour Avg CPL Oil 20hrHisAvgCplOil_0205640158doubleoThe average pressure correction factor for oil for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Mass Pulse Count 21hrHisMassPlCnt_0215640248ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the mass pulse input in the hour using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Hour Volume Pulse Count 21hrHisVolPlCnt_0215640263ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the volume pulse input in the hour using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Hour Avg CTL Water 20hrHisAvgCtlWtr_0205640159doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for water for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Raw Volume 21hrHisVol_0215640249doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated raw (uncorrected) volume in the hour.
Hour Two Phase Time 20hrHisTwoPhseTm_0205640160doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; The time spent in two phase flow for the hour.
Hour Gross Standard Volume 21hrHisGrStdVol_0215640250doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume in the hour.
Hour Event Count 20hrHisEventCount_0205640161i32oThe number of events in the hour.
Hour Net Standard Volume Oil 21hrHisNtStdVolOil_0215640251doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of oil in the hour.
Hour Alarm Count 20hrHisAlarmCount_0205640162i32oThe number of alarms in the hour.
Hour Net Standard Volume Water 21hrHisNtStdVolWtr_0215640252doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of water in the hour.
Hour Day User ID 20hrHisDayUserId_0205640164i32oThe value of the user ID for the contract day.
Hour Avg Water Cut 21hrHisAvgWtrCut_0215640253doubleo1:percent;1:percent; The average water cut for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Asset ID 20hrHisAssetId_0205640166i32oThe asset ID for this hour.
Hour Avg Density Input 21hrHisAvgDensityIn_0215640254doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average input density for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Avg Density Corrected 21hrHisAvgDensityCorr_0215640265doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average corrected density for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Avg Temperature 21hrHisTempAvg_0215640255doubleo384:celsius;384:celsius; 385:fahrenheit; The average temperature for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Start Timestamp 22hrHisStartTs_0225640344ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the start of the hour.
Hour Avg Pressure 21hrHisSpAvg_0215640256doubleo256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 260:Pa; 261:psi; The average pressure for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour End Time 22hrHisEndTs_0225640345ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the end of the hour
Hour Avg CTL Oil 21hrHisAvgCtlOil_0215640257doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for oil for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Flow Time 22hrHisFlowTime_0225640347doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; 643:hours; The time that flow was non-zero for the hour.
Hour Avg CPL Oil 21hrHisAvgCplOil_0215640258doubleoThe average pressure correction factor for oil for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Mass Pulse Count 22hrHisMassPlCnt_0225640348ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the mass pulse input in the hour using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Hour Volume Pulse Count 22hrHisVolPlCnt_0225640363ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the volume pulse input in the hour using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Hour Avg CTL Water 21hrHisAvgCtlWtr_0215640259doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for water for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Raw Volume 22hrHisVol_0225640349doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated raw (uncorrected) volume in the hour.
Hour Two Phase Time 21hrHisTwoPhseTm_0215640260doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; The time spent in two phase flow for the hour.
Hour Gross Standard Volume 22hrHisGrStdVol_0225640350doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume in the hour.
Hour Event Count 21hrHisEventCount_0215640261i32oThe number of events in the hour.
Hour Net Standard Volume Oil 22hrHisNtStdVolOil_0225640351doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of oil in the hour.
Hour Alarm Count 21hrHisAlarmCount_0215640262i32oThe number of alarms in the hour.
Hour Net Standard Volume Water 22hrHisNtStdVolWtr_0225640352doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of water in the hour.
Hour Day User ID 21hrHisDayUserId_0215640264i32oThe value of the user ID for the contract day.
Hour Avg Water Cut 22hrHisAvgWtrCut_0225640353doubleo1:percent;1:percent; The average water cut for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Asset ID 21hrHisAssetId_0215640266i32oThe asset ID for this hour.
Hour Avg Density Input 22hrHisAvgDensityIn_0225640354doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average input density for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Avg Density Corrected 22hrHisAvgDensityCorr_0225640365doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average corrected density for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Avg Temperature 22hrHisTempAvg_0225640355doubleo384:celsius;384:celsius; 385:fahrenheit; The average temperature for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Start Timestamp 23hrHisStartTs_0235640444ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the start of the hour.
Hour Avg Pressure 22hrHisSpAvg_0225640356doubleo256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 260:Pa; 261:psi; The average pressure for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour End Time 23hrHisEndTs_0235640445ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the end of the hour
Hour Avg CTL Oil 22hrHisAvgCtlOil_0225640357doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for oil for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Flow Time 23hrHisFlowTime_0235640447doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; 643:hours; The time that flow was non-zero for the hour.
Hour Avg CPL Oil 22hrHisAvgCplOil_0225640358doubleoThe average pressure correction factor for oil for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Mass Pulse Count 23hrHisMassPlCnt_0235640448ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the mass pulse input in the hour using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Hour Volume Pulse Count 23hrHisVolPlCnt_0235640463ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the volume pulse input in the hour using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Hour Avg CTL Water 22hrHisAvgCtlWtr_0225640359doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for water for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Raw Volume 23hrHisVol_0235640449doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated raw (uncorrected) volume in the hour.
Hour Two Phase Time 22hrHisTwoPhseTm_0225640360doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; The time spent in two phase flow for the hour.
Hour Gross Standard Volume 23hrHisGrStdVol_0235640450doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume in the hour.
Hour Event Count 22hrHisEventCount_0225640361i32oThe number of events in the hour.
Hour Net Standard Volume Oil 23hrHisNtStdVolOil_0235640451doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of oil in the hour.
Hour Alarm Count 22hrHisAlarmCount_0225640362i32oThe number of alarms in the hour.
Hour Net Standard Volume Water 23hrHisNtStdVolWtr_0235640452doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of water in the hour.
Hour Day User ID 22hrHisDayUserId_0225640364i32oThe value of the user ID for the contract day.
Hour Avg Water Cut 23hrHisAvgWtrCut_0235640453doubleo1:percent;1:percent; The average water cut for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Asset ID 22hrHisAssetId_0225640366i32oThe asset ID for this hour.
Hour Avg Density Input 23hrHisAvgDensityIn_0235640454doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average input density for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Avg Density Corrected 23hrHisAvgDensityCorr_0235640465doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average corrected density for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Avg Temperature 23hrHisTempAvg_0235640455doubleo384:celsius;384:celsius; 385:fahrenheit; The average temperature for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Start Timestamp 24hrHisStartTs_0245640544ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the start of the hour.
Hour Avg Pressure 23hrHisSpAvg_0235640456doubleo256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 260:Pa; 261:psi; The average pressure for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour End Time 24hrHisEndTs_0245640545ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the end of the hour
Hour Avg CTL Oil 23hrHisAvgCtlOil_0235640457doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for oil for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Flow Time 24hrHisFlowTime_0245640547doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; 643:hours; The time that flow was non-zero for the hour.
Hour Avg CPL Oil 23hrHisAvgCplOil_0235640458doubleoThe average pressure correction factor for oil for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Mass Pulse Count 24hrHisMassPlCnt_0245640548ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the mass pulse input in the hour using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Hour Volume Pulse Count 24hrHisVolPlCnt_0245640563ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the volume pulse input in the hour using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Hour Avg CTL Water 23hrHisAvgCtlWtr_0235640459doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for water for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Raw Volume 24hrHisVol_0245640549doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated raw (uncorrected) volume in the hour.
Hour Two Phase Time 23hrHisTwoPhseTm_0235640460doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; The time spent in two phase flow for the hour.
Hour Gross Standard Volume 24hrHisGrStdVol_0245640550doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume in the hour.
Hour Event Count 23hrHisEventCount_0235640461i32oThe number of events in the hour.
Hour Net Standard Volume Oil 24hrHisNtStdVolOil_0245640551doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of oil in the hour.
Hour Alarm Count 23hrHisAlarmCount_0235640462i32oThe number of alarms in the hour.
Hour Net Standard Volume Water 24hrHisNtStdVolWtr_0245640552doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of water in the hour.
Hour Day User ID 23hrHisDayUserId_0235640464i32oThe value of the user ID for the contract day.
Hour Avg Water Cut 24hrHisAvgWtrCut_0245640553doubleo1:percent;1:percent; The average water cut for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Asset ID 23hrHisAssetId_0235640466i32oThe asset ID for this hour.
Hour Avg Density Input 24hrHisAvgDensityIn_0245640554doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average input density for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Avg Density Corrected 24hrHisAvgDensityCorr_0245640565doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average corrected density for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Avg Temperature 24hrHisTempAvg_0245640555doubleo384:celsius;384:celsius; 385:fahrenheit; The average temperature for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Avg Pressure 24hrHisSpAvg_0245640556doubleo256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 260:Pa; 261:psi; The average pressure for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Avg CTL Oil 24hrHisAvgCtlOil_0245640557doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for oil for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Avg CPL Oil 24hrHisAvgCplOil_0245640558doubleoThe average pressure correction factor for oil for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Avg CTL Water 24hrHisAvgCtlWtr_0245640559doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for water for the hour using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Hour Two Phase Time 24hrHisTwoPhseTm_0245640560doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; The time spent in two phase flow for the hour.
Hour Event Count 24hrHisEventCount_0245640561i32oThe number of events in the hour.
Hour Alarm Count 24hrHisAlarmCount_0245640562i32oThe number of alarms in the hour.
Hour Day User ID 24hrHisDayUserId_0245640564i32oThe value of the user ID for the contract day.
Hour Asset ID 24hrHisAssetId_0245640566i32oThe asset ID for this hour.

Group 'Daily History'

Daily history records. The numeric value after the group or tag name describes which day the record is for. For example, _03 is the current day -3, while _01 is the previous day, which is the same as the current day -1.

This is a status group that has 550 parameters.

ParameterTag NameIDValue TypeTag Value TypeIO TypeDefault ValueLimitsDefault UnitsAllowed UnitsDescriptionSync EnabledSync DefaultExport EnabledPublish MQTT EnabledSubscribe MQTT EnabledShow in Manager Enabled
Day Start Timestamp 01dyHisStartTs_0015703780ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the start of the contract day.
Day End Time 01dyHisEndTs_0015703781ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the end of the contract day
Day Flow Time 01dyHisFlowTime_0015703782doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; 643:hours; The time that flow was non-zero for the contract day.
