
Plunger Lift v1.5


Version Info

  • Change data type for 'Off Time' flow condition, 'Off Time Recovery Mode' parameter and 'On Time' shut in condition to int32.
  • Increase the limit for the 'Off Time' flow condition, the 'Off Time Recover Mode' parameter and 'On Time' shut in condition to 10 000 00.

Group 'Input Output Tags'

Settings in this group hold tag names for input and output values from the program

This is a configuration group that has 9 parameters.

ParameterTag NameIDValue TypeTag Value TypeIO TypeDefault ValueLimitsDefault UnitsAllowed UnitsDescriptionSync EnabledSync DefaultExport EnabledPublish MQTT EnabledSubscribe MQTT EnabledShow in Manager Enabled
Casing Pressure Tag NamecasingPrTg1114112stringdoubleicasingPressureminChars:2;maxChars:32; spaces:False; lettersNumbersOnly:True;256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 260:Pa; 261:psi; Enter the name of the tag that holds the well's casing pressure
Tubing Pressure Tag NametubingPrTg1114113stringdoubleitubingPressureminChars:2;maxChars:32; spaces:False; lettersNumbersOnly:True;256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 260:Pa; 261:psi; Enter the name of the tag that holds the well's tubing pressure
Line Pressure Tag NamelinePrTg1114114stringdoubleilinePressureminChars:2;maxChars:32; spaces:False; lettersNumbersOnly:True;256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 260:Pa; 261:psi; Enter the name of the tag that holds the well's line pressure
Temperature Tag NametempTg1114115stringdoubleitemperatureminChars:2;maxChars:32; spaces:False; lettersNumbersOnly:True;384:celsius;384:celsius; 385:fahrenheit; Enter the name of the tag that holds the well's temperature. This value is only required for the critical flow calculation. If the critical flow calculation is not enabled, or a fixed temperature is used in the critical flow calculation, then this value does not need to configured
Well Flow Tag NamewellFlwTg1114116stringdoubleiwellFlowminChars:2;maxChars:32; spaces:False; lettersNumbersOnly:True;512:e3m3_day;512:e3m3_day; 513:m3_hr; 514:m3_s; 515:ft3_hr; 516:mmcf_day; 517:mcf_hr; 518:mcf_day; 519:mmcf_hr; Enter the name of the tag that holds the well's flow rate. Flow measurement is not always required depending on which control conditions are enabled
Plunger Arrival Tag NameplungerArrivalTg1114117stringi32iplungerArrivalminChars:2;maxChars:32; spaces:False; lettersNumbersOnly:True;Enter the name of the tag that holds the counter value from the plunger arrival sensor. The value in this tag must increase every time plunger arrival is detected
Plunger Sales Valve Tag NameplungerSalesVlvTg1114118stringbooloplungerSalesValveminChars:2;maxChars:32; spaces:False; lettersNumbersOnly:True;Enter the name of the tag that holds the output state of the sales valve
User Flow Condition Tag NameuserFlwCondTg1114119stringbooliuserFlowConditionminChars:2;maxChars:32; spaces:False; lettersNumbersOnly:True;Enter the name of the tag that holds the value of the User Flow Condition. This is only necessary if the User Flow Condition is enabled in the Flow Conditions group
User Shut In Condition Tag NameuserShutInCondTg1114120stringbooliuserShutInConditionminChars:2;maxChars:32; spaces:False; lettersNumbersOnly:True;Enter the name of the tag that holds the value of the User Shut In Condition. This is only necessary if the User Shut In Condition is enabled in the Shut In Conditions group

Group 'Protection Settings'

Settings in this group are used to protect the well

This is a configuration group that has 14 parameters.

ParameterTag NameIDValue TypeTag Value TypeIO TypeDefault ValueLimitsDefault UnitsAllowed UnitsDescriptionSync EnabledSync DefaultExport EnabledPublish MQTT EnabledSubscribe MQTT EnabledShow in Manager Enabled
Enable High Energy ProtectionenHighEnergyProtect1179648booliFalsemin:False;max:True;Whether shut the well in if the load ratio is less than the High Energy Limit. When enabled, the well will not be allowed to flow if the load ratio is below the High Energy Limit
High Energy LimithighEnergyLim1179649doublei5min:0.1;max:100.0;1:percent;1:percent; When the load ratio is less than this value a high energy condition exists
Enable Low Line Pressure ProtectionenLoLnPrProtect1179650booliFalsemin:False;max:True;Whether to disable automatic control and shut the well in if the line pressure is less than the Low Line Pressure Limit
Low Line Pressure LimitloLnPrLim1179651doublei100min:1.0;max:10000.0;256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 260:Pa; 261:psi; When the line pressure is less than this value, the well will be shut in if the Enable Low Line Pressure Protection option is selected
Enable High Line Pressure ProtectionenHiLnPrProtect1179652booliFalsemin:False;max:True;Whether to disable automatic control and shut the well in if the line pressure is greater than the High Line Pressure Limit
High Line Pressure LimithiLnPrLim1179653doublei100min:1.0;max:10000.0;256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 260:Pa; 261:psi; When the line pressure is greater than this value, the well will be shut in if the Enable High Line Pressure Protection option is selected
Enable Very Early Arrival ProtectionenVeryEarlyProtect1179654booliFalsemin:False;max:True;Whether to disable automatic control and shut the well in if the number of consecutive very early plunger arrivals is greater then the Consecutive Very Early Arrival Limit
Very Early Arrival TimeveryEarlyTime1179655i16i60min:5;max:30000;640:seconds;640:seconds; If the plunger arrives sooner than this time then the arrival will be a very early arrival and the Consecutive Very Early Arrival count will be incremented
Consecutive Very Early Arrival LimitveryEarlyLim1179656i16i5min:1;max:100;If the number of consecutive very early plunger arrivals exceeds this value, automatic control will be disabled and the well will be shut in if the Enable Very Early Arrival Protection option is selected
Enable Very Early Arrival Shut InenVeryEarlyShutIn1179657booliFalsemin:False;max:True;Whether to shut the well in when the plunger arrives sooner than the Very Early Arrival Time
Enable No Arrival ProtectionenNoArrivalProtect1179658booliFalsemin:False;max:True;Whether to disable automatic control and shut the well in if the number of consecutive no plunger arrivals is greater then the Consecutive No Arrival Limit
Consecutive No Arrival LimitnoArrivalLim1179659i16i5min:1;max:100;If the number of consecutive no plunger arrivals exceeds this value automatic control will be disabled and the well will be shut in
Enable User ProtectionenUserProtection1179660booliFalsemin:False;max:True;Whether to enable the user protection feature. When value in the User Protection Tag Name is non-zero, protection will be enabled
User Protection Tag NameuserProtectionTg1179661stringbooliuserProtectionminChars:2;maxChars:32; spaces:False; lettersNumbersOnly:True;When the value in this tag is true, user protection will be enabled. This value is not required if the Enable User Protection option is not selected

Group 'Critical Flow Calculation'

Settings in this group to configure the critical flow calculation

This is a configuration group that has 9 parameters.

ParameterTag NameIDValue TypeTag Value TypeIO TypeDefault ValueLimitsDefault UnitsAllowed UnitsDescriptionSync EnabledSync DefaultExport EnabledPublish MQTT EnabledSubscribe MQTT EnabledShow in Manager Enabled
Enable Critical Flow CalculationenFlwVelocityCalc1245184booliFalsemin:False;max:True;Select this option to enable the critical flow calculation
Critical Flow Calculation TypeflwVelocityCalcType1245185i32i0:Turner0:Turner; 1:Coleman; Select the algorithm to use for the critical flow calculation. The Turner equation is typically used where the surface pressure is greater than 7000 kPa. The Coleman equation is used where the surface pressure is less than 7000 kPa.
Use Fixed TemperatureuseFixedTemp1245186booliFalsemin:False;max:True;Whether to read the temperature from the Temperature Tag Name or use the Fixed Temperature value
Fixed TemperaturefixedTempValue1245187doublei75min:-100.0;max:500.0;384:celsius;384:celsius; 385:fahrenheit; The fixed temperature value
Gas Relative DensitygasRelDensity1245188doublei.7min:0.1;max:2.0;The density of the gas phase relative to air (1.0 = 1.225kg/m3 or 0.0765 lb/ft3)
Liquid Relative DensityliquidRelDensity1245189doublei1min:0.1;max:2.0;The density of the liquid phase relative to water (1.0 = 1000kg/m3 or 62.4 lb/ft3)
Surface TensionsurfaceTension1245190doublei60min:10.0;max:200.0;2:dyne_cm;2:dyne_cm; The combined surface tension of water and condensate
Tubing Inner DiametertubingDiameter1245191doublei50min:0.1;max:500.0;768:cm;768:cm; 772:inch; The inner diameter of the well tubing
Fixed Flow MultiplierflowMultiplier1245192doublei1min:0.0;max:100.0;The value to multiply the calculated critical flow value by. Use this to correct for units and so on. It's a catch-all fudge factor. Set to 1.0 to disable

Group 'Flow Conditions Optimization'

Settings in this group are used to configure the range over which automatic optimization is allowed to adjust Flow Condition set points

This is a configuration group that has 14 parameters.

ParameterTag NameIDValue TypeTag Value TypeIO TypeDefault ValueLimitsDefault UnitsAllowed UnitsDescriptionSync EnabledSync DefaultExport EnabledPublish MQTT EnabledSubscribe MQTT EnabledShow in Manager Enabled
Time Low RangeflOffTimeRngLw1310720doublei10min:0.0;max:100.0;1:percent;1:percent; The allowable range on the low side of the configured Off Time when optimization is enabled
Off Time High RangeflOffTimeRngHi1310721doublei10min:0.0;max:1000.0;1:percent;1:percent; The allowable range on the high side of the configured Off Time flow condition when optimization is enabled
Load Ratio Low RangeflLoadRatioRngLw1310722doublei10min:0.0;max:100.0;1:percent;1:percent; The allowable range on the low side of the configured Load Ratio flow condition when optimization is enabled
Load Ratio High RangeflLoadRatioRngHi1310723doublei10min:0.0;max:1000.0;1:percent;1:percent; The allowable range on the high side of the configured Load Ratio flow condition when optimization is enabled
Tubing Pressure Low RangeflTubingPrRngLw1310724doublei10min:0.0;max:100.0;1:percent;1:percent; The allowable range on the low side of the configured Tubing Pressure flow condition when optimization is enabled
Tubing Pressure High RangeflTubingPrRngHi1310725doublei10min:0.0;max:1000.0;1:percent;1:percent; The allowable range on the high side of the configured Tubing Pressure flow condition when optimization is enabled
Casing Pressure Low RangeflCasingPrRngLw1310726doublei10min:0.0;max:100.0;1:percent;1:percent; The allowable range on the low side of the configured Casing Pressure flow condition when optimization is enabled
Casing Pressure High RangeflCasingPrRngHi1310727doublei10min:0.0;max:1000.0;1:percent;1:percent; The allowable range on the high side of the configured Casing Pressure flow condition when optimization is enabled
Line Pressure Low RangeflLinePrRngLw1310728doublei10min:0.0;max:100.0;1:percent;1:percent; The allowable range on the low side of the configured Line Pressure flow condition when optimization is enabled
Line Pressure High RangeflLinePrRngHi1310729doublei10min:0.0;max:1000.0;1:percent;1:percent; The allowable range on the high side of the configured Line Pressure flow condition when optimization is enabled
Tubing Line Pressure Difference Low RangeflTubingLnPrRngLw1310730doublei10min:0.0;max:100.0;1:percent;1:percent; The allowable range on the low side of the configured Tubing Line Pressure Difference flow condition when optimization is enabled
Tubing Line Pressure High RangeflTubingLnPrRngHi1310731doublei10min:0.0;max:1000.0;1:percent;1:percent; The allowable range on the high side of the configured Tubing Line Pressure Difference flow condition when optimization is enabled
Casing Line Pressure Low RangeflCasingLnPrRngLw1310732doublei10min:0.0;max:100.0;1:percent;1:percent; The allowable range on the low side of the configured Casing Line Pressure Difference flow condition when optimization is enabled
Casing Line Pressure High RangeflCasingLnPrRngHi1310733doublei10min:0.0;max:1000.0;1:percent;1:percent; The allowable range on the high side of the configured Casing Line Pressure Difference flow condition when optimization is enabled

Group 'Flow Conditions'

Settings in this group are used to configure when to open the sales valve and allow the well to flow

This is a configuration group that has 24 parameters.