Day Mass Pulse Count 01dyHisMassPlCnt_0015703783ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the mass pulse input in the contract day using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Day Volume Pulse Count 01dyHisVolPlCnt_0015703798ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the volume pulse input in the contract day using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Day Raw Volume 01dyHisVol_0015703784doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated raw (uncorrected) volume in the contract day.
Day Gross Standard Volume 01dyHisGrStdVol_0015703785doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume in the contract day.
Day Net Standard Volume Oil 01dyHisNtStdVolOil_0015703786doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of oil in the contract day.
Day Net Standard Volume Water 01dyHisNtStdVolWtr_0015703787doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of water in the contract day.
Day Avg Water Cut 01dyHisAvgWtrCut_0015703788doubleo1:percent;1:percent; The average water cut for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Avg Density Input 01dyHisAvgDensityIn_0015703789doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average input density for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Avg Density Corrected 01dyHisAvgDensityCorr_0015703800doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average corrected density for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Avg Temperature 01dyHisTempAvg_0015703790doubleo384:celsius;384:celsius; 385:fahrenheit; The average temperature for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Start Timestamp 02dyHisStartTs_0025703880ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the start of the contract day.
Day Avg Pressure 01dyHisSpAvg_0015703791doubleo256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 260:Pa; 261:psi; The average pressure for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day End Time 02dyHisEndTs_0025703881ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the end of the contract day
Day Avg CTL Oil 01dyHisAvgCtlOil_0015703792doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for oil for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Flow Time 02dyHisFlowTime_0025703882doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; 643:hours; The time that flow was non-zero for the contract day.
Day Avg CPL Oil 01dyHisAvgCplOil_0015703793doubleoThe average pressure correction factor for oil for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Mass Pulse Count 02dyHisMassPlCnt_0025703883ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the mass pulse input in the contract day using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Day Volume Pulse Count 02dyHisVolPlCnt_0025703898ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the volume pulse input in the contract day using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Day Avg CTL Water 01dyHisAvgCtlWtr_0015703794doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for water for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Raw Volume 02dyHisVol_0025703884doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated raw (uncorrected) volume in the contract day.
Day Two Phase Time 01dyHisTwoPhseTm_0015703795doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; The time spent in two phase flow for the contract day.
Day Gross Standard Volume 02dyHisGrStdVol_0025703885doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume in the contract day.
Day Event Count 01dyHisEventCount_0015703796i32oThe number of events in the contract day.
Day Net Standard Volume Oil 02dyHisNtStdVolOil_0025703886doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of oil in the contract day.
Day Alarm Count 01dyHisAlarmCount_0015703797i32oThe number of alarms in the contract day.
Day Net Standard Volume Water 02dyHisNtStdVolWtr_0025703887doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of water in the contract day.
Day History User ID 01dyHisDayUserId_0015703799i32oThe value of the user ID for the contract day.
Day Avg Water Cut 02dyHisAvgWtrCut_0025703888doubleo1:percent;1:percent; The average water cut for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Asset ID 01dyHisAssetId_0015703801i32oThe asset ID for this contract day.
Day Avg Density Input 02dyHisAvgDensityIn_0025703889doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average input density for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Avg Density Corrected 02dyHisAvgDensityCorr_0025703900doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average corrected density for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Avg Temperature 02dyHisTempAvg_0025703890doubleo384:celsius;384:celsius; 385:fahrenheit; The average temperature for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Start Timestamp 03dyHisStartTs_0035703980ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the start of the contract day.
Day Avg Pressure 02dyHisSpAvg_0025703891doubleo256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 260:Pa; 261:psi; The average pressure for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day End Time 03dyHisEndTs_0035703981ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the end of the contract day
Day Avg CTL Oil 02dyHisAvgCtlOil_0025703892doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for oil for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Flow Time 03dyHisFlowTime_0035703982doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; 643:hours; The time that flow was non-zero for the contract day.
Day Avg CPL Oil 02dyHisAvgCplOil_0025703893doubleoThe average pressure correction factor for oil for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Mass Pulse Count 03dyHisMassPlCnt_0035703983ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the mass pulse input in the contract day using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Day Volume Pulse Count 03dyHisVolPlCnt_0035703998ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the volume pulse input in the contract day using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Day Avg CTL Water 02dyHisAvgCtlWtr_0025703894doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for water for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Raw Volume 03dyHisVol_0035703984doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated raw (uncorrected) volume in the contract day.
Day Two Phase Time 02dyHisTwoPhseTm_0025703895doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; The time spent in two phase flow for the contract day.
Day Gross Standard Volume 03dyHisGrStdVol_0035703985doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume in the contract day.
Day Event Count 02dyHisEventCount_0025703896i32oThe number of events in the contract day.
Day Net Standard Volume Oil 03dyHisNtStdVolOil_0035703986doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of oil in the contract day.
Day Alarm Count 02dyHisAlarmCount_0025703897i32oThe number of alarms in the contract day.
Day Net Standard Volume Water 03dyHisNtStdVolWtr_0035703987doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of water in the contract day.
Day History User ID 02dyHisDayUserId_0025703899i32oThe value of the user ID for the contract day.
Day Avg Water Cut 03dyHisAvgWtrCut_0035703988doubleo1:percent;1:percent; The average water cut for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Asset ID 02dyHisAssetId_0025703901i32oThe asset ID for this contract day.
Day Avg Density Input 03dyHisAvgDensityIn_0035703989doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average input density for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Avg Density Corrected 03dyHisAvgDensityCorr_0035704000doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average corrected density for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Avg Temperature 03dyHisTempAvg_0035703990doubleo384:celsius;384:celsius; 385:fahrenheit; The average temperature for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Start Timestamp 04dyHisStartTs_0045704080ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the start of the contract day.
Day Avg Pressure 03dyHisSpAvg_0035703991doubleo256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 260:Pa; 261:psi; The average pressure for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day End Time 04dyHisEndTs_0045704081ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the end of the contract day
Day Avg CTL Oil 03dyHisAvgCtlOil_0035703992doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for oil for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Flow Time 04dyHisFlowTime_0045704082doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; 643:hours; The time that flow was non-zero for the contract day.
Day Avg CPL Oil 03dyHisAvgCplOil_0035703993doubleoThe average pressure correction factor for oil for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Mass Pulse Count 04dyHisMassPlCnt_0045704083ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the mass pulse input in the contract day using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Day Volume Pulse Count 04dyHisVolPlCnt_0045704098ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the volume pulse input in the contract day using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Day Avg CTL Water 03dyHisAvgCtlWtr_0035703994doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for water for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Raw Volume 04dyHisVol_0045704084doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated raw (uncorrected) volume in the contract day.
Day Two Phase Time 03dyHisTwoPhseTm_0035703995doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; The time spent in two phase flow for the contract day.
Day Gross Standard Volume 04dyHisGrStdVol_0045704085doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume in the contract day.
Day Event Count 03dyHisEventCount_0035703996i32oThe number of events in the contract day.
Day Net Standard Volume Oil 04dyHisNtStdVolOil_0045704086doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of oil in the contract day.
Day Alarm Count 03dyHisAlarmCount_0035703997i32oThe number of alarms in the contract day.
Day Net Standard Volume Water 04dyHisNtStdVolWtr_0045704087doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of water in the contract day.
Day History User ID 03dyHisDayUserId_0035703999i32oThe value of the user ID for the contract day.
Day Avg Water Cut 04dyHisAvgWtrCut_0045704088doubleo1:percent;1:percent; The average water cut for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Asset ID 03dyHisAssetId_0035704001i32oThe asset ID for this contract day.
Day Avg Density Input 04dyHisAvgDensityIn_0045704089doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average input density for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Avg Density Corrected 04dyHisAvgDensityCorr_0045704100doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average corrected density for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Avg Temperature 04dyHisTempAvg_0045704090doubleo384:celsius;384:celsius; 385:fahrenheit; The average temperature for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Start Timestamp 05dyHisStartTs_0055704180ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the start of the contract day.
Day Avg Pressure 04dyHisSpAvg_0045704091doubleo256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 260:Pa; 261:psi; The average pressure for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day End Time 05dyHisEndTs_0055704181ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the end of the contract day
Day Avg CTL Oil 04dyHisAvgCtlOil_0045704092doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for oil for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Flow Time 05dyHisFlowTime_0055704182doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; 643:hours; The time that flow was non-zero for the contract day.
Day Avg CPL Oil 04dyHisAvgCplOil_0045704093doubleoThe average pressure correction factor for oil for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Mass Pulse Count 05dyHisMassPlCnt_0055704183ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the mass pulse input in the contract day using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Day Volume Pulse Count 05dyHisVolPlCnt_0055704198ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the volume pulse input in the contract day using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Day Avg CTL Water 04dyHisAvgCtlWtr_0045704094doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for water for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Raw Volume 05dyHisVol_0055704184doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated raw (uncorrected) volume in the contract day.
Day Two Phase Time 04dyHisTwoPhseTm_0045704095doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; The time spent in two phase flow for the contract day.
Day Gross Standard Volume 05dyHisGrStdVol_0055704185doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume in the contract day.
Day Event Count 04dyHisEventCount_0045704096i32oThe number of events in the contract day.
Day Net Standard Volume Oil 05dyHisNtStdVolOil_0055704186doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of oil in the contract day.
Day Alarm Count 04dyHisAlarmCount_0045704097i32oThe number of alarms in the contract day.
Day Net Standard Volume Water 05dyHisNtStdVolWtr_0055704187doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of water in the contract day.
Day History User ID 04dyHisDayUserId_0045704099i32oThe value of the user ID for the contract day.
Day Avg Water Cut 05dyHisAvgWtrCut_0055704188doubleo1:percent;1:percent; The average water cut for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Asset ID 04dyHisAssetId_0045704101i32oThe asset ID for this contract day.
Day Avg Density Input 05dyHisAvgDensityIn_0055704189doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average input density for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Avg Density Corrected 05dyHisAvgDensityCorr_0055704200doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average corrected density for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Avg Temperature 05dyHisTempAvg_0055704190doubleo384:celsius;384:celsius; 385:fahrenheit; The average temperature for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Start Timestamp 06dyHisStartTs_0065704280ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the start of the contract day.