ParameterTag NameIDValue TypeTag Value TypeIO TypeDefault ValueLimitsDefault UnitsAllowed UnitsDescriptionSync EnabledSync DefaultExport EnabledPublish MQTT EnabledSubscribe MQTT EnabledShow in Manager Enabled
After Shut In DelayafterShutInDelay1376256i16i0min:0;max:30000;640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; The delay between shut in conditions being met and flow conditions being evaluated. After shut in conditions are met flow conditions will not be evaluated until time has elapsed
Enable Off TimeflEnOffTimeCond1376257booliTruemin:False;max:True;Whether to enable the Off Time flow condition
Off TimeflOffTimeLim1376258i32i300min:1;max:10000000;640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; The amount of time to wait after the well is shut in before allowing the well to flow
Off Time Recovery ModeflOffTimeRecv1376279i32i600min:1;max:10000000;640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; The amount of time to wait after the well is shut in before allowing the well to flow when in recovery mode. Recovery mode is enabled in the 'Plunger Config' settings
Enable Load RatioflEnLoadRatioCond1376259booliFalsemin:False;max:True;Whether to enable the Load Ratio flow condition
Load RatioflLoadRatioLim1376260doublei5min:0.1;max:100.0;1:percent;1:percent; The load ratio must be below this value before the well can flow
Load Ratio DelayflLoadRatioDly1376261i16i0min:0;max:30000;640:seconds;640:seconds; The delay in between the Load Ratio condition being met and being accepted
Enable Tubing PressureflEnTubingPrCond1376262booliFalsemin:False;max:True;Whether to enable the Tubing Pressure flow condition
Tubing PressureflTubingPrLim1376263doublei500min:1.0;max:20000.0;256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 260:Pa; 261:psi; The tubing pressure must be greater than this value before the well can flow
Tubing Pressure DelayflTubingPrDly1376264i16i0min:0;max:30000;640:seconds;640:seconds; The delay in between the Tubing Pressure condition being met and being accepted
Enable Casing PressureflEnCasingPrCond1376265booliFalsemin:False;max:True;Whether to enable the Casing Pressure flow condition
Casing PressureflCasingPrLim1376266doublei500min:1.0;max:20000.0;256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 260:Pa; 261:psi; The casing pressure must be greater than this value before the well can flow
Casing Pressure DelayflCasingPrDly1376267i16i0min:0;max:30000;640:seconds;640:seconds; The delay in between the Casing Pressure condition being met and being accepted
Enable Line PressureflEnLinePrCond1376268booliFalsemin:False;max:True;Whether to enable the Line Pressure flow condition
Line PressureflLinePrLim1376269doublei500min:1.0;max:20000.0;256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 260:Pa; 261:psi; The line pressure must be less than this value before the well can flow
Line Pressure DelayflLinePrDly1376270i16i0min:0;max:30000;640:seconds;640:seconds; The delay in between the Line Pressure condition being met and being accepted
Enable Tubing Line Pressure DifferenceflEnTbLnPrDiffCond1376271booliFalsemin:False;max:True;Whether to enable the Tubing Line Pressure Difference flow condition
Tubing-Line Pressure DifferenceflTbLnPrDiffLim1376272doublei500min:1.0;max:20000.0;256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 260:Pa; 261:psi; The tubing pressure minus the line pressure must be greater than this value before the well can flow
Tubing Line Pressure Difference DelayflTbLnPrDiffDly1376273i16i0min:0;max:30000;640:seconds;640:seconds; The delay in between the Tubing Line Pressure Difference condition being met and being accepted
Enable Casing Line Pressure DifferenceflEnCsLnPrDiffCond1376274booliFalsemin:False;max:True;Whether to enable the Casing Line Pressure Difference flow condition
Casing Line Pressure DifferenceflCsLnPrDiffLim1376275doublei500min:1.0;max:20000.0;256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 260:Pa; 261:psi; The casing pressure minus the line pressure must be greater than this value before the well can flow
Casing Line Pressure Difference DelayflCsLnPrDiffDly1376276i16i0min:0;max:30000;640:seconds;640:seconds; The delay in between the Casing Line Pressure Difference condition being met and being accepted
Enable User Flow ConditionflEnUserCond1376277booliFalsemin:False;max:True;Whether to enable the User Flow Condition
User Flow Condition DelayflUserCondDly1376278i16i0min:0;max:30000;640:seconds;640:seconds; The delay in between the User Flow Condition being met and being accepted

Group 'Shut In Conditions Optimization'

Settings in this group are used to configure the range over which automatic optimization is allowed to adjust Shut In Condition set points

This is a configuration group that has 14 parameters.

ParameterTag NameIDValue TypeTag Value TypeIO TypeDefault ValueLimitsDefault UnitsAllowed UnitsDescriptionSync EnabledSync DefaultExport EnabledPublish MQTT EnabledSubscribe MQTT EnabledShow in Manager Enabled
On Time Low RangeshOnTimeRngLw1441792doublei10min:0.0;max:100.0;1:percent;1:percent; The allowable range on the low side of the configured On Time shut in condition when optimization is enabled
On Time High RangeshOnTimeRngHi1441793doublei10min:0.0;max:1000.0;1:percent;1:percent; The allowable range on the high side of the configured On Time shut in condition when optimization is enabled
Flow Low RangeshFlowRngLw1441794doublei10min:0.0;max:100.0;1:percent;1:percent; The allowable range on the low side of the configured Flow shut in condition when optimization is enabled
Flow High RangeshFlowRngHi1441795doublei10min:0.0;max:1000.0;1:percent;1:percent; The allowable range on the high side of the configured Flow shut in condition when optimization is enabled
Casing Pressure Rise Low RangeshCasingPrRiseRngLw1441796doublei10min:0.0;max:100.0;1:percent;1:percent; The allowable range on the low side of the configured Casing Pressure Rise shut in condition when optimization is enabled
Casing Pressure Rise High RangeshCasingPrRiseRngHi1441797doublei10min:0.0;max:1000.0;1:percent;1:percent; The allowable range on the high side of the configured Casing Pressure Rise when optimization is enabled
Critical Flow Multiplier Low RangeshCritFlowRngLw1441798doublei10min:0.0;max:100.0;1:percent;1:percent; The allowable range on the low side of the configured Critical Flow Rate Multiplier shut in condition when optimization is enabled
Critical Flow Multiplier High RangeshCritFlowRngHi1441799doublei10min:0.0;max:1000.0;1:percent;1:percent; The allowable range on the high side of the calculated Critical Flow Rate Multiplier shut in condition when optimization is enabled
Casing Pressure Low RangeshCasingPrRngLw1441800doublei10min:0.0;max:100.0;1:percent;1:percent; The allowable range on the low side of the Casing Pressure shut in condition when optimization is enabled
Casing Pressure High RangeshCasingPrRngHi1441801doublei10min:0.0;max:1000.0;1:percent;1:percent; The allowable range on the high side of the Casing Pressure shut in condition when optimization is enabled
Tubing Pressure Low RangeshTubingPrRngLw1441802doublei10min:0.0;max:100.0;1:percent;1:percent; The allowable range on the low side of the Tubing Pressure shut in condition when optimization is enabled
Tubing Pressure High RangeshTubingPrRngHi1441803doublei10min:0.0;max:1000.0;1:percent;1:percent; The allowable range on the high side of the Tubing Pressure shut in condition when optimization is enabled
Casing Line Pressure Difference Low RangeshCsLnPrDiffRngLw1441804doublei10min:0.0;max:100.0;1:percent;1:percent; The allowable range on the low side of the Casing Line Pressure Difference shut in condition when optimization is enabled
Casing Line Pressure Difference High RangeshCsLnPrDiffPrRngHi1441805doublei10min:0.0;max:1000.0;1:percent;1:percent; The allowable range on the high side of the Casing Line Pressure Difference shut in condition when optimization is enabled

Group 'Shut In Conditions'

Settings in this group are used to configure when to close the sales valve and shut the well in

This is a configuration group that has 23 parameters.

ParameterTag NameIDValue TypeTag Value TypeIO TypeDefault ValueLimitsDefault UnitsAllowed UnitsDescriptionSync EnabledSync DefaultExport EnabledPublish MQTT EnabledSubscribe MQTT EnabledShow in Manager Enabled
After Flow DelayafterFlowDelay1507328i16i0min:0;max:30000;640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; If the well has a plunger this is the delay between plunger arrival and shut in conditions being evaluated. If the well does not have a plunger this is the delay between flow conditions being met and shut in conditions being evaluated
Enable On TimeshEnOnTimeCond1507329booliTruemin:False;max:True;Whether to enable the On Time shut in condition
On TimeshOnTimeLim1507330i32i300min:1;max:10000000;640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; The amount of time to wait after the well is allowed to flow before shutting it in
Enable Well Flow RateshEnFlowCond1507331booliFalsemin:False;max:True;Whether to enable the Well Flow Rate shut in condition
FlowshFlowLim1507332doublei500min:1.0;max:20000.0;512:e3m3_day;512:e3m3_day; 513:m3_hr; 514:m3_s; 515:ft3_hr; 516:mmcf_day; 517:mcf_hr; 518:mcf_day; 519:mmcf_hr; The well will be shut in when the flow rate is less than this value
Flow DelayshFlowDly1507333i16i0min:0;max:30000;640:seconds;640:seconds; The delay in between the Flow condition being met and being accepted
Enable Casing Pressure RiseshEnCsPrRiseCond1507334booliFalsemin:False;max:True;Whether to enable the Casing Pressure Rise shut in condition
Casing Pressure RiseshCsPrRiseLim1507335doublei10min:1.0;max:500.0;1:percent;1:percent; The allowable rise above the minimum measured casing pressure before the well is shut in
Casing Pressure Rise DelayshCsPrRiseDly1507336i16i0min:0;max:30000;640:seconds;640:seconds; The delay in between the Casing Pressure Rise condition being met and being accepted
Enable Critical FlowshEnCritFlowCond1507337booliFalsemin:False;max:True;Whether to shut the well in when the measured flow falls below the calculated critical flow value multiplied by the Critical Flow Rate Multiplier
Critical Flow MultipliershCritFlowLim1507338doublei1min:0.1;max:10.0;A multiplier for the critical flow value
Critical Flow DelayshCritFlowDly1507339i16i0min:0;max:30000;640:seconds;640:seconds; The delay in between the Critical Flow condition being met and being accepted
Enable User Shut In ConditionshEnUserCond1507340booliFalsemin:False;max:True;Whether to enable the User Shut In Condition
User Shut In Condition DelayshUserCondDly1507341i16i0min:0;max:30000;640:seconds;640:seconds; The delay in between the User Shut In Condition being met and being accepted
Enable Casing PressureshEnCsPrCond1507342booliFalsemin:False;max:True;Whether to enable the Casing Pressure shut in condition
Casing PressureshCsPrLim1507343doublei500min:1.0;max:20000.0;256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 260:Pa; 261:psi; When the casing pressure falls below this value the well will be shut in
Minimum Casing Pressure DelayshCsPrDly1507344i16i0min:0;max:30000;640:seconds;640:seconds; The delay in between the Minimum Casing Pressure condition being met and being accepted
Enable Tubing PressureshEnTbPrCond1507345booliFalsemin:False;max:True;Whether to enable the Tubing Pressure shut in condition
Tubing PressureshTbPrLim1507346doublei500min:1.0;max:20000.0;256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 260:Pa; 261:psi; When the tubing pressure falls below this value the well will be shut in
Tubing Pressure DelayshTbPrDly1507347i16i0min:0;max:30000;640:seconds;640:seconds; The delay in between the Tubing Pressure condition being met and being accepted
Enable Casing Line Pressure DifferenceshEnCsLnPrDiffCond1507348booliFalsemin:False;max:True;Whether to enable the Casing Line Pressure Difference shut in condition
Casing Line Pressure DifferenceshCsLnPrDiffLim1507349doublei500min:1.0;max:20000.0;256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 260:Pa; 261:psi; The casing pressure minus the line pressure must be less than this value before the well is shut in
Casing Line Pressure Difference DelayshCsLnPrDiffDly1507350i16i0min:0;max:30000;640:seconds;640:seconds; The delay in between the Casing Line Pressure Difference condition being met and being accepted

Group 'Plunger Configuration'

Settings in this group are used to configure the plunger control loop

This is a configuration group that has 14 parameters.