Day Avg Pressure 05dyHisSpAvg_0055704191doubleo256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 260:Pa; 261:psi; The average pressure for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day End Time 06dyHisEndTs_0065704281ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the end of the contract day
Day Avg CTL Oil 05dyHisAvgCtlOil_0055704192doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for oil for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Flow Time 06dyHisFlowTime_0065704282doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; 643:hours; The time that flow was non-zero for the contract day.
Day Avg CPL Oil 05dyHisAvgCplOil_0055704193doubleoThe average pressure correction factor for oil for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Mass Pulse Count 06dyHisMassPlCnt_0065704283ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the mass pulse input in the contract day using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Day Volume Pulse Count 06dyHisVolPlCnt_0065704298ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the volume pulse input in the contract day using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Day Avg CTL Water 05dyHisAvgCtlWtr_0055704194doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for water for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Raw Volume 06dyHisVol_0065704284doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated raw (uncorrected) volume in the contract day.
Day Two Phase Time 05dyHisTwoPhseTm_0055704195doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; The time spent in two phase flow for the contract day.
Day Gross Standard Volume 06dyHisGrStdVol_0065704285doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume in the contract day.
Day Event Count 05dyHisEventCount_0055704196i32oThe number of events in the contract day.
Day Net Standard Volume Oil 06dyHisNtStdVolOil_0065704286doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of oil in the contract day.
Day Alarm Count 05dyHisAlarmCount_0055704197i32oThe number of alarms in the contract day.
Day Net Standard Volume Water 06dyHisNtStdVolWtr_0065704287doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of water in the contract day.
Day History User ID 05dyHisDayUserId_0055704199i32oThe value of the user ID for the contract day.
Day Avg Water Cut 06dyHisAvgWtrCut_0065704288doubleo1:percent;1:percent; The average water cut for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Asset ID 05dyHisAssetId_0055704201i32oThe asset ID for this contract day.
Day Avg Density Input 06dyHisAvgDensityIn_0065704289doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average input density for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Avg Density Corrected 06dyHisAvgDensityCorr_0065704300doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average corrected density for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Avg Temperature 06dyHisTempAvg_0065704290doubleo384:celsius;384:celsius; 385:fahrenheit; The average temperature for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Start Timestamp 07dyHisStartTs_0075704380ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the start of the contract day.
Day Avg Pressure 06dyHisSpAvg_0065704291doubleo256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 260:Pa; 261:psi; The average pressure for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day End Time 07dyHisEndTs_0075704381ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the end of the contract day
Day Avg CTL Oil 06dyHisAvgCtlOil_0065704292doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for oil for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Flow Time 07dyHisFlowTime_0075704382doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; 643:hours; The time that flow was non-zero for the contract day.
Day Avg CPL Oil 06dyHisAvgCplOil_0065704293doubleoThe average pressure correction factor for oil for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Mass Pulse Count 07dyHisMassPlCnt_0075704383ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the mass pulse input in the contract day using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Day Volume Pulse Count 07dyHisVolPlCnt_0075704398ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the volume pulse input in the contract day using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Day Avg CTL Water 06dyHisAvgCtlWtr_0065704294doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for water for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Raw Volume 07dyHisVol_0075704384doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated raw (uncorrected) volume in the contract day.
Day Two Phase Time 06dyHisTwoPhseTm_0065704295doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; The time spent in two phase flow for the contract day.
Day Gross Standard Volume 07dyHisGrStdVol_0075704385doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume in the contract day.
Day Event Count 06dyHisEventCount_0065704296i32oThe number of events in the contract day.
Day Net Standard Volume Oil 07dyHisNtStdVolOil_0075704386doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of oil in the contract day.
Day Alarm Count 06dyHisAlarmCount_0065704297i32oThe number of alarms in the contract day.
Day Net Standard Volume Water 07dyHisNtStdVolWtr_0075704387doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of water in the contract day.
Day History User ID 06dyHisDayUserId_0065704299i32oThe value of the user ID for the contract day.
Day Avg Water Cut 07dyHisAvgWtrCut_0075704388doubleo1:percent;1:percent; The average water cut for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Asset ID 06dyHisAssetId_0065704301i32oThe asset ID for this contract day.
Day Avg Density Input 07dyHisAvgDensityIn_0075704389doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average input density for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Avg Density Corrected 07dyHisAvgDensityCorr_0075704400doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average corrected density for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Avg Temperature 07dyHisTempAvg_0075704390doubleo384:celsius;384:celsius; 385:fahrenheit; The average temperature for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Start Timestamp 08dyHisStartTs_0085704480ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the start of the contract day.
Day Avg Pressure 07dyHisSpAvg_0075704391doubleo256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 260:Pa; 261:psi; The average pressure for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day End Time 08dyHisEndTs_0085704481ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the end of the contract day
Day Avg CTL Oil 07dyHisAvgCtlOil_0075704392doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for oil for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Flow Time 08dyHisFlowTime_0085704482doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; 643:hours; The time that flow was non-zero for the contract day.
Day Avg CPL Oil 07dyHisAvgCplOil_0075704393doubleoThe average pressure correction factor for oil for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Mass Pulse Count 08dyHisMassPlCnt_0085704483ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the mass pulse input in the contract day using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Day Volume Pulse Count 08dyHisVolPlCnt_0085704498ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the volume pulse input in the contract day using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Day Avg CTL Water 07dyHisAvgCtlWtr_0075704394doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for water for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Raw Volume 08dyHisVol_0085704484doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated raw (uncorrected) volume in the contract day.
Day Two Phase Time 07dyHisTwoPhseTm_0075704395doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; The time spent in two phase flow for the contract day.
Day Gross Standard Volume 08dyHisGrStdVol_0085704485doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume in the contract day.
Day Event Count 07dyHisEventCount_0075704396i32oThe number of events in the contract day.
Day Net Standard Volume Oil 08dyHisNtStdVolOil_0085704486doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of oil in the contract day.
Day Alarm Count 07dyHisAlarmCount_0075704397i32oThe number of alarms in the contract day.
Day Net Standard Volume Water 08dyHisNtStdVolWtr_0085704487doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of water in the contract day.
Day History User ID 07dyHisDayUserId_0075704399i32oThe value of the user ID for the contract day.
Day Avg Water Cut 08dyHisAvgWtrCut_0085704488doubleo1:percent;1:percent; The average water cut for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Asset ID 07dyHisAssetId_0075704401i32oThe asset ID for this contract day.
Day Avg Density Input 08dyHisAvgDensityIn_0085704489doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average input density for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Avg Density Corrected 08dyHisAvgDensityCorr_0085704500doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average corrected density for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Avg Temperature 08dyHisTempAvg_0085704490doubleo384:celsius;384:celsius; 385:fahrenheit; The average temperature for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Start Timestamp 09dyHisStartTs_0095704580ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the start of the contract day.
Day Avg Pressure 08dyHisSpAvg_0085704491doubleo256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 260:Pa; 261:psi; The average pressure for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day End Time 09dyHisEndTs_0095704581ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the end of the contract day
Day Avg CTL Oil 08dyHisAvgCtlOil_0085704492doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for oil for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Flow Time 09dyHisFlowTime_0095704582doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; 643:hours; The time that flow was non-zero for the contract day.
Day Avg CPL Oil 08dyHisAvgCplOil_0085704493doubleoThe average pressure correction factor for oil for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Mass Pulse Count 09dyHisMassPlCnt_0095704583ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the mass pulse input in the contract day using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Day Volume Pulse Count 09dyHisVolPlCnt_0095704598ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the volume pulse input in the contract day using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Day Avg CTL Water 08dyHisAvgCtlWtr_0085704494doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for water for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Raw Volume 09dyHisVol_0095704584doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated raw (uncorrected) volume in the contract day.
Day Two Phase Time 08dyHisTwoPhseTm_0085704495doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; The time spent in two phase flow for the contract day.
Day Gross Standard Volume 09dyHisGrStdVol_0095704585doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume in the contract day.
Day Event Count 08dyHisEventCount_0085704496i32oThe number of events in the contract day.
Day Net Standard Volume Oil 09dyHisNtStdVolOil_0095704586doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of oil in the contract day.
Day Alarm Count 08dyHisAlarmCount_0085704497i32oThe number of alarms in the contract day.
Day Net Standard Volume Water 09dyHisNtStdVolWtr_0095704587doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of water in the contract day.
Day History User ID 08dyHisDayUserId_0085704499i32oThe value of the user ID for the contract day.
Day Avg Water Cut 09dyHisAvgWtrCut_0095704588doubleo1:percent;1:percent; The average water cut for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Asset ID 08dyHisAssetId_0085704501i32oThe asset ID for this contract day.
Day Avg Density Input 09dyHisAvgDensityIn_0095704589doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average input density for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Avg Density Corrected 09dyHisAvgDensityCorr_0095704600doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average corrected density for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Avg Temperature 09dyHisTempAvg_0095704590doubleo384:celsius;384:celsius; 385:fahrenheit; The average temperature for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Start Timestamp 10dyHisStartTs_0105704680ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the start of the contract day.
Day Avg Pressure 09dyHisSpAvg_0095704591doubleo256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 260:Pa; 261:psi; The average pressure for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day End Time 10dyHisEndTs_0105704681ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the end of the contract day
Day Avg CTL Oil 09dyHisAvgCtlOil_0095704592doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for oil for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Flow Time 10dyHisFlowTime_0105704682doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; 643:hours; The time that flow was non-zero for the contract day.
Day Avg CPL Oil 09dyHisAvgCplOil_0095704593doubleoThe average pressure correction factor for oil for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Mass Pulse Count 10dyHisMassPlCnt_0105704683ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the mass pulse input in the contract day using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Day Volume Pulse Count 10dyHisVolPlCnt_0105704698ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the volume pulse input in the contract day using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Day Avg CTL Water 09dyHisAvgCtlWtr_0095704594doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for water for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Raw Volume 10dyHisVol_0105704684doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated raw (uncorrected) volume in the contract day.
Day Two Phase Time 09dyHisTwoPhseTm_0095704595doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; The time spent in two phase flow for the contract day.
Day Gross Standard Volume 10dyHisGrStdVol_0105704685doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume in the contract day.