ParameterTag NameIDValue TypeTag Value TypeIO TypeDefault ValueLimitsDefault UnitsAllowed UnitsDescriptionSync EnabledSync DefaultExport EnabledPublish MQTT EnabledSubscribe MQTT EnabledShow in Manager Enabled
Plunger ExistsplungerExists1572865booliFalsemin:False;max:True;Whether the well has a plunger installed
Arrival Calculation TypearrivalCalcType1572872i32i0:Time0:Time; 1:Velocity; Whether to use time or velocity to determine the plunger arrival type. When Time is selected, configure the Early Arrival Time, Late Arrival Time and Maximum Arrival time parameters. When Velocity is selected, configure the Normal Arrival Velocity, Early Arrival Velocity Multiplier, Late Arrival Velocity Multiplier, and Maximum Velocity Multiplier. When Velocity is selected, the Bumper Spring Depth must also be set correctly
Early Arrival TimeearlyArrivalTime1572867i16i300min:0;max:30000;640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; Early arrival occurs if the plunger arrives before this time. Use this setting when the Arrival Calculation Type is Time
Late Arrival TimelateArrivalTime1572868i16i600min:0;max:30000;640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; Late arrival occurs if the plunger has not arrived before this time has elapsed. Use this setting when the Arrival Calculation Type is Time
Maximum Arrival TimemaxArrivalTime1572866i16i900min:0;max:30000;640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; The maximum time to wait for plunger arrival. If the plunger doesn't arrive within this time the well will be shut in immediately and shut in conditions will not be evaluated. This setting only applies if the Plunger Exists setting is selected
Bumper Spring DepthbmpSprngDpth1572871doublei5000min:0.0;max:100000.0;770:m;770:m; 773:ft; The depth of the bumper spring in the well. This is used to calculate the total plunger travel as well as they arrival type when the Arrival Type is set to Velocity
Normal Arrival VelocitynormArrVelocity1572873doublei4min:0.1;max:1000.0;1536:m_s;1536:m_s; 1538:ft_s; 1540:m_min; 1541:ft_min; The expected velocity of the plunger for normal arrival. This value along with the Bumper Spring Depth are used to calculate a normal arrival time
Early Arrival Velocity MultiplierearlyVelocityMult1572874doublei1.5min:0.0;max:100.0;A multiplier on the Normal Arrival Velocity used to determine when the plunger is early. If the plunger arrives earlier than the calculated time then the plunger arrival type is early. This value must be greater than the Late Arrival Velocity Multiplier
Late Arrival Velocity MultiplierlateVelocityMult1572875doublei.7min:0.0;max:100.0;A multiplier on the Normal Arrival Velocity used to determine when the plunger is late. If the plunger arrives later than the calculated time then the plunger arrival type is late. This value must be less than the Early Arrival Velocity Multiplier
Maximum Velocity Arrival MultipliermaxVelocityMult1572876doublei.5min:0.0;max:100.0;A multiplier on the Normal Arrival Velocity used to determine when the plunger has not arrived and to stop waiting for plunger arrival. If the plunger doesn't arrive within this time the well will be shut in immediately and shut in conditions will not be evaluated. This value must be less than the Late Arrival Velocity Multiplier
Enable OptimizationenOptimization1572869booliFalsemin:False;max:True;Whether to enable automatic optimization for this plunger control loop
Initial StateinitialState1572870i32i0:After Shut In Delay (Valve Closed)0:After Shut In Delay (Valve Closed); 1:After Flow Delay (Valve Open); The initial state when the control loop is enabled or reset
Enable Recovery ModeenRecvMode1572877booliFalsemin:False;max:True;Whether to enable Recovery Mode. When enabled, when the number of consecutive plunger no-arrival counts exceeds the Recovery Mode No Arrival Count, the Off Time flow condition will use the 'Off Time Recovery Mode' value
Recovery Mode No Arrival CountrecvModeCount1572878i16i10min:0;max:200;Recovery Mode is entered when the number of consecutive plunger no arrivals exceeds this value

Group 'Gas Lift Coordination'

Settings that allow this application to coordinate with a gas lift application. Values from this group map settings in the Plunger Lift Tags group in the Gas Lift application

This is a configuration group that has 11 parameters.

ParameterTag NameIDValue TypeTag Value TypeIO TypeDefault ValueLimitsDefault UnitsAllowed UnitsDescriptionSync EnabledSync DefaultExport EnabledPublish MQTT EnabledSubscribe MQTT EnabledShow in Manager Enabled
Enable Gas Lift IntegrationenGasLift1638408booliFalsemin:False;max:True;Whether this application coordinates with a gas lift application. When not selected, tags in this group do not need to be configured
Plunger ArrivedplArrTag1638400stringboologlPlungerArrivedminChars:2;maxChars:32; spaces:False; lettersNumbersOnly:True;This application will write to the this boolean tag. The value will be high once the plunger has arrived and false otherwise. The tag will stay high for at least 5 seconds so that the gas lift program can process it. This does not need to be configured if Plunger Exists in the Plunger Configuration group is not selected
Plunger Arrived EarlyplArrEarly1638401stringboologlPlungerArrivedEarlyminChars:2;maxChars:32; spaces:False; lettersNumbersOnly:True;This application will write to this active high boolean value that indicates if the plunger arrived early. It will be valid at the same time as the Plunger Arrived tag is valid. The tag will stay high (active) for at least 5 seconds so that the gas lift program can process it. This does not need to be configured if Plunger Exists in the Plunger Configuration group is not selected
Plunger Arrived NormallyplArrNormal1638402stringboologlPlungerArrivedNormalminChars:2;maxChars:32; spaces:False; lettersNumbersOnly:True;This application will write to this active high boolean value that indicates if the plunger arrived normally. It will be valid at the same time as the Plunger Arrived tag is valid. The tag will stay high (active) for at least 5 seconds so that the gas lift program can process it. This does not need to be configured if Plunger Exists in the Plunger Configuration group is not selected
Plunger Arrived LateplArrLate1638403stringboologlPlungerArrivedLateminChars:2;maxChars:32; spaces:False; lettersNumbersOnly:True;This application will write to this active high boolean value that indicates if the plunger arrived normally. It will be valid at the same time as the Plunger Arrived tag is valid. The tag will stay high (active) for at least 5 seconds so that the gas lift program can process it. This does not need to be configured if Plunger Exists in the Plunger Configuration group is not selected
Plunger No ArrivalplNoArr1638410stringboologlPlungerNoArrivalminChars:2;maxChars:32; spaces:False; lettersNumbersOnly:True;This application will write to this active high boolean value that indicates that the plunger did not arrive this cycle and a timeout occurred waiting for plunger arrival. The tag will stay high (active) for at least 5 seconds so that the gas lift program can process it. This does not need to be configured if Plunger Exists in the Plunger Configuration group is not selected
Plunger Is LateplIsLate1638404stringboologlPlungerIsLateminChars:2;maxChars:32; spaces:False; lettersNumbersOnly:True;The application will write to this active high boolean value that indicates if the plunger is late this cycle. The tag will stay high (active) for at least 5 seconds so that the gas lift program can process it. This does not need to be configured if Plunger Exists in the Plunger Configuration group is not selected
Plunger Cycle CompleteplCycComp1638405stringboologlPlungerCycleCompleteminChars:2;maxChars:32; spaces:False; lettersNumbersOnly:True;The application will write to this active high boolean value that indicates that the plunger cycle is complete. The tag will stay high (active) for at least 5 seconds so that the gas lift program can process it. This tag must be configured if Enable Gas Lift Integration is selected
Plunger Sales Valve StateplSalesValve1638406stringboologlPlungerValveStateminChars:2;maxChars:32; spaces:False; lettersNumbersOnly:True;The application will write to this boolean tag that indicates the state of the plunger sales valve. The value will be 0 when the sales valve is closed and 1 when the sales valve is open. This tag must be configured if Enable Gas Lift Integration is selected
Enable Shut In Injection Hold OffenShutInHoldOff1638409booliFalsemin:False;max:True;Whether to pause the plunger lift application when shut in injection is active and wait for shut in injection to complete. When selected, the Gas Lift Shut In Injection Active tag must be configured correctly
Gas Lift Shut In Injection ActiveglShutInInjActive1638407stringbooliglShutInInjActiveminChars:2;maxChars:32; spaces:False; lettersNumbersOnly:True;The gas lift application will write to this boolean tag. The value should be high when shut in injection is active, and low otherwise. This value must be configured if Enable Shut In Injection Holdoff is selected

Group 'Plunger Control'

Settings in this group are used to adjust application set points at run time

This is a control group that has 11 parameters.