Day Event Count 09dyHisEventCount_0095704596i32oThe number of events in the contract day.
Day Net Standard Volume Oil 10dyHisNtStdVolOil_0105704686doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of oil in the contract day.
Day Alarm Count 09dyHisAlarmCount_0095704597i32oThe number of alarms in the contract day.
Day Net Standard Volume Water 10dyHisNtStdVolWtr_0105704687doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of water in the contract day.
Day History User ID 09dyHisDayUserId_0095704599i32oThe value of the user ID for the contract day.
Day Avg Water Cut 10dyHisAvgWtrCut_0105704688doubleo1:percent;1:percent; The average water cut for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Asset ID 09dyHisAssetId_0095704601i32oThe asset ID for this contract day.
Day Avg Density Input 10dyHisAvgDensityIn_0105704689doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average input density for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Avg Density Corrected 10dyHisAvgDensityCorr_0105704700doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average corrected density for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Avg Temperature 10dyHisTempAvg_0105704690doubleo384:celsius;384:celsius; 385:fahrenheit; The average temperature for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Start Timestamp 11dyHisStartTs_0115704780ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the start of the contract day.
Day Avg Pressure 10dyHisSpAvg_0105704691doubleo256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 260:Pa; 261:psi; The average pressure for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day End Time 11dyHisEndTs_0115704781ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the end of the contract day
Day Avg CTL Oil 10dyHisAvgCtlOil_0105704692doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for oil for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Flow Time 11dyHisFlowTime_0115704782doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; 643:hours; The time that flow was non-zero for the contract day.
Day Avg CPL Oil 10dyHisAvgCplOil_0105704693doubleoThe average pressure correction factor for oil for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Mass Pulse Count 11dyHisMassPlCnt_0115704783ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the mass pulse input in the contract day using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Day Volume Pulse Count 11dyHisVolPlCnt_0115704798ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the volume pulse input in the contract day using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Day Avg CTL Water 10dyHisAvgCtlWtr_0105704694doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for water for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Raw Volume 11dyHisVol_0115704784doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated raw (uncorrected) volume in the contract day.
Day Two Phase Time 10dyHisTwoPhseTm_0105704695doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; The time spent in two phase flow for the contract day.
Day Gross Standard Volume 11dyHisGrStdVol_0115704785doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume in the contract day.
Day Event Count 10dyHisEventCount_0105704696i32oThe number of events in the contract day.
Day Net Standard Volume Oil 11dyHisNtStdVolOil_0115704786doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of oil in the contract day.
Day Alarm Count 10dyHisAlarmCount_0105704697i32oThe number of alarms in the contract day.
Day Net Standard Volume Water 11dyHisNtStdVolWtr_0115704787doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of water in the contract day.
Day History User ID 10dyHisDayUserId_0105704699i32oThe value of the user ID for the contract day.
Day Avg Water Cut 11dyHisAvgWtrCut_0115704788doubleo1:percent;1:percent; The average water cut for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Asset ID 10dyHisAssetId_0105704701i32oThe asset ID for this contract day.
Day Avg Density Input 11dyHisAvgDensityIn_0115704789doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average input density for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Avg Density Corrected 11dyHisAvgDensityCorr_0115704800doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average corrected density for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Avg Temperature 11dyHisTempAvg_0115704790doubleo384:celsius;384:celsius; 385:fahrenheit; The average temperature for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Start Timestamp 12dyHisStartTs_0125704880ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the start of the contract day.
Day Avg Pressure 11dyHisSpAvg_0115704791doubleo256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 260:Pa; 261:psi; The average pressure for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day End Time 12dyHisEndTs_0125704881ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the end of the contract day
Day Avg CTL Oil 11dyHisAvgCtlOil_0115704792doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for oil for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Flow Time 12dyHisFlowTime_0125704882doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; 643:hours; The time that flow was non-zero for the contract day.
Day Avg CPL Oil 11dyHisAvgCplOil_0115704793doubleoThe average pressure correction factor for oil for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Mass Pulse Count 12dyHisMassPlCnt_0125704883ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the mass pulse input in the contract day using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Day Volume Pulse Count 12dyHisVolPlCnt_0125704898ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the volume pulse input in the contract day using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Day Avg CTL Water 11dyHisAvgCtlWtr_0115704794doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for water for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Raw Volume 12dyHisVol_0125704884doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated raw (uncorrected) volume in the contract day.
Day Two Phase Time 11dyHisTwoPhseTm_0115704795doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; The time spent in two phase flow for the contract day.
Day Gross Standard Volume 12dyHisGrStdVol_0125704885doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume in the contract day.
Day Event Count 11dyHisEventCount_0115704796i32oThe number of events in the contract day.
Day Net Standard Volume Oil 12dyHisNtStdVolOil_0125704886doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of oil in the contract day.
Day Alarm Count 11dyHisAlarmCount_0115704797i32oThe number of alarms in the contract day.
Day Net Standard Volume Water 12dyHisNtStdVolWtr_0125704887doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of water in the contract day.
Day History User ID 11dyHisDayUserId_0115704799i32oThe value of the user ID for the contract day.
Day Avg Water Cut 12dyHisAvgWtrCut_0125704888doubleo1:percent;1:percent; The average water cut for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Asset ID 11dyHisAssetId_0115704801i32oThe asset ID for this contract day.
Day Avg Density Input 12dyHisAvgDensityIn_0125704889doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average input density for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Avg Density Corrected 12dyHisAvgDensityCorr_0125704900doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average corrected density for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Avg Temperature 12dyHisTempAvg_0125704890doubleo384:celsius;384:celsius; 385:fahrenheit; The average temperature for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Start Timestamp 13dyHisStartTs_0135704980ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the start of the contract day.
Day Avg Pressure 12dyHisSpAvg_0125704891doubleo256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 260:Pa; 261:psi; The average pressure for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day End Time 13dyHisEndTs_0135704981ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the end of the contract day
Day Avg CTL Oil 12dyHisAvgCtlOil_0125704892doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for oil for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Flow Time 13dyHisFlowTime_0135704982doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; 643:hours; The time that flow was non-zero for the contract day.
Day Avg CPL Oil 12dyHisAvgCplOil_0125704893doubleoThe average pressure correction factor for oil for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Mass Pulse Count 13dyHisMassPlCnt_0135704983ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the mass pulse input in the contract day using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Day Volume Pulse Count 13dyHisVolPlCnt_0135704998ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the volume pulse input in the contract day using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Day Avg CTL Water 12dyHisAvgCtlWtr_0125704894doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for water for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Raw Volume 13dyHisVol_0135704984doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated raw (uncorrected) volume in the contract day.
Day Two Phase Time 12dyHisTwoPhseTm_0125704895doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; The time spent in two phase flow for the contract day.
Day Gross Standard Volume 13dyHisGrStdVol_0135704985doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume in the contract day.
Day Event Count 12dyHisEventCount_0125704896i32oThe number of events in the contract day.
Day Net Standard Volume Oil 13dyHisNtStdVolOil_0135704986doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of oil in the contract day.
Day Alarm Count 12dyHisAlarmCount_0125704897i32oThe number of alarms in the contract day.
Day Net Standard Volume Water 13dyHisNtStdVolWtr_0135704987doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of water in the contract day.
Day History User ID 12dyHisDayUserId_0125704899i32oThe value of the user ID for the contract day.
Day Avg Water Cut 13dyHisAvgWtrCut_0135704988doubleo1:percent;1:percent; The average water cut for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Asset ID 12dyHisAssetId_0125704901i32oThe asset ID for this contract day.
Day Avg Density Input 13dyHisAvgDensityIn_0135704989doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average input density for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Avg Density Corrected 13dyHisAvgDensityCorr_0135705000doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average corrected density for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Avg Temperature 13dyHisTempAvg_0135704990doubleo384:celsius;384:celsius; 385:fahrenheit; The average temperature for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Start Timestamp 14dyHisStartTs_0145705080ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the start of the contract day.
Day Avg Pressure 13dyHisSpAvg_0135704991doubleo256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 260:Pa; 261:psi; The average pressure for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day End Time 14dyHisEndTs_0145705081ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the end of the contract day
Day Avg CTL Oil 13dyHisAvgCtlOil_0135704992doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for oil for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Flow Time 14dyHisFlowTime_0145705082doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; 643:hours; The time that flow was non-zero for the contract day.
Day Avg CPL Oil 13dyHisAvgCplOil_0135704993doubleoThe average pressure correction factor for oil for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Mass Pulse Count 14dyHisMassPlCnt_0145705083ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the mass pulse input in the contract day using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Day Volume Pulse Count 14dyHisVolPlCnt_0145705098ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the volume pulse input in the contract day using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Day Avg CTL Water 13dyHisAvgCtlWtr_0135704994doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for water for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Raw Volume 14dyHisVol_0145705084doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated raw (uncorrected) volume in the contract day.
Day Two Phase Time 13dyHisTwoPhseTm_0135704995doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; The time spent in two phase flow for the contract day.
Day Gross Standard Volume 14dyHisGrStdVol_0145705085doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume in the contract day.
Day Event Count 13dyHisEventCount_0135704996i32oThe number of events in the contract day.
Day Net Standard Volume Oil 14dyHisNtStdVolOil_0145705086doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of oil in the contract day.
Day Alarm Count 13dyHisAlarmCount_0135704997i32oThe number of alarms in the contract day.
Day Net Standard Volume Water 14dyHisNtStdVolWtr_0145705087doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of water in the contract day.
Day History User ID 13dyHisDayUserId_0135704999i32oThe value of the user ID for the contract day.
Day Avg Water Cut 14dyHisAvgWtrCut_0145705088doubleo1:percent;1:percent; The average water cut for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Asset ID 13dyHisAssetId_0135705001i32oThe asset ID for this contract day.
Day Avg Density Input 14dyHisAvgDensityIn_0145705089doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average input density for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Avg Density Corrected 14dyHisAvgDensityCorr_0145705100doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average corrected density for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Avg Temperature 14dyHisTempAvg_0145705090doubleo384:celsius;384:celsius; 385:fahrenheit; The average temperature for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Start Timestamp 15dyHisStartTs_0155705180ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the start of the contract day.