ParameterTag NameIDValue TypeTag Value TypeIO TypeDefault ValueLimitsDefault UnitsAllowed UnitsDescriptionSync EnabledSync DefaultExport EnabledPublish MQTT EnabledSubscribe MQTT EnabledShow in Manager Enabled
Enable Manual OverrideenManualOverride8454144boolioFalsemin:False;max:True;Enable manual override for the plunger control loop. This allows the sales valve state to be set directly via the Manual Position parameter
Manual PositionmanualPosition8454145i32io0:Shut In0:Shut In; 1:Flow; The sales valve position when Enable Manual Override is active
Pause ControlpauseControl8454148boolioFalsemin:False;max:True;Suspend control. When pause is disabled, control is reenabled and the control loop will pick up where it left off
Advance to After Flow DelayadvAfterFlow8454149boolioFalsemin:False;max:True;Open the sales valve and move the program to the After Flow Delay state immediately
Advance to After Shut In DelayadvAfterShutIn8454150boolioFalsemin:False;max:True;Close the sales valve and move the program to the After Shut in Delay state immediately
Exit ProtectionexitProtection8454151boolioFalsemin:False;max:True;Reenable automatic control after entering the Protection state
Reset Arrival CountsrstArrCounts8454152boolioFalsemin:False;max:True;Clear plunger arrival counts except counts that are used by protection algorithms
Reset OptimizationrstOptimization8454153boolioFalsemin:False;max:True;Initialize all optimized setpoints
Reset HistoryrstHistory8454154boolioFalsemin:False;max:True;Clear plunger history
Set Plunger TravelsetPlungerTravel8454155boolioFalsemin:False;max:True;Sets the total plunger travel to the value in the Plunger Travel Preset tag
Plunger Travel PresetplungerTravelPreset8454156doubleiomin:0.0;max:100000.0;770:m;770:m; 773:ft; The value to set the total plunger travel to

Group 'Configuration Group Status'

Parameters in this group indicate the status of the associated configuration group

This is a status group that has 9 parameters.

ParameterTag NameIDValue TypeTag Value TypeIO TypeDefault ValueLimitsDefault UnitsAllowed UnitsDescriptionSync EnabledSync DefaultExport EnabledPublish MQTT EnabledSubscribe MQTT EnabledShow in Manager Enabled
Input Output Group Configuration InvalidinOutGrpVld5373952booloIndicates whether the configuration of the Input-Output group is valid or invalid. A low value indicates a valid configuration. A high value indicates an invalid configuration
Protection Settings Group Configuration InvalidprotectGrpVld5373953booloIndicates whether the configuration of the Protection Settings group is valid or invalid. A low value indicates a valid configuration. A high value indicates an invalid configuration
Critical Flow Calculation Group Configuration InvalidcritFlwCalcGrpVld5373954booloIndicates whether the configuration of the Critical Flow Calculation group is valid or invalid. A low value indicates a valid configuration. A high value indicates an invalid configuration
Flow Conditions Optimization Group Configuration InvalidflwOptiGrpVld5373955booloIndicates whether the configuration of the Flow Conditions Optimization group is valid or invalid. A low value indicates a valid configuration. A high value indicates an invalid configuration
Flow Conditions Group Configuration InvalidflwCondGrpVld5373956booloIndicates whether the configuration of the Flow Conditions group is valid or invalid. A low value indicates a valid configuration. A high value indicates an invalid configuration
Shut In Conditions Optimization Group Configuration InvalidshutOptiGrpVld5373957booloIndicates whether the configuration of the Shut In Conditions Optimization group is valid or invalid. A low value indicates a valid configuration. A high value indicates an invalid configuration
Shut In Conditions Group Configuration InvalidshutCondGrpVld5373958booloIndicates whether the configuration of the Shut In Conditions group is valid or invalid. A low value indicates a valid configuration. A high value indicates an invalid configuration
Plunger Configuration Group Configuration ValidplungerGrpVld5373959booloIndicates whether the configuration of the Plunger Configuration group is valid or invalid. A low value indicates a valid configuration. A high value indicates an invalid configuration
Gas Lift Group Configuration ValidgasLiftGrpVld5373960booloIndicates whether the configuration of the Gas Lift group is valid or invalid. A low value indicates a valid configuration. A high value indicates an invalid configuration

Group 'Plunger Status'

Values in this group indicate the status of the plunger control loop

This is a status group that has 27 parameters.

ParameterTag NameIDValue TypeTag Value TypeIO TypeDefault ValueLimitsDefault UnitsAllowed UnitsDescriptionSync EnabledSync DefaultExport EnabledPublish MQTT EnabledSubscribe MQTT EnabledShow in Manager Enabled
Control StatecontrolState5439488i32o0:Initialize0:Initialize; 1:Waiting For Flow; 2:Waiting For Plunger Arrival; 3:After Flow Delay; 4:Waiting to Shut In; 5:After Shut In Delay; 6:Manual Override; 7:Protection Enabled; 8:Paused; 9:End of Cycle; The status of the control loop
Protection ReasonprotectionReason5439489i32o0:None0:None; 1:Line Pressure Low; 2:Line Pressure High; 3:High Energy; 4:Very Early Arrival; 5:No Arrival; 6:User Protection; The protection setting that was violated if the Control State is Protected
Load RatioloadRatio5439490doubleo1:percent;1:percent; The calculated load ratio
Critical FlowcriticalFlow5439491doubleo512:e3m3_day;512:e3m3_day; 513:m3_hr; 514:m3_s; 515:ft3_hr; 516:mmcf_day; 517:mcf_hr; 518:mcf_day; 519:mmcf_hr; The calculated critical flow rate
Plunger ArrivedplungerArrived5439492booloWhether the plunger has arrived for the current cycle
Total Plunger Arrival CounttotalArrvCount5439493i32oThe total number of plunger arrivals
Normal Plunger Arrival CountnormArrvCount5439494i32oThe number of normal plunger arrivals
Early Plunger Arrival CountearlyArrvCount5439495i32oThe number of early plunger arrivals
Late Plunger Arrival CountlateArrvCount5439496i32oThe number of late plunger arrivals
No Arrival CountnoArrvCount5439497i32oThe number of plunger cycles with no plunger arrival
Consecutive Very Early Arrival CountvryErlyArrvCnt5439498i32oThe number of consecutive plunger cycles with very early plunger arrival
Consecutive Plunger No Arrival Count (Recovery)noArrvCntRecv5439499i32oThe number of consecutive plunger cycles with no plunger arrival for recovery mode
Consecutive Plunger No Arrival Count (Protection)noArrvCntProtect5439516i32oThe number of consecutive plunger cycles with no plunger arrival for protection
Actual Minimum Casing PressureactMinCasingPr5439509doubleo256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 260:Pa; 261:psi; The measured minimum casing pressure. Only updated in the Waiting for Flow state
Actual Casing Pressure RiseactCasingPrRise5439510doubleo1:percent;1:percent; The calculated casing pressure rise. Only updated in the Waiting for Flow state
Actual Tubing Line Pressure DifferenceactTbLnPrDiff5439511doubleo256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 260:Pa; 261:psi; The calculated difference between the tubing pressure and line pressure
Actual Casing Line Pressure DifferenceactCsLnPrDiff5439512doubleo256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 260:Pa; 261:psi; The calculated difference between the casing pressure and line pressure
Plunger TraveltotalPlungerTravel5439513doubleo770:m;770:m; 773:ft; The total (up and down) plunger travel. Each plunger arrival (excluding very early arrival) will increment this by 2x the Well Depth
Flow ReasonflowReason5439501i32o0:None0:None; 1:Off Time; 2:Load Ratio; 3:Tubing Pressure; 4:Casing Pressure; 5:Line Pressure; 6:Tubing Line Pressure Difference; 7:Casing Line Pressure Difference; 8:User Condition; The flow condition that was met for the current cycle
Shut In ReasonshutInReason5439502i32o0:None0:None; 1:On Time; 2:Flow; 3:Casing Pressure Rise; 4:Critical Flow; 5:User Condition; 6:Casing Pressure; 7:Tubing Pressure; 8:Casing Line Pressure Difference; The shut in condition that was met for the current cycle
Arrival TypearrivalType5439503i32o0:Unknown0:Unknown; 1:No Arrival; 2:Early; 3:Late; 4:Normal; The plunger arrival type for the current cycle
Elapsed Time FlowelapsTimeFlow5439504doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; 643:hours; The time elapsed since flow conditions were met for the current cycle
Elapsed Time Shut InelapsTimeShutIn5439505doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; 643:hours; The time elapsed since a shut in condition was met for the current cycle
Arrival TimearrivalTime5439506doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; The elapsed time between the flow conditions being met and plunger arrival for the current cycle
After Flow TimeafterFlowTime5439507doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; The elapsed time between plunger arrival and a shut in condition being met for the current cycle
Cycles TodaycyclesToday5439514i32oThe number of plunger cycles today. This value is reset at midnight local time every day
Recovery Mode ActiverecvActive5439515booloHigh when recovery mode is active, low otherwise

Group 'Plunger History'

Values in this group contain historical values for the plunger control loop

This is a status group that has 48 parameters.

ParameterTag NameIDValue TypeTag Value TypeIO TypeDefault ValueLimitsDefault UnitsAllowed UnitsDescriptionSync EnabledSync DefaultExport EnabledPublish MQTT EnabledSubscribe MQTT EnabledShow in Manager Enabled
End of Cycle Timestamp 01hisEndCycleTs_0015507179ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The date time at the end of the plunger cycle
History Flow Reason 01hisFlReason_0015507172i32o0:None0:None; 1:Off Time; 2:Load Ratio; 3:Tubing Pressure; 4:Casing Pressure; 5:Line Pressure; 6:Tubing Line Pressure Difference; 7:Casing Line Pressure Difference; 8:User Condition; The flow condition that was met for the cycle
History Shut In Reason 01hisShReason_0015507173i32o0:None0:None; 1:On Time; 2:Flow; 3:Casing Pressure Rise; 4:Critical Flow; 5:User Condition; 6:Casing Pressure; 7:Tubing Pressure; 8:Casing Line Pressure Difference; The shut in condition that was met for the cycle
History Arrival Type 01hisArrivalType_0015507174i32o0:Unknown0:Unknown; 1:No Arrival; 2:Early; 3:Late; 4:Normal; The plunger arrival type for the cycle
History Elapsed Time Flow 01hisElapsTimeFl_0015507175doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; 643:hours; The time elapsed since flow conditions were met for the cycle
History Elapsed Time Shut In 01hisElapsTimeSh_0015507176doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; 643:hours; The time elapsed since a shut in condition was met for the cycle
History Arrival Time 01hisArrivalTime_0015507177doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; The elapsed time between the flow conditions being met and plunger arrival for the cycle
History After Flow Time 01hisAfterFlowTime_0015507178doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; The elapsed time between plunger arrival and a shut in condition being met for the cycle
End of Cycle Timestamp 02hisEndCycleTs_0025507279ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The date time at the end of the plunger cycle
History Flow Reason 02hisFlReason_0025507272i32o0:None0:None; 1:Off Time; 2:Load Ratio; 3:Tubing Pressure; 4:Casing Pressure; 5:Line Pressure; 6:Tubing Line Pressure Difference; 7:Casing Line Pressure Difference; 8:User Condition; The flow condition that was met for the cycle
History Shut In Reason 02hisShReason_0025507273i32o0:None0:None; 1:On Time; 2:Flow; 3:Casing Pressure Rise; 4:Critical Flow; 5:User Condition; 6:Casing Pressure; 7:Tubing Pressure; 8:Casing Line Pressure Difference; The shut in condition that was met for the cycle
History Arrival Type 02hisArrivalType_0025507274i32o0:Unknown0:Unknown; 1:No Arrival; 2:Early; 3:Late; 4:Normal; The plunger arrival type for the cycle
History Elapsed Time Flow 02hisElapsTimeFl_0025507275doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; 643:hours; The time elapsed since flow conditions were met for the cycle
History Elapsed Time Shut In 02hisElapsTimeSh_0025507276doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; 643:hours; The time elapsed since a shut in condition was met for the cycle
History Arrival Time 02hisArrivalTime_0025507277doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; The elapsed time between the flow conditions being met and plunger arrival for the cycle
History After Flow Time 02hisAfterFlowTime_0025507278doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; The elapsed time between plunger arrival and a shut in condition being met for the cycle
End of Cycle Timestamp 03hisEndCycleTs_0035507379ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The date time at the end of the plunger cycle
History Flow Reason 03hisFlReason_0035507372i32o0:None0:None; 1:Off Time; 2:Load Ratio; 3:Tubing Pressure; 4:Casing Pressure; 5:Line Pressure; 6:Tubing Line Pressure Difference; 7:Casing Line Pressure Difference; 8:User Condition; The flow condition that was met for the cycle
History Shut In Reason 03hisShReason_0035507373i32o0:None0:None; 1:On Time; 2:Flow; 3:Casing Pressure Rise; 4:Critical Flow; 5:User Condition; 6:Casing Pressure; 7:Tubing Pressure; 8:Casing Line Pressure Difference; The shut in condition that was met for the cycle
History Arrival Type 03hisArrivalType_0035507374i32o0:Unknown0:Unknown; 1:No Arrival; 2:Early; 3:Late; 4:Normal; The plunger arrival type for the cycle
History Elapsed Time Flow 03hisElapsTimeFl_0035507375doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; 643:hours; The time elapsed since flow conditions were met for the cycle
History Elapsed Time Shut In 03hisElapsTimeSh_0035507376doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; 643:hours; The time elapsed since a shut in condition was met for the cycle
History Arrival Time 03hisArrivalTime_0035507377doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; The elapsed time between the flow conditions being met and plunger arrival for the cycle
History After Flow Time 03hisAfterFlowTime_0035507378doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; The elapsed time between plunger arrival and a shut in condition being met for the cycle
End of Cycle Timestamp 04hisEndCycleTs_0045507479ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The date time at the end of the plunger cycle
History Flow Reason 04hisFlReason_0045507472i32o0:None0:None; 1:Off Time; 2:Load Ratio; 3:Tubing Pressure; 4:Casing Pressure; 5:Line Pressure; 6:Tubing Line Pressure Difference; 7:Casing Line Pressure Difference; 8:User Condition; The flow condition that was met for the cycle
History Shut In Reason 04hisShReason_0045507473i32o0:None0:None; 1:On Time; 2:Flow; 3:Casing Pressure Rise; 4:Critical Flow; 5:User Condition; 6:Casing Pressure; 7:Tubing Pressure; 8:Casing Line Pressure Difference; The shut in condition that was met for the cycle
History Arrival Type 04hisArrivalType_0045507474i32o0:Unknown0:Unknown; 1:No Arrival; 2:Early; 3:Late; 4:Normal; The plunger arrival type for the cycle
History Elapsed Time Flow 04hisElapsTimeFl_0045507475doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; 643:hours; The time elapsed since flow conditions were met for the cycle
History Elapsed Time Shut In 04hisElapsTimeSh_0045507476doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; 643:hours; The time elapsed since a shut in condition was met for the cycle
History Arrival Time 04hisArrivalTime_0045507477doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; The elapsed time between the flow conditions being met and plunger arrival for the cycle
History After Flow Time 04hisAfterFlowTime_0045507478doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; The elapsed time between plunger arrival and a shut in condition being met for the cycle
End of Cycle Timestamp 05hisEndCycleTs_0055507579ui32o4:unixSeconds;4:unixSeconds; The date time at the end of the plunger cycle
History Flow Reason 05hisFlReason_0055507572i32o0:None0:None; 1:Off Time; 2:Load Ratio; 3:Tubing Pressure; 4:Casing Pressure; 5:Line Pressure; 6:Tubing Line Pressure Difference; 7:Casing Line Pressure Difference; 8:User Condition; The flow condition that was met for the cycle
History Shut In Reason 05hisShReason_0055507573i32o0:None0:None; 1:On Time; 2:Flow; 3:Casing Pressure Rise; 4:Critical Flow; 5:User Condition; 6:Casing Pressure; 7:Tubing Pressure; 8:Casing Line Pressure Difference; The shut in condition that was met for the cycle
History Arrival Type 05hisArrivalType_0055507574i32o0:Unknown0:Unknown; 1:No Arrival; 2:Early; 3:Late; 4:Normal; The plunger arrival type for the cycle
History Elapsed Time Flow 05hisElapsTimeFl_0055507575doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; 643:hours; The time elapsed since flow conditions were met for the cycle
History Elapsed Time Shut In 05hisElapsTimeSh_0055507576doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; 643:hours; The time elapsed since a shut in condition was met for the cycle
History Arrival Time 05hisArrivalTime_0055507577doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; The elapsed time between the flow conditions being met and plunger arrival for the cycle
History After Flow Time 05hisAfterFlowTime_0055507578doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; The elapsed time between plunger arrival and a shut in condition being met for the cycle