Day Avg Pressure 14dyHisSpAvg_0145705091doubleo256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 260:Pa; 261:psi; The average pressure for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day End Time 15dyHisEndTs_0155705181ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the end of the contract day
Day Avg CTL Oil 14dyHisAvgCtlOil_0145705092doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for oil for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Flow Time 15dyHisFlowTime_0155705182doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; 643:hours; The time that flow was non-zero for the contract day.
Day Avg CPL Oil 14dyHisAvgCplOil_0145705093doubleoThe average pressure correction factor for oil for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Mass Pulse Count 15dyHisMassPlCnt_0155705183ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the mass pulse input in the contract day using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Day Volume Pulse Count 15dyHisVolPlCnt_0155705198ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the volume pulse input in the contract day using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Day Avg CTL Water 14dyHisAvgCtlWtr_0145705094doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for water for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Raw Volume 15dyHisVol_0155705184doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated raw (uncorrected) volume in the contract day.
Day Two Phase Time 14dyHisTwoPhseTm_0145705095doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; The time spent in two phase flow for the contract day.
Day Gross Standard Volume 15dyHisGrStdVol_0155705185doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume in the contract day.
Day Event Count 14dyHisEventCount_0145705096i32oThe number of events in the contract day.
Day Net Standard Volume Oil 15dyHisNtStdVolOil_0155705186doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of oil in the contract day.
Day Alarm Count 14dyHisAlarmCount_0145705097i32oThe number of alarms in the contract day.
Day Net Standard Volume Water 15dyHisNtStdVolWtr_0155705187doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of water in the contract day.
Day History User ID 14dyHisDayUserId_0145705099i32oThe value of the user ID for the contract day.
Day Avg Water Cut 15dyHisAvgWtrCut_0155705188doubleo1:percent;1:percent; The average water cut for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Asset ID 14dyHisAssetId_0145705101i32oThe asset ID for this contract day.
Day Avg Density Input 15dyHisAvgDensityIn_0155705189doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average input density for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Avg Density Corrected 15dyHisAvgDensityCorr_0155705200doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average corrected density for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Avg Temperature 15dyHisTempAvg_0155705190doubleo384:celsius;384:celsius; 385:fahrenheit; The average temperature for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Start Timestamp 16dyHisStartTs_0165705280ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the start of the contract day.
Day Avg Pressure 15dyHisSpAvg_0155705191doubleo256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 260:Pa; 261:psi; The average pressure for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day End Time 16dyHisEndTs_0165705281ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the end of the contract day
Day Avg CTL Oil 15dyHisAvgCtlOil_0155705192doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for oil for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Flow Time 16dyHisFlowTime_0165705282doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; 643:hours; The time that flow was non-zero for the contract day.
Day Avg CPL Oil 15dyHisAvgCplOil_0155705193doubleoThe average pressure correction factor for oil for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Mass Pulse Count 16dyHisMassPlCnt_0165705283ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the mass pulse input in the contract day using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Day Volume Pulse Count 16dyHisVolPlCnt_0165705298ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the volume pulse input in the contract day using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Day Avg CTL Water 15dyHisAvgCtlWtr_0155705194doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for water for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Raw Volume 16dyHisVol_0165705284doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated raw (uncorrected) volume in the contract day.
Day Two Phase Time 15dyHisTwoPhseTm_0155705195doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; The time spent in two phase flow for the contract day.
Day Gross Standard Volume 16dyHisGrStdVol_0165705285doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume in the contract day.
Day Event Count 15dyHisEventCount_0155705196i32oThe number of events in the contract day.
Day Net Standard Volume Oil 16dyHisNtStdVolOil_0165705286doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of oil in the contract day.
Day Alarm Count 15dyHisAlarmCount_0155705197i32oThe number of alarms in the contract day.
Day Net Standard Volume Water 16dyHisNtStdVolWtr_0165705287doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of water in the contract day.
Day History User ID 15dyHisDayUserId_0155705199i32oThe value of the user ID for the contract day.
Day Avg Water Cut 16dyHisAvgWtrCut_0165705288doubleo1:percent;1:percent; The average water cut for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Asset ID 15dyHisAssetId_0155705201i32oThe asset ID for this contract day.
Day Avg Density Input 16dyHisAvgDensityIn_0165705289doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average input density for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Avg Density Corrected 16dyHisAvgDensityCorr_0165705300doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average corrected density for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Avg Temperature 16dyHisTempAvg_0165705290doubleo384:celsius;384:celsius; 385:fahrenheit; The average temperature for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Start Timestamp 17dyHisStartTs_0175705380ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the start of the contract day.
Day Avg Pressure 16dyHisSpAvg_0165705291doubleo256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 260:Pa; 261:psi; The average pressure for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day End Time 17dyHisEndTs_0175705381ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the end of the contract day
Day Avg CTL Oil 16dyHisAvgCtlOil_0165705292doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for oil for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Flow Time 17dyHisFlowTime_0175705382doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; 643:hours; The time that flow was non-zero for the contract day.
Day Avg CPL Oil 16dyHisAvgCplOil_0165705293doubleoThe average pressure correction factor for oil for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Mass Pulse Count 17dyHisMassPlCnt_0175705383ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the mass pulse input in the contract day using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Day Volume Pulse Count 17dyHisVolPlCnt_0175705398ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the volume pulse input in the contract day using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Day Avg CTL Water 16dyHisAvgCtlWtr_0165705294doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for water for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Raw Volume 17dyHisVol_0175705384doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated raw (uncorrected) volume in the contract day.
Day Two Phase Time 16dyHisTwoPhseTm_0165705295doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; The time spent in two phase flow for the contract day.
Day Gross Standard Volume 17dyHisGrStdVol_0175705385doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume in the contract day.
Day Event Count 16dyHisEventCount_0165705296i32oThe number of events in the contract day.
Day Net Standard Volume Oil 17dyHisNtStdVolOil_0175705386doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of oil in the contract day.
Day Alarm Count 16dyHisAlarmCount_0165705297i32oThe number of alarms in the contract day.
Day Net Standard Volume Water 17dyHisNtStdVolWtr_0175705387doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of water in the contract day.
Day History User ID 16dyHisDayUserId_0165705299i32oThe value of the user ID for the contract day.
Day Avg Water Cut 17dyHisAvgWtrCut_0175705388doubleo1:percent;1:percent; The average water cut for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Asset ID 16dyHisAssetId_0165705301i32oThe asset ID for this contract day.
Day Avg Density Input 17dyHisAvgDensityIn_0175705389doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average input density for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Avg Density Corrected 17dyHisAvgDensityCorr_0175705400doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average corrected density for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Avg Temperature 17dyHisTempAvg_0175705390doubleo384:celsius;384:celsius; 385:fahrenheit; The average temperature for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Start Timestamp 18dyHisStartTs_0185705480ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the start of the contract day.
Day Avg Pressure 17dyHisSpAvg_0175705391doubleo256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 260:Pa; 261:psi; The average pressure for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day End Time 18dyHisEndTs_0185705481ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the end of the contract day
Day Avg CTL Oil 17dyHisAvgCtlOil_0175705392doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for oil for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Flow Time 18dyHisFlowTime_0185705482doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; 643:hours; The time that flow was non-zero for the contract day.
Day Avg CPL Oil 17dyHisAvgCplOil_0175705393doubleoThe average pressure correction factor for oil for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Mass Pulse Count 18dyHisMassPlCnt_0185705483ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the mass pulse input in the contract day using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Day Volume Pulse Count 18dyHisVolPlCnt_0185705498ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the volume pulse input in the contract day using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Day Avg CTL Water 17dyHisAvgCtlWtr_0175705394doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for water for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Raw Volume 18dyHisVol_0185705484doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated raw (uncorrected) volume in the contract day.
Day Two Phase Time 17dyHisTwoPhseTm_0175705395doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; The time spent in two phase flow for the contract day.
Day Gross Standard Volume 18dyHisGrStdVol_0185705485doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume in the contract day.
Day Event Count 17dyHisEventCount_0175705396i32oThe number of events in the contract day.
Day Net Standard Volume Oil 18dyHisNtStdVolOil_0185705486doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of oil in the contract day.
Day Alarm Count 17dyHisAlarmCount_0175705397i32oThe number of alarms in the contract day.
Day Net Standard Volume Water 18dyHisNtStdVolWtr_0185705487doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of water in the contract day.
Day History User ID 17dyHisDayUserId_0175705399i32oThe value of the user ID for the contract day.
Day Avg Water Cut 18dyHisAvgWtrCut_0185705488doubleo1:percent;1:percent; The average water cut for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Asset ID 17dyHisAssetId_0175705401i32oThe asset ID for this contract day.
Day Avg Density Input 18dyHisAvgDensityIn_0185705489doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average input density for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Avg Density Corrected 18dyHisAvgDensityCorr_0185705500doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average corrected density for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Avg Temperature 18dyHisTempAvg_0185705490doubleo384:celsius;384:celsius; 385:fahrenheit; The average temperature for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Start Timestamp 19dyHisStartTs_0195705580ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the start of the contract day.
Day Avg Pressure 18dyHisSpAvg_0185705491doubleo256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 260:Pa; 261:psi; The average pressure for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day End Time 19dyHisEndTs_0195705581ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the end of the contract day
Day Avg CTL Oil 18dyHisAvgCtlOil_0185705492doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for oil for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Flow Time 19dyHisFlowTime_0195705582doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; 643:hours; The time that flow was non-zero for the contract day.
Day Avg CPL Oil 18dyHisAvgCplOil_0185705493doubleoThe average pressure correction factor for oil for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Mass Pulse Count 19dyHisMassPlCnt_0195705583ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the mass pulse input in the contract day using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Day Volume Pulse Count 19dyHisVolPlCnt_0195705598ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the volume pulse input in the contract day using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Day Avg CTL Water 18dyHisAvgCtlWtr_0185705494doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for water for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Raw Volume 19dyHisVol_0195705584doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated raw (uncorrected) volume in the contract day.
Day Two Phase Time 18dyHisTwoPhseTm_0185705495doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; The time spent in two phase flow for the contract day.
Day Gross Standard Volume 19dyHisGrStdVol_0195705585doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume in the contract day.
Day Event Count 18dyHisEventCount_0185705496i32oThe number of events in the contract day.
Day Net Standard Volume Oil 19dyHisNtStdVolOil_0195705586doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of oil in the contract day.
Day Alarm Count 18dyHisAlarmCount_0185705497i32oThe number of alarms in the contract day.
Day Net Standard Volume Water 19dyHisNtStdVolWtr_0195705587doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of water in the contract day.
Day History User ID 18dyHisDayUserId_0185705499i32oThe value of the user ID for the contract day.
Day Avg Water Cut 19dyHisAvgWtrCut_0195705588doubleo1:percent;1:percent; The average water cut for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Asset ID 18dyHisAssetId_0185705501i32oThe asset ID for this contract day.
Day Avg Density Input 19dyHisAvgDensityIn_0195705589doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average input density for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Avg Density Corrected 19dyHisAvgDensityCorr_0195705600doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average corrected density for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Avg Temperature 19dyHisTempAvg_0195705590doubleo384:celsius;384:celsius; 385:fahrenheit; The average temperature for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Start Timestamp 20dyHisStartTs_0205705680ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the start of the contract day.
Day Avg Pressure 19dyHisSpAvg_0195705591doubleo256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 260:Pa; 261:psi; The average pressure for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day End Time 20dyHisEndTs_0205705681ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the end of the contract day
Day Avg CTL Oil 19dyHisAvgCtlOil_0195705592doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for oil for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Flow Time 20dyHisFlowTime_0205705682doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; 643:hours; The time that flow was non-zero for the contract day.
Day Avg CPL Oil 19dyHisAvgCplOil_0195705593doubleoThe average pressure correction factor for oil for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Mass Pulse Count 20dyHisMassPlCnt_0205705683ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the mass pulse input in the contract day using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Day Volume Pulse Count 20dyHisVolPlCnt_0205705698ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the volume pulse input in the contract day using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Day Avg CTL Water 19dyHisAvgCtlWtr_0195705594doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for water for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Raw Volume 20dyHisVol_0205705684doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated raw (uncorrected) volume in the contract day.
Day Two Phase Time 19dyHisTwoPhseTm_0195705595doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; The time spent in two phase flow for the contract day.
Day Gross Standard Volume 20dyHisGrStdVol_0205705685doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume in the contract day.
Day Event Count 19dyHisEventCount_0195705596i32oThe number of events in the contract day.
Day Net Standard Volume Oil 20dyHisNtStdVolOil_0205705686doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of oil in the contract day.
Day Alarm Count 19dyHisAlarmCount_0195705597i32oThe number of alarms in the contract day.
Day Net Standard Volume Water 20dyHisNtStdVolWtr_0205705687doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of water in the contract day.
Day History User ID 19dyHisDayUserId_0195705599i32oThe value of the user ID for the contract day.
Day Avg Water Cut 20dyHisAvgWtrCut_0205705688doubleo1:percent;1:percent; The average water cut for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Asset ID 19dyHisAssetId_0195705601i32oThe asset ID for this contract day.
Day Avg Density Input 20dyHisAvgDensityIn_0205705689doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average input density for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Avg Density Corrected 20dyHisAvgDensityCorr_0205705700doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average corrected density for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Avg Temperature 20dyHisTempAvg_0205705690doubleo384:celsius;384:celsius; 385:fahrenheit; The average temperature for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Start Timestamp 21dyHisStartTs_0215705780ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the start of the contract day.
Day Avg Pressure 20dyHisSpAvg_0205705691doubleo256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 260:Pa; 261:psi; The average pressure for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day End Time 21dyHisEndTs_0215705781ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the end of the contract day
Day Avg CTL Oil 20dyHisAvgCtlOil_0205705692doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for oil for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Flow Time 21dyHisFlowTime_0215705782doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; 643:hours; The time that flow was non-zero for the contract day.
Day Avg CPL Oil 20dyHisAvgCplOil_0205705693doubleoThe average pressure correction factor for oil for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Mass Pulse Count 21dyHisMassPlCnt_0215705783ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the mass pulse input in the contract day using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Day Volume Pulse Count 21dyHisVolPlCnt_0215705798ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the volume pulse input in the contract day using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Day Avg CTL Water 20dyHisAvgCtlWtr_0205705694doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for water for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Raw Volume 21dyHisVol_0215705784doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated raw (uncorrected) volume in the contract day.
Day Two Phase Time 20dyHisTwoPhseTm_0205705695doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; The time spent in two phase flow for the contract day.
Day Gross Standard Volume 21dyHisGrStdVol_0215705785doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume in the contract day.
Day Event Count 20dyHisEventCount_0205705696i32oThe number of events in the contract day.
Day Net Standard Volume Oil 21dyHisNtStdVolOil_0215705786doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of oil in the contract day.
Day Alarm Count 20dyHisAlarmCount_0205705697i32oThe number of alarms in the contract day.
Day Net Standard Volume Water 21dyHisNtStdVolWtr_0215705787doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of water in the contract day.
Day History User ID 20dyHisDayUserId_0205705699i32oThe value of the user ID for the contract day.
Day Avg Water Cut 21dyHisAvgWtrCut_0215705788doubleo1:percent;1:percent; The average water cut for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Asset ID 20dyHisAssetId_0205705701i32oThe asset ID for this contract day.
Day Avg Density Input 21dyHisAvgDensityIn_0215705789doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average input density for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Avg Density Corrected 21dyHisAvgDensityCorr_0215705800doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average corrected density for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Avg Temperature 21dyHisTempAvg_0215705790doubleo384:celsius;384:celsius; 385:fahrenheit; The average temperature for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Start Timestamp 22dyHisStartTs_0225705880ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the start of the contract day.
Day Avg Pressure 21dyHisSpAvg_0215705791doubleo256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 260:Pa; 261:psi; The average pressure for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day End Time 22dyHisEndTs_0225705881ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the end of the contract day
Day Avg CTL Oil 21dyHisAvgCtlOil_0215705792doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for oil for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Flow Time 22dyHisFlowTime_0225705882doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; 643:hours; The time that flow was non-zero for the contract day.
Day Avg CPL Oil 21dyHisAvgCplOil_0215705793doubleoThe average pressure correction factor for oil for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Mass Pulse Count 22dyHisMassPlCnt_0225705883ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the mass pulse input in the contract day using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Day Volume Pulse Count 22dyHisVolPlCnt_0225705898ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the volume pulse input in the contract day using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Day Avg CTL Water 21dyHisAvgCtlWtr_0215705794doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for water for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Raw Volume 22dyHisVol_0225705884doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated raw (uncorrected) volume in the contract day.
Day Two Phase Time 21dyHisTwoPhseTm_0215705795doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; The time spent in two phase flow for the contract day.
Day Gross Standard Volume 22dyHisGrStdVol_0225705885doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume in the contract day.
Day Event Count 21dyHisEventCount_0215705796i32oThe number of events in the contract day.
Day Net Standard Volume Oil 22dyHisNtStdVolOil_0225705886doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of oil in the contract day.
Day Alarm Count 21dyHisAlarmCount_0215705797i32oThe number of alarms in the contract day.
Day Net Standard Volume Water 22dyHisNtStdVolWtr_0225705887doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of water in the contract day.
Day History User ID 21dyHisDayUserId_0215705799i32oThe value of the user ID for the contract day.
Day Avg Water Cut 22dyHisAvgWtrCut_0225705888doubleo1:percent;1:percent; The average water cut for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Asset ID 21dyHisAssetId_0215705801i32oThe asset ID for this contract day.
Day Avg Density Input 22dyHisAvgDensityIn_0225705889doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average input density for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Avg Density Corrected 22dyHisAvgDensityCorr_0225705900doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average corrected density for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Avg Temperature 22dyHisTempAvg_0225705890doubleo384:celsius;384:celsius; 385:fahrenheit; The average temperature for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Start Timestamp 23dyHisStartTs_0235705980ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the start of the contract day.
Day Avg Pressure 22dyHisSpAvg_0225705891doubleo256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 260:Pa; 261:psi; The average pressure for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day End Time 23dyHisEndTs_0235705981ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the end of the contract day
Day Avg CTL Oil 22dyHisAvgCtlOil_0225705892doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for oil for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Flow Time 23dyHisFlowTime_0235705982doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; 643:hours; The time that flow was non-zero for the contract day.
Day Avg CPL Oil 22dyHisAvgCplOil_0225705893doubleoThe average pressure correction factor for oil for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Mass Pulse Count 23dyHisMassPlCnt_0235705983ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the mass pulse input in the contract day using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Day Volume Pulse Count 23dyHisVolPlCnt_0235705998ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the volume pulse input in the contract day using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Day Avg CTL Water 22dyHisAvgCtlWtr_0225705894doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for water for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Raw Volume 23dyHisVol_0235705984doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated raw (uncorrected) volume in the contract day.
Day Two Phase Time 22dyHisTwoPhseTm_0225705895doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; The time spent in two phase flow for the contract day.
Day Gross Standard Volume 23dyHisGrStdVol_0235705985doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume in the contract day.
Day Event Count 22dyHisEventCount_0225705896i32oThe number of events in the contract day.
Day Net Standard Volume Oil 23dyHisNtStdVolOil_0235705986doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of oil in the contract day.
Day Alarm Count 22dyHisAlarmCount_0225705897i32oThe number of alarms in the contract day.
Day Net Standard Volume Water 23dyHisNtStdVolWtr_0235705987doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of water in the contract day.
Day History User ID 22dyHisDayUserId_0225705899i32oThe value of the user ID for the contract day.
Day Avg Water Cut 23dyHisAvgWtrCut_0235705988doubleo1:percent;1:percent; The average water cut for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Asset ID 22dyHisAssetId_0225705901i32oThe asset ID for this contract day.
Day Avg Density Input 23dyHisAvgDensityIn_0235705989doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average input density for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Avg Density Corrected 23dyHisAvgDensityCorr_0235706000doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average corrected density for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Avg Temperature 23dyHisTempAvg_0235705990doubleo384:celsius;384:celsius; 385:fahrenheit; The average temperature for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Start Timestamp 24dyHisStartTs_0245706080ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the start of the contract day.
Day Avg Pressure 23dyHisSpAvg_0235705991doubleo256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 260:Pa; 261:psi; The average pressure for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day End Time 24dyHisEndTs_0245706081ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the end of the contract day
Day Avg CTL Oil 23dyHisAvgCtlOil_0235705992doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for oil for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Flow Time 24dyHisFlowTime_0245706082doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; 643:hours; The time that flow was non-zero for the contract day.