Group 'Optimized Values'

Values in this group indicate the optimized values for condition set points

This is a status group that has 14 parameters.

ParameterTag NameIDValue TypeTag Value TypeIO TypeDefault ValueLimitsDefault UnitsAllowed UnitsDescriptionSync EnabledSync DefaultExport EnabledPublish MQTT EnabledSubscribe MQTT EnabledShow in Manager Enabled
Off Time OptimizedflOffTimeOpt5570560doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; The optimized value of the Minimum Off Time flow condition
Load Ratio OptimizedflLoadRatioOpt5570561doubleo1:percent;1:percent; The optimized value of the Load Ratio flow condition
Tubing Pressure Flow OptimizedflTbPrOpt5570562doubleo256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 260:Pa; 261:psi; The optimized value of the Tubing Pressure flow condition
Casing Pressure Flow OptimizedflCsPrOpt5570563doubleo256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 260:Pa; 261:psi; The optimized value of the Casing Pressure flow condition
Line Pressure OptimizedflLnPrOpt5570564doubleo256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 260:Pa; 261:psi; The optimized value of the Line Pressure flow condition
Tubing Line Pressure Diff OptimizedflTbLnPrDiffOpt5570565doubleo256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 260:Pa; 261:psi; The optimized value of the Tubing-Line Pressure Difference flow condition
Casing Line Pressure Diff Flow OptimizedflCsLnPrDiffOpt5570566doubleo256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 260:Pa; 261:psi; The optimized value of the Casing Line Pressure Difference flow condition
On Time OptimizedshOnTimeOpt5570567doubleo640:seconds;640:seconds; 642:minutes; The optimized value of the On Time shut in condition
Flow OptimizedshFlowOpt5570568doubleo512:e3m3_day;512:e3m3_day; 513:m3_hr; 514:m3_s; 515:ft3_hr; 516:mmcf_day; 517:mcf_hr; 518:mcf_day; 519:mmcf_hr; The optimized value of the Flow shut in condition
Casing Pressure Rise OptimizedshCsPrRiseOpt5570569doubleo1:percent;1:percent; The optimized value of the Casing Pressure Rise shut in condition
Critical Flow Rate Multiplier OptimizedshCritFlowOpt5570570doubleoThe optimized value of the Critical Flow Rate Multiplier shut in condition
Casing Pressure Shut In OptimizedshCsPrOpt5570571doubleo256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 260:Pa; 261:psi; The optimized value of the Casing Pressure shut in condition
Tubing Pressure Shut In OptimizedshTbPrOpt5570572doubleo256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 260:Pa; 261:psi; The optimized value of the Tubing Pressure shut in condition
Casing Line Pressure Difference Shut In OptimizedshCsLnPrDiffOpt5570573doubleo256:kPa;256:kPa; 257:bar; 259:MPa; 260:Pa; 261:psi; The optimized value of the Casing Line Pressure Difference shut in condition