Day Avg CPL Oil 23dyHisAvgCplOil_0235705993doubleoThe average pressure correction factor for oil for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Mass Pulse Count 24dyHisMassPlCnt_0245706083ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the mass pulse input in the contract day using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Day Volume Pulse Count 24dyHisVolPlCnt_0245706098ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the volume pulse input in the contract day using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Day Avg CTL Water 23dyHisAvgCtlWtr_0235705994doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for water for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Raw Volume 24dyHisVol_0245706084doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated raw (uncorrected) volume in the contract day.
Day Two Phase Time 23dyHisTwoPhseTm_0235705995doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; The time spent in two phase flow for the contract day.
Day Gross Standard Volume 24dyHisGrStdVol_0245706085doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume in the contract day.
Day Event Count 23dyHisEventCount_0235705996i32oThe number of events in the contract day.
Day Net Standard Volume Oil 24dyHisNtStdVolOil_0245706086doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of oil in the contract day.
Day Alarm Count 23dyHisAlarmCount_0235705997i32oThe number of alarms in the contract day.
Day Net Standard Volume Water 24dyHisNtStdVolWtr_0245706087doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of water in the contract day.
Day History User ID 23dyHisDayUserId_0235705999i32oThe value of the user ID for the contract day.
Day Avg Water Cut 24dyHisAvgWtrCut_0245706088doubleo1:percent;1:percent; The average water cut for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Asset ID 23dyHisAssetId_0235706001i32oThe asset ID for this contract day.
Day Avg Density Input 24dyHisAvgDensityIn_0245706089doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average input density for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Avg Density Corrected 24dyHisAvgDensityCorr_0245706100doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average corrected density for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Avg Temperature 24dyHisTempAvg_0245706090doubleo384:celsius;384:celsius; 385:fahrenheit; The average temperature for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Avg Pressure 24dyHisSpAvg_0245706091doubleo256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 260:Pa; 261:psi; The average pressure for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Avg CTL Oil 24dyHisAvgCtlOil_0245706092doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for oil for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Avg CPL Oil 24dyHisAvgCplOil_0245706093doubleoThe average pressure correction factor for oil for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Avg CTL Water 24dyHisAvgCtlWtr_0245706094doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for water for the contract day using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Day Two Phase Time 24dyHisTwoPhseTm_0245706095doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; The time spent in two phase flow for the contract day.
Day Event Count 24dyHisEventCount_0245706096i32oThe number of events in the contract day.
Day Alarm Count 24dyHisAlarmCount_0245706097i32oThe number of alarms in the contract day.
Day History User ID 24dyHisDayUserId_0245706099i32oThe value of the user ID for the contract day.
Day Asset ID 24dyHisAssetId_0245706101i32oThe asset ID for this contract day.

Group 'Batch Status'

Information about the current and last batch.

This is a status group that has 24 parameters.

ParameterTag NameIDValue TypeTag Value TypeIO TypeDefault ValueLimitsDefault UnitsAllowed UnitsDescriptionSync EnabledSync DefaultExport EnabledPublish MQTT EnabledSubscribe MQTT EnabledShow in Manager Enabled
Batch StatebchState5439488i32o0:Disabled0:Disabled; 1:Inactive; 2:Purge; 3:Active; The current state of batch operations.
Purge VolumeprgVol5439489doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; Accumulated volume during purge.
Purge MassprgMass5439490doubleo1152:kg;1152:kg; 1153:lbm; 1154:metricTon; 1155:shortTon; 1156:impTon; Accumulated mass during purge.
Purge Flow TimeprgFlowTime5439491doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; 643:hours; The flow time during purge.
Purge Elapsed TimeprgElapsedTime5439492doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; 643:hours; The elapsed time for purge.
Current Batch IDbchId5439493i32oThe unique identification number of the current batch.
Current Batch Start TimebchStartTs5439494ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The time that the current batch was started.
Current Batch Elapsed TimebchElapsedTime5439495doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; 643:hours; The elapsed time for the current batch.
Current Batch Flow TimebchFlowTime5439496doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; 643:hours; The time that flow was non-zero for the batch.
Current Batch MassbchMass5439497doubleo1152:kg;1152:kg; 1153:lbm; 1154:metricTon; 1155:shortTon; 1156:impTon; Accumulated mass for the current batch.
Current Batch Raw VolumebchVol5439498doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; Accumulated uncorrected volume for the current batch.
Current Batch Gross Standard VolumebchGrStdVol5439499doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume in the current batch.
Current Batch Net Standard Volume OilbchNtStdVolOil5439500doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of oil in the current batch.
Current Batch Net Standard Volume WaterbchNtStdVolWtr5439501doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of water in the current batch.
Current Batch Avg Water CutbchAvgWtrCut5439502doubleo1:percent;1:percent; The average water cut for the current batch using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Current Batch Avg Density InputbchAvgDensityIn5439503doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average input density for the current batch using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Current Batch Avg Density CorrectedbchAvgDensityCorr5439504doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average corrected density for the current batch using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Current Batch Avg TemperaturebchTempAvg5439506doubleo384:celsius;384:celsius; 385:fahrenheit; The average temperature for the current batch using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Current Batch Avg PressurebchSpAvg5439507doubleo256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 260:Pa; 261:psi; The average pressure for the current batch using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Current Batch Avg CTL OilbchAvgCtlOil5439508doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for oil for the current batch using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Current Batch Avg CPL OilbchAvgCplOil5439509doubleoThe average pressure correction factor for oil for the current batch using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Current Batch Avg CTL WaterbchAvgCtlWtr5439510doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for water for the current batch using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Current Batch Two Phase TimebchTwoPhaseTime5439511doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; 643:hours; The time spent in two phase flow for the current batch.
Batch User IDbchUserId5439512i32oThe value of the user ID for the current batch. This value is incremented automatically for each new batch and is 0 when a batch is not active.

Group 'Batch History'

Batch history records. Ordered from the newest record to the oldest.

This is a status group that has 144 parameters.

ParameterTag NameIDValue TypeTag Value TypeIO TypeDefault ValueLimitsDefault UnitsAllowed UnitsDescriptionSync EnabledSync DefaultExport EnabledPublish MQTT EnabledSubscribe MQTT EnabledShow in Manager Enabled
Batch ID 01bchHisId_0015834852i32oThe unique identification number of the batch.
Batch Start Time 01bchHisStartTs_0015834853ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the start of the batch.
Batch End Time 01bchHisEndTs_0015834854ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the end time of the batch.
Batch Elapsed Time 01bchHisElapsedTime_0015834855doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; 643:hours; The elapsed time for the batch.
Batch Flow Time 01bchHisFlowTime_0015834856doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; 643:hours; The time that flow was non-zero for the batch.
Batch Mass Pulse Count 01bchHisMassPlCnt_0015834864ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the mass pulse input in the batch using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Batch Volume Pulse Count 01bchHisVolPlCnt_0015834877ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the volume pulse input in the batch using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Batch Raw Volume 01bchHisVol_0015834857doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; Accumulated uncorrected volume for the batch.
Batch Gross Standard Volume 01bchHisGrStdVol_0015834865doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume in the current contract day.
Batch Net Standard Volume Oil 01bchHisNtStdVolOil_0015834866doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of oil in the batch.
Batch Net Standard Volume Water 01bchHisNtStdVolWtr_0015834867doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of water in the batch.
Batch Avg Water Cut 01bchHisAvgWtrCut_0015834868doubleo1:percent;1:percent; The average water cut for the batch using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Batch ID 02bchHisId_0025834952i32oThe unique identification number of the batch.
Batch Avg Density Input 01bchHisAvgDensityIn_0015834869doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average input density for the batch using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Batch Start Time 02bchHisStartTs_0025834953ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the start of the batch.
Batch Avg Density Corrected 01bchHisAvgDensityCorr_0015834879doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average corrected density for the batch using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Batch Avg Temperature 01bchHisTempAvg_0015834872doubleo384:celsius;384:celsius; 385:fahrenheit; The average temperature for the batch using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Batch End Time 02bchHisEndTs_0025834954ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the end time of the batch.
Batch Avg Pressure 01bchHisSpAvg_0015834873doubleo256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 260:Pa; 261:psi; The average pressure for the batch using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Batch Elapsed Time 02bchHisElapsedTime_0025834955doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; 643:hours; The elapsed time for the batch.
Batch Avg CTL Oil 01bchHisAvgCtlOil_0015834874doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for oil for the batch using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Batch Flow Time 02bchHisFlowTime_0025834956doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; 643:hours; The time that flow was non-zero for the batch.
Batch Avg CPL Oil 01bchHisAvgCplOil_0015834875doubleoThe average pressure correction factor for oil for the batch using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Batch Mass Pulse Count 02bchHisMassPlCnt_0025834964ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the mass pulse input in the batch using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Batch Volume Pulse Count 02bchHisVolPlCnt_0025834977ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the volume pulse input in the batch using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Batch Avg CTL Water 01bchHisAvgCtlWtr_0015834876doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for water for the batch using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Batch Raw Volume 02bchHisVol_0025834957doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; Accumulated uncorrected volume for the batch.
Batch Two Phase Time 01bchHisTwoPhseTm_0015834861doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; The two phase time for the batch.
Batch Gross Standard Volume 02bchHisGrStdVol_0025834965doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume in the current contract day.
Batch Event Count 01bchHisEventCount_0015834862i32oThe number of events that have occurred during the batch. Batch results may be invalid if this number is not 0.
Batch Net Standard Volume Oil 02bchHisNtStdVolOil_0025834966doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of oil in the batch.
Batch Alarm Count 01bchHisAlarmCount_0015834863i32oThe number of alarms that have occurred during the batch. Batch results may be invalid if this number is not 0.
Batch Net Standard Volume Water 02bchHisNtStdVolWtr_0025834967doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of water in the batch.
Batch User ID 01bchHisBatchUserId_0015834878i32oThe value of the user ID for the batch.
Batch Asset ID 01bchHisAssetId_0015834880i32oThe asset ID for this batch.
Batch Avg Water Cut 02bchHisAvgWtrCut_0025834968doubleo1:percent;1:percent; The average water cut for the batch using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Batch ID 03bchHisId_0035835052i32oThe unique identification number of the batch.
Batch Avg Density Input 02bchHisAvgDensityIn_0025834969doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average input density for the batch using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Batch Start Time 03bchHisStartTs_0035835053ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the start of the batch.
Batch Avg Density Corrected 02bchHisAvgDensityCorr_0025834979doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average corrected density for the batch using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Batch Avg Temperature 02bchHisTempAvg_0025834972doubleo384:celsius;384:celsius; 385:fahrenheit; The average temperature for the batch using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Batch End Time 03bchHisEndTs_0035835054ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the end time of the batch.
Batch Avg Pressure 02bchHisSpAvg_0025834973doubleo256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 260:Pa; 261:psi; The average pressure for the batch using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Batch Elapsed Time 03bchHisElapsedTime_0035835055doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; 643:hours; The elapsed time for the batch.
Batch Avg CTL Oil 02bchHisAvgCtlOil_0025834974doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for oil for the batch using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Batch Flow Time 03bchHisFlowTime_0035835056doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; 643:hours; The time that flow was non-zero for the batch.
Batch Avg CPL Oil 02bchHisAvgCplOil_0025834975doubleoThe average pressure correction factor for oil for the batch using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Batch Mass Pulse Count 03bchHisMassPlCnt_0035835064ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the mass pulse input in the batch using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Batch Volume Pulse Count 03bchHisVolPlCnt_0035835077ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the volume pulse input in the batch using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Batch Avg CTL Water 02bchHisAvgCtlWtr_0025834976doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for water for the batch using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Batch Raw Volume 03bchHisVol_0035835057doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; Accumulated uncorrected volume for the batch.
Batch Two Phase Time 02bchHisTwoPhseTm_0025834961doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; The two phase time for the batch.
Batch Gross Standard Volume 03bchHisGrStdVol_0035835065doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume in the current contract day.
Batch Event Count 02bchHisEventCount_0025834962i32oThe number of events that have occurred during the batch. Batch results may be invalid if this number is not 0.
Batch Net Standard Volume Oil 03bchHisNtStdVolOil_0035835066doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of oil in the batch.
Batch Alarm Count 02bchHisAlarmCount_0025834963i32oThe number of alarms that have occurred during the batch. Batch results may be invalid if this number is not 0.
Batch Net Standard Volume Water 03bchHisNtStdVolWtr_0035835067doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of water in the batch.
Batch User ID 02bchHisBatchUserId_0025834978i32oThe value of the user ID for the batch.
Batch Asset ID 02bchHisAssetId_0025834980i32oThe asset ID for this batch.
Batch Avg Water Cut 03bchHisAvgWtrCut_0035835068doubleo1:percent;1:percent; The average water cut for the batch using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Batch ID 04bchHisId_0045835152i32oThe unique identification number of the batch.
Batch Avg Density Input 03bchHisAvgDensityIn_0035835069doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average input density for the batch using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Batch Start Time 04bchHisStartTs_0045835153ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the start of the batch.
Batch Avg Density Corrected 03bchHisAvgDensityCorr_0035835079doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average corrected density for the batch using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Batch Avg Temperature 03bchHisTempAvg_0035835072doubleo384:celsius;384:celsius; 385:fahrenheit; The average temperature for the batch using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Batch End Time 04bchHisEndTs_0045835154ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the end time of the batch.
Batch Avg Pressure 03bchHisSpAvg_0035835073doubleo256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 260:Pa; 261:psi; The average pressure for the batch using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Batch Elapsed Time 04bchHisElapsedTime_0045835155doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; 643:hours; The elapsed time for the batch.
Batch Avg CTL Oil 03bchHisAvgCtlOil_0035835074doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for oil for the batch using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Batch Flow Time 04bchHisFlowTime_0045835156doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; 643:hours; The time that flow was non-zero for the batch.
Batch Avg CPL Oil 03bchHisAvgCplOil_0035835075doubleoThe average pressure correction factor for oil for the batch using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Batch Mass Pulse Count 04bchHisMassPlCnt_0045835164ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the mass pulse input in the batch using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Batch Volume Pulse Count 04bchHisVolPlCnt_0045835177ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the volume pulse input in the batch using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Batch Avg CTL Water 03bchHisAvgCtlWtr_0035835076doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for water for the batch using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Batch Raw Volume 04bchHisVol_0045835157doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; Accumulated uncorrected volume for the batch.
Batch Two Phase Time 03bchHisTwoPhseTm_0035835061doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; The two phase time for the batch.
Batch Gross Standard Volume 04bchHisGrStdVol_0045835165doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume in the current contract day.
Batch Event Count 03bchHisEventCount_0035835062i32oThe number of events that have occurred during the batch. Batch results may be invalid if this number is not 0.
Batch Net Standard Volume Oil 04bchHisNtStdVolOil_0045835166doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of oil in the batch.
Batch Alarm Count 03bchHisAlarmCount_0035835063i32oThe number of alarms that have occurred during the batch. Batch results may be invalid if this number is not 0.
Batch Net Standard Volume Water 04bchHisNtStdVolWtr_0045835167doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of water in the batch.
Batch User ID 03bchHisBatchUserId_0035835078i32oThe value of the user ID for the batch.
Batch Asset ID 03bchHisAssetId_0035835080i32oThe asset ID for this batch.
Batch Avg Water Cut 04bchHisAvgWtrCut_0045835168doubleo1:percent;1:percent; The average water cut for the batch using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Batch ID 05bchHisId_0055835252i32oThe unique identification number of the batch.
Batch Avg Density Input 04bchHisAvgDensityIn_0045835169doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average input density for the batch using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Batch Start Time 05bchHisStartTs_0055835253ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the start of the batch.
Batch Avg Density Corrected 04bchHisAvgDensityCorr_0045835179doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average corrected density for the batch using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Batch Avg Temperature 04bchHisTempAvg_0045835172doubleo384:celsius;384:celsius; 385:fahrenheit; The average temperature for the batch using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Batch End Time 05bchHisEndTs_0055835254ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The UTC time at the end time of the batch.
Batch Avg Pressure 04bchHisSpAvg_0045835173doubleo256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 260:Pa; 261:psi; The average pressure for the batch using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Batch Elapsed Time 05bchHisElapsedTime_0055835255doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; 643:hours; The elapsed time for the batch.
Batch Avg CTL Oil 04bchHisAvgCtlOil_0045835174doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for oil for the batch using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Batch Flow Time 05bchHisFlowTime_0055835256doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; 643:hours; The time that flow was non-zero for the batch.
Batch Avg CPL Oil 04bchHisAvgCplOil_0045835175doubleoThe average pressure correction factor for oil for the batch using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Batch Mass Pulse Count 05bchHisMassPlCnt_0055835264ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the mass pulse input in the batch using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Batch Volume Pulse Count 05bchHisVolPlCnt_0055835277ui32oThe accumulated pulses for the volume pulse input in the batch using a flow dependent accumulation algorithm. Counts are included in the total when the flow is non-zero.
Batch Avg CTL Water 04bchHisAvgCtlWtr_0045835176doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for water for the batch using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Batch Raw Volume 05bchHisVol_0055835257doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; Accumulated uncorrected volume for the batch.
Batch Two Phase Time 04bchHisTwoPhseTm_0045835161doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; The two phase time for the batch.
Batch Gross Standard Volume 05bchHisGrStdVol_0055835265doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume in the current contract day.
Batch Event Count 04bchHisEventCount_0045835162i32oThe number of events that have occurred during the batch. Batch results may be invalid if this number is not 0.
Batch Net Standard Volume Oil 05bchHisNtStdVolOil_0055835266doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of oil in the batch.
Batch Alarm Count 04bchHisAlarmCount_0045835163i32oThe number of alarms that have occurred during the batch. Batch results may be invalid if this number is not 0.
Batch Net Standard Volume Water 05bchHisNtStdVolWtr_0055835267doubleo1792:lqv_m3;1792:lqv_m3; 1793:lqv_e3m3; 1794:lqv_litre; 1795:lqv_bbl; 1796:lqv_gal; 1797:lqv_ft3; The accumulated corrected volume of water in the batch.
Batch User ID 04bchHisBatchUserId_0045835178i32oThe value of the user ID for the batch.
Batch Asset ID 04bchHisAssetId_0045835180i32oThe asset ID for this batch.
Batch Avg Water Cut 05bchHisAvgWtrCut_0055835268doubleo1:percent;1:percent; The average water cut for the batch using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Batch Avg Density Input 05bchHisAvgDensityIn_0055835269doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average input density for the batch using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Batch Avg Density Corrected 05bchHisAvgDensityCorr_0055835279doubleo1920:kg_m3;1920:kg_m3; 1921:lbm_ft3; 1922:degreesApi; The average corrected density for the batch using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Batch Avg Temperature 05bchHisTempAvg_0055835272doubleo384:celsius;384:celsius; 385:fahrenheit; The average temperature for the batch using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Batch Avg Pressure 05bchHisSpAvg_0055835273doubleo256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 260:Pa; 261:psi; The average pressure for the batch using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Batch Avg CTL Oil 05bchHisAvgCtlOil_0055835274doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for oil for the batch using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Batch Avg CPL Oil 05bchHisAvgCplOil_0055835275doubleoThe average pressure correction factor for oil for the batch using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Batch Avg CTL Water 05bchHisAvgCtlWtr_0055835276doubleoThe average temperature correction factor for water for the batch using the 'flow-dependent time-weighted linear' averaging algorithm. Values are excluded from the average when there is no flow.
Batch Two Phase Time 05bchHisTwoPhseTm_0055835261doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; The two phase time for the batch.
Batch Event Count 05bchHisEventCount_0055835262i32oThe number of events that have occurred during the batch. Batch results may be invalid if this number is not 0.
Batch Alarm Count 05bchHisAlarmCount_0055835263i32oThe number of alarms that have occurred during the batch. Batch results may be invalid if this number is not 0.
Batch User ID 05bchHisBatchUserId_0055835278i32oThe value of the user ID for the batch.
Batch Asset ID 05bchHisAssetId_0055835280i32oThe asset ID for this batch